Personality Test A Look into Your Subconscious

poisonfang posted on May 16, 2008 at 02:58AM
Answer these questions on a sheet of paper...

1. What is your favorite pet? List 3 adjectives describing why.
2. What is your favorite wild animal? List 3 adjectives describing why.
3. What is your favorite food? List 3 adjectives describing why.
4. What is your favorite body of water? It doesn't have to be specific like "the Atlantic Ocean" or "Lake Lachrimose", just a body of water like "a river" or "a pool". List 3 adjectives describing why.
5. You are in a white room, with white walls, a white ceiling and a white floor. There are no windows, and there is no door. In the middle of the white room, is a white man, wearing a white suit and a white tie and white shoes, with white hair, sitting on a white chair. How do you feel in this white room, with this white man? List 3 emotions (or adjectives).


1. What you subconsciously think you are.
2. What you subconcsiously wish you were.
3. What you subconsciously think of love.
4. What you subconsciously think of sex.
5. How you subconsciously feel about death.
last edited on May 16, 2008 at 03:00AM

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