Photography Useful portrait photography tips for beginners

garry1515 posted on Nov 26, 2012 at 06:18AM
Just started your photography career and need help for shooting portraits? Keep these four tips in mind while shooting.

1. Say no to flat light: On camera flashes are not recommended for shooting portraits, as they give a flat look to your subject. Portraits need a two dimensional look that can be best achieved by using ambience light.

2. Make sure there are catch lights: This is the light that you can see in your model’s eye. It must be there in your photograph. Even though you hardly realized how important it is but in our subconscious mind, catch lights are always noticed. Without them, your subject would appear lifeless.

3. Diffuse the light: soften it by passing through an umbrella or a softbox so that your subject is illuminated by a soft light.

4. Use slave lights if required: Hair lights, back lights, etc. can help you to give an aesthetic look to your photographs. Use them if you feel their need.

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