Poetry Fantine's Dreams

elizasmomma posted on Oct 09, 2012 at 08:03PM
i saw the bitter heart-break
that she had to take from
leaving her only child to
try to make a life for her
as best as she could,

i thought when i heard
her song of desperation
it would change the way
that i felt about her
sorrow and the pain that
she had to endure on her

As she dreamed a dream
that she thought would
come true, as she sang
about those dreams that
she wanted so much to
come true, my heart-
broke as she spoke about
the things that would never be.

Her voice showed that there
was some-thing missing her
life that she wanted so much
to be free from the pain that
held her captive for as
long as she was unable to
break free,

I heard Fantine's dream and
i knew that in my heart she
would never see those dreams
that she had fullfilled inside
her soul, but those dreams
were the only thing that she
held on-to to keep her strong
towards the end of her life,

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