Penguins of Madagascar Stop PoM from Ending Petition

RockOnPoM posted on Jan 12, 2012 at 02:29AM
I found out about this petition:

After the 3rd season of The Penguins of Madagascar, the show is about to be cancelled. In October 2009, it was Nick's #2 show, airing several times a day. However, starting in Spring 2010, the airing went down, until late 2010, when it airs around once a week. The motive for this is unknown.

We would like to earn The Penguins of Madagascar a 4th season and a larger and better time slot. That way, we could remind Nick that there are several people who would watch The Penguins of Madagascar if aired more, as well as make it easier for fans to watch The Penguins of Madagascar.

That's why I signed a petition to Rich Maganalles, which says:

"Earn The Penguins of Madagascar a 4th season as well as better time slots."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


[From an email by the website, please sign it if you don't want PoM to end! :)]
last edited on Jan 12, 2012 at 03:04AM

Penguins of Madagascar 68 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 68

over a year ago quasomeness said…
You should totally advertise this on your Youube channel! Lots more people will know about the petition there.
over a year ago athanlao93 said…
I already have. I've also told those Penguins YouTube fans and those who have the highest PoM viewers to place the link in the video description section.
over a year ago 27Kowalski said…
^Yeah, I placed the link on my four videos (Loathe at First sight; Loves Takes Flightless; The trouble with Jiggles; Hair Apparent.)
They have over 1000 views!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ImAnEasel said…
OMG I WILL SIGN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *signs*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkAtMidnight said…
I'm signing it. Anything to stop PoM from ending DDDDDDDD:
over a year ago penguin014 said…
big smile
I signed it a while ago....i was like #8
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
I'm gonna post the link at the Penguins HQ, hopefully a few of them will want to sign. Gosh, I hope they remember me. O_O
over a year ago WolfHeart23 said…
Maybe we should make a petition to cancel Spongebob... xD
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
^As much as I'd like to agree with you on that, I think it would be kinda mean to Spongebob fans as it has been a very large part of Nick.

(I know that might have been sarcasm, but I would REALLY like to stop Spongebob personally)
over a year ago have64 said…
So close to 100.
1 step closer!
No joke for this comment I am dead serious about this (plus cant think about anything funny right now).
Banana!!! There we go.

over a year ago krazy4kowalski said…
I would sign...but my mom says not to give out my email and stuff to a website like that...and unlike about 85% of high school senoirs, I respect and listen to my mother. Sorry guys! Some things are more important than POM.
over a year ago WolfHeart23 said…
You could put a random name and zip code o3o That's what I did. (You don't have to put your email)
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
Yeah, k4k. Wolfheart is right.
over a year ago krazy4kowalski said…
Wait, email is optional? I'll give it a shot! Thanks, guys!

EDIT: Just tried it and it wouldn't let me do it without email. Sorry!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago WolfHeart23 said…
Oh, lol I'm a fail. I meant address and such. xD You do have to put an email, but I just made one up. ^^;
over a year ago quasomeness said…
^That's totally okay. The more people who can sign this, the more likely we'll have a 4th season.
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
hotsnowsels: I checked, it's there. You just need to click on a thing at the top of the wall that says something about viewing posts from everyone. Yours is at the top there. But, uh, you do realize you just gave away your name to anyone who sees this? ^^' Just, being the internet safety freak I am, you maybe want to delete that? Not the FB post, but the one up here saying you're that person?
over a year ago Perxio said…
I know as fans that we'd love more PoM goodness but the simple fact is that they're not going to put it back into production. "But Kim Possible-!"



That worked once. The team who made PoM is not the team that made Kim Possible. Dreamworks+Nickelodeon =/= Disney+DisneyChannel. Harassing them won't work, especially since it's. out. of. production., and frankly, if we're fans, we'd respect their decision and NOT harass them at all in the first place.

Be glad they weren't canceled. They've been right below the untouchable pedestal of Spongebob for quite some time now. Be glad they're not being forced to quit, that they're leaving off on a high note instead of slowly crumbling into a pit of disaster in which even the most faithful of fans would hesitate to witness. Be glad they had a run at all. Be glad you got as many laughs from it while it lasted.

If they want to end the show, then these particular fans darn well better let them wrap it up in the manner they would like. Dreamworks and everyone who worked on the series are under absolutely no obligation to continue just because there are fans who are kicking and screaming to bring it back.

SO. Out of respect to Dreamworks, the creators, the writers, the animators, the cast, everyone who made this show possible, the fans shouldn't harass them about continuing the series. We're not going to endorse heckling these people who made a great show that brought the fans together just because they have made a decision about the show that they must have felt was best and must have been in the best interest of many of the team and those who call the shots. Dreamworks has other shows to put into production and focus on and make worthwhile to the fans of those respective movies they're based off of (How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, etc). Us PoM fans are no better than the fans of those movies, we have no right to hog Dreamworks or make their decisions.

We have no right to bother them about this.

They have closed. down. production.

They are done.

Now a moment of silence for PoM, then move the heck on. Reminisce on the good times, discuss your favorite characters, your favorite moments, god forbid your favorite ships, favorite fanworks, do your own fanworks- the fandom does not need to die because the team wanted to move on with their own lives and goals. The fandom does not die with the show. Look at how many fandoms for films that have existed for DECADES are still alive and kicking (The Lion King being a big animated example). If you people are ~*such big fans*~, you wouldn't let that fandom interest die regardless of when and how the show is over. And it is. It is over.

The fans who want to bug them for them wanting to focus on pursuing other interests or opportunities need to move on, too.

I dare you people to put half as much passion and seriousness into things that actually matter in life: school, family, friends, charities, volunteering, signing petitions for things that will improve the quality of life for those in need rather than what is simply a LUXURY for YOU. Get your priorities straight. A show ending is not going to ruin your lives. It's not going to make the world a much darker place. You will grow up, you will have the memories, and hopefully when you get a grasp on what's actually important in life, you will move on.

TL;DR Dreamworks wants it to be done, the creators want it to be done, it is done, the fans need to appreciate what they got and quit trying to harass these people who made THEIR decision to do what they wanted with THEIR show.
over a year ago madam_vira said…
^ This
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
I sure didn't expect you guys to come here to say anything. And now I actually feel bad for signing it. I knew it wouldn't do anything to get another season, but I feel horrible now to think that this would just be disrespecting the show. I almost feel just as bad for not realizing that myself...
over a year ago madam_vira said…
Nah, it's ok penguinangle, sometimes all good things must come to a end.
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
I accepted that PoM's gonna end awhile ago. I'm more worried about my friends leaving the fandom when it ends as far as that goes...

But I just feel really, really stupid right now for supporting this...
over a year ago madam_vira said…
Yeah, people still can be here and love the fandom, even if it is gone, just like there is a ton of srmthfg fans still loving it.

but hey, it's ok penguinangle.
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
Thanks, Vira.
over a year ago legendary7 said…
noooooo they can't end pom
over a year ago PenguinCrazy14 said…
Oh, dude...I'm having flashback moments here...Reminds me of the time I got caught up in the whole 'Save Danny Phantom' thing. Here's to hoping we have better luck with this petition. I'd hate to see yet another of my favorite Nick shows go...and seeing the new shows that are coming out...They need this show. No doubt about it.
over a year ago madam_vira said…
G-guys, didn't you read perx's message? the production was finished, we might as well enjoy the new eps while we can!
over a year ago hotsnowsels said…
penguiangel- Oh crap. XD You're right. Yeah, deleting that...
PenguinCrazy14- I remember Danny Phantom. I liked that show...

Okay, I am now going to attempt to say something that makes sense, which is not very likely.
First off, please keep a calm and kind attitude, everyone. No, Penguins of Madagascar ending is not going to ruin our lives, and maybe this tiny petition is a hopeless endeavor, but let's take a step back for a moment, and look at things from a wider perspective. Here we have a show that started out as more of a 'warm-up', a little spin-off treat. Over the course of two years this show has grown, developing its very own personality and direction, attracting a huge fan base, and fine-tuning its quality. Gradually this show was shown less and less, though the number of fans grew, and those fans have been very displeased. Now a show that has won numerous prestigious awards is going to end after only three seasons, a very small number considering many other shows in our wide perspective. It is very reasonable to assume that Dreamworks and Nick, after the production of the Penguins movie is complete, could revert back to this show and begin it again after another fan surge resulting from the movie. This doesn't have to be an immediate thing, seeing as season three hasn't even started yet. Is it wrong to assume that the fans have a right to speak, saying that to continue this show would be a smart decision? And, concerning the time slots, they are well-deserved. The U.S. hardly gets any episodes shown, even repeats. I highly doubt any creator of the show, representative of Dreamworks, or anyone else is going to look at this petition and think that the fans are ungrateful or disrespectful. If the decision to permanently end POM is set in stone, maybe looking at this they would simply feel sorry for us, and a twang of regret for a good show that is now over. Now I think we can zoom back with the conclusion that no fan should feel an uncommon amount of guilt for grasping at hope or using their freedom, and if one happens to feel offended by a small and sincere petition, not to sound harsh, but that is entirely their problem. Never tell yourself no and invariably eliminate the yes. Be proactive, and take the 'no's that others dish out knowing at least you made an effort.

I hope that that was rational, seeing as it is after ten PM, and that it helped everyone instead of hurting them.

But if it ends, it ends, and our support can transform to joyful recollection of good memories.
over a year ago Perxio said…
It's fine, Vira. If they want to waste emotion over a lost cause, a cause that is just to revive a dead CARTOON when it goes against the wishes of everyone involved with it, instead of a cause that improves the quality of a real life in need rather than a luxury for themselves, that's fine. They'll wake up a few years from now and realize, ", finally...I have come to terms with the biggest, most traumatic experience of my childhood: the ending of a cartoon about penguins and lemurs. Finally! My life has meaning! What...what can I do now? What is there to do now? that...the sun? And...and people! There are people! Outside! ...Outside? ...The Outside. I...I thought it was just a myth. A legend. Just a fairytale that Mama and Papa once told me, when I was just a baby, all those long thirteen years ago... Maybe I can...dare I say it? Maybe I can interact with them. People., no, they are not penguins. They are not lemurs. Or a lonely otter. That isn't right. I need...I need...I NEED...Penguins of Madagascar. NO. NO. I MUST RESIST. IT HAS NO TRUE MEANING AND POWER OVER MY LIFE! Surely there is more to the world than a Nickelodeon cartoon! SURELY!"

Or they'll just find a new cartoon to fangirl over in a few months and forget all about PoM. That, too.
over a year ago Perxio said…
I will admit that my posts have been regarding the more radical fans who think they're entitled to getting more episodes. I don't really have an issue with the casual fans who would just like to see more episodes. I do think that there's no point to it because they had made the decision long enough back that they wouldn't try bringing it into production again- too much effort, too much money, too little interest themselves in doing it.

I'm more referring to the militant fans trying to garner up troops by shoving this petition down the throats of anyone that could even have a remote interest in PoM in order to force their will on the PoM creators, simply for them daring to end a show they created when they wanted to end it, rather than being forced to end after the show'd get so crummy that even the fans wouldn't care to see it.

It really does suck it's ending, I love PoM, I've made amazing friends through it, but everyone will find something new to love. It won't be the same, but it's not a huge void that could never be filled. There's more things out there to like, more things that will come our way to like, and more causes that far more deserve the effort you're putting into this one.
over a year ago quasomeness said…
^I agree with you. It's totally cool just to sign a petition to give the producers a pat on the back and proudly say "I am a PoM fan." We just don't want to overextend ourselves. If the show does end, who says nostalgia is gone also? If we are successful, we would have been the ones responsible for saving the show.

I still encourage all fans to sign the petition. Who knows what will happen? Just accept PoM in either direction, like if your favourite team wins or loses the playoffs.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hotsnowsels said…
Perxio- Thank you for that, I was beginning to get upset over that previous sarcastic post, so, yeah, thanks. And that was not sarcastic, but sincere.

I know I have a life, and I'm sure everyone else does too. One can certainly freak out about something and yet still hold higher priorities. I think this is something we should just... HOPE for, you know? We shouldn't be extreme and shove it down people's throats or anything. But still, even those deserve respect.

And I don't think we have to find something new, seeing as we can still talk about repeats, watch repeats, post photos from repeats, etc. And season three will carry us another year, and the movie the next year so... LOTS more POM! XD
over a year ago quasomeness said…
^Exactly. When I try to communicate with the people who make PoM possible, I like to keep this quote in mind:

"Our primary purpose in life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama
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over a year ago Penguinangel said…
Perxio, the only thing you've said that I really have to disagree with is that just because some of us put some effort, some passion into the show, doesn't mean that those people don't put just as much and more into things irl. One person can do crazy things like starting a petition for a show they really love online, but still have tons of good friends irl and other passions besides.

"I'm more referring to the militant fans trying to garner up troops by shoving this petition down the throats of anyone"

I really hope that doesn't apply to me posting at the HQ as well, because I wasn't trying at all to seem like that. And if it doesn't, well no one else did anything more than a little announcement on an account here or there either. I just figured that if there's really gonna be a petition, we may as well let all of the PoM fans know. Not that I expected you all to sign it, but I thought maybe one or two of you would want to know about it. Guess not, and I'm really sorry for ever bugging you all with that now. Won't happen again, I promise.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xDark_Angelx said…
I'm didn't expect this to cause quite a...oh, darn, I can't find the word. Anyway-

I mean, I just signed this for the heck of it. What I put was true (it keeps me happy), but that's why the show was made; to keep viewers entertained (and for money, but I'm pointing out a better reason for us. Haha). I have a life outside of the Penguins, though. Before the Penguins, I have always been antisocial. Always. The Penguins didn't do much for it. They've just been something for me to occupy my time during boring moments in my life. For those fans who are different and do everything PoM, well, I don't know what to say for them at all.

I know the show is going to end soon. I'm totally aware of that, but I don't think it's horrible or stupid to put your name on this if you're just a fan who would appreciate maybe a few more episodes. I don't care how many, I just feel like the show has gone by too quickly. It's only been about two and a half years, maybe three-not too sure. It's such a great show in my mind, and I am one who just doesn't want it to end. I know it will, but I'll cope with it in the end. I try to be at least slightly reasonable. :)

I'm pretty close to the show, almost like how I was with Avatar: the Last Airbender and Harry Potter. I was hoping A:tLA would come back but it didn't, and I got over it eventually. But whatever chance I have to let people know how much I love the show and that it wasn't just a stupid show Nick put on, I'll go for it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Matchmaker11 said…
I signed. To be honest, POM has actually helped me in real life. It inspired me to try martial arts. Which I love to do now and I ended up being the best in my class. Kowalski inspired me to bring out my inner science nerd. I have a 98 in science. And I'm now aiming to get into a top school for science. Marlene taught me that I can be an independent strong female. Skipper taught me to try to be a leader instead of following. Private taught me that I should try to be nicer to others and it's okay to watch kiddie shows still. What I'm trying to say is that POM is not just some dumb cartoon. It can actually inspire kids to do more. I do have a life outside the show. Is it so bad that a few fans took a shot at getting a few more episodes? POM has helped me in real life and I don't want it to end.
over a year ago quasomeness said…
^So true!
over a year ago RockOnPoM said…
Now I feel sorry for posting this forum, but theres something I don't like about what Perxio said.
Perxio, I respect you're oppinion, and I too agree with you now, but you act like us PoM fans just sit in front of the TV and watch PoM all day. The exaggeration, "What.... is.... is that the sun?" or whatever, its offending that you think PoM fans have no lives. We don't spend all of our time on Fanpop, watching PoM, and we also have school, where we can make friends, have conversations, and so on.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm not sure if signing that petition was a good thing or a bad thing, but what I do know is that most fans are passionate about this show, and even if the show does end, it would never end to us. PoM is like a part of our lives, but it doesn't fill the entire circle of our lives.

I respect Dreamworks, and Nick, but I was reading some signatures and most of them said stuff like "If PoM ends, I will never watch Nick agin!" Perxio is right about us sometimes getting carryed away with pushing Nick to develope the show, and thats wrong. I've heard that they have stopped working on PoM, because they have finished on the final episode, but that wont come in a while. We can't just fight about this forever and force them to work on more episodes, even if it's already been done. PoM is still here, and we have all those other episodes to enjoy, and we don't want to push nick into airing new episodes every day, because then we won't have any episodes left. I hope some of you understand what I'm trying to say.
over a year ago krazy4kowalski said…
Oh, lighten up all of you! We will send the petition on, they may or may not glance at it, it may or may not have an effect. Who's to say we can't try to change stuff? Nick honestly doesn't care what we do, and frankly, I'm not going to get worked up about upseting the folks in Hollywood. Let's get those names on the petition and send it in.
over a year ago WolfHeart23 said…
^So true. Who cares if it doesn't work? At least we tried. :/ And the makers aren't going to go saying "OMG this is SO disrespectful!" either. They would just ignore it if anything.
over a year ago Perxio said…
Anyway, had no intention of coming back to this thread at all until it was brought to my attention that I hurt Penguinangel's feelings, which wasn't what I meant to do. Angel: I wasn't thinking of you at all when I mentioned militant fans, I was thinking of the ones spamming Facebook and DeviantART with it. I know you had good intentions and I appreciate that you were nice about it.

I also don't mean all the fans are sitting in front of the TV wangsting about more PoM, just the ones who think the world will come to an end once new episodes are done being released. It's fine if you guys misinterpreted that, though.

But I'll leave you guys with this fact: PoM has millions of viewers for each new episode. You guys have two hundred signatures out of millions of fans/kids willing to watch the show. Two hundred out of two to six million viewers (the average seems about two to three million, but various premieres have gotten up or over six million) is not enough to persuade the creators when they have completely shut down production a while back. I don't think you guys understand what that means. They have sent all the writers, animators, sound effects/surfacing/layout/lighting/music/et­c teams, cast, etc home. They have all moved on to different jobs. Dreamworks has had everyone pack up their bags and leave. This has been this way for a few months now.

None of you realize the work and money that would have to be put into creating a "few more episodes". THAT is what's beyond ridiculous about this. No matter how nicely you go about bugging them, they're not going to do it. They have stopped production. It would be a huge waste to create a "few more episodes" for two hundred fans out of millions. You guys forget that animation is a business. They're not going to endeavor on that to please a few people.

Go ahead and send in a few signatures. WolfHeart's right, they'll just ignore it. I'm not the only one who finds it a disrespectful thing to do, but it's true that it won't bug them too much, they will just ignore it. Hope they will get back to you guys in some way about how they won't create more episodes, so you aren't left hanging.

Good luck with the crusade, though.
over a year ago pomrules said…
I love pom and I hope it doesn't stop. But apart from the petition there's not much else we can do about it

over a year ago Gumball17 said…
Oops now I feel bad that I posted a youtube video advertising it.
over a year ago yokaisummoner said…
I've been reading these comments, and…well, here my ramblings about this topic…

I think that regardless of how insignificant the show maybe to Nick, who’s to say POM won't just be cancelling (maybe temporary) because of the 3rd Madagascar movie coming out soon. It wouldn't make sense to have the Penguins in New York and also in Europe; the timeline wouldn't matchup. So, we’ll just have to see if there’s going to be a 4th Madagascar movie, which could give the POM show another opportunity to air again on TV after the 3rd film... Or maybe the new Madagascar movie will be the last one; then, continuing the POM show would not make sense to the plot timeline, right?

Plus, I heard many shows that come back after being cancelled because of mass support from fans that did online petitions and also send stuff to the actual network where they bug the producers until a show was back on air. So, those who signed the petition and advertised it, it’s not like we, as fans, truly doing nothing. Like the show "Jericho was “uncancelled” after fans sent a bunch of nuts to NBC hq”. Also, who knows, maybe another network would buy the rights to the POM show and start showing it again and even start airing new episodes on another network.

Basically, a show as unique and original as ‘Penguins Of Madagascar’, I don't think it'll be the last we hear of POM once it does end. It’s like one of those cartoons that fans will talk for years to come that some older fans might even end up becoming a producer of a TV station and start putting it back on air. For example, Nick just recently brought the rights to TMNT because their fan-base goes back since the 1980s that I bet the producers are also fans of TMNT so they'll start showing Ninja Turtle episodes when it use to be on FOX. Not-to-mention, there are 3 different versions of TMNT which means it was so popular that it was brought back for the current generation at the time [twice]. FOX cancelled TMNT due to low ratings but Nick saw a chance to change the show a bit and bring it back on air for the current generation to enjoy. I also did a bit of research that popular shows usually have a way of coming back on TV, even though, it may end- up becoming changed to a different version, like the TMNT of the 80s was more toward kids so it had a lot of corny jokes, the 2003 show was toward more a broader range of young kids to young teens so it was darker, and who knows, maybe the Nick version will be toward all audience like POM was.

So I think for now, we (as you guys would say) FAN-GUINS should enjoy and be grateful that POM at least made it to 3 seasons. Besides, we wouldn’t want POM to get old, like some of the Simpsons episodes are starting to get. POM is original and unique, not-to-mention, it fits with the DreamWorks ‘Madagascar’ films. So, from the beginning, it wasn’t meant to last forever as we would like it to, but it will be a part of every Fan-guin here on Fanpop, YouTube, or wherever. It’s one of the best shows that’s on air right now that kids and teens could actually learn something educational from watching the show and not get more stupid after watching an episode, like South Park or Squarepants (sure sometimes these shows have one or two good episodes but a lot of their episodes, I feel my brain just lost a few cells.) Even adults enjoyed POM (which is very rare for a cartoon-base show to have adult fans too).

So, if the show does end, for good, during its 3rd season, at least you can expect it to end on a good last episode than rather have episodes that go on and on with no structured plot. Plus, they’ll always make DVDs in the future, and I bet they’ll even be an entire season boxsets since it is one of the top shows on television.

[Also, last note, for those that think just cause the show is ending so will the friendships that was gained when we got together here on Fanpop/YouTube cause we all found each other through these sites discussing or joking about POM (even doing roleplay), but I bet we’ll still be friends cause 3 years is a long time to just forget each other. We may never have seen what we look like, but that doesn’t matter cause I bet just like me, I’ll remember all you guys cause we all influenced each other one way or another by artworks, inspiring motivational posters, music videos, fanfics, and just supporting each other through our tough and good times.]

So, yeah that’s rant on this topic. I’m not online a lot so I had a lot to say about this after reading many, many, MANY comments from other forums and on here.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TornHeart said…
@Perxio: Actuall, It will. ._.
over a year ago SpykeeGamer said…
I dislike Spongebob Squarepants. (I won't say I hate it because that would be nasty)
I find that S.B.S.P has forced humour, as in it tries too hard to get people to laugh whereas P.O.M uses witty remarks and quotes such as Skipper's.
If they cancel P.O.M, they will lose an awful lot of viewers, me being one of them. It's bad enough Megaupload has gone (R.I.P) Now i cannot watch P.O.M unless someone uploads it to YouTube, which takes a few days to a week as i do not have the cartoon programmes on Sky.
Please don't end P.O.M, it will be dearly missed.
over a year ago SaturdaySurpris said…
I'm NOT going to sit around while they are making the last episodes. If it's a problem of Money. Ill be glad to help. So all of you Fanguins, get creative! We can still save our beloved friends!!!!!!
over a year ago lilzoey107 said…
I'm with saturdaysurpris there is no way i am letting pom for ending i am gonna be in this club even if it takes..... FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago PenguinCrazy14 said…
....Wow. People are legitimately getting into this. Well, while I'm here, I'll put a few words in:
I was thinking about everyone who says "Give up, it's a lost cause." I wish you tried telling that to the Danny Phantom fankids (who called themselves Fantoms, a title I still proudly bear). You can tell PoM fans all they want that the petiton has no point, but that in and of itself is a lost cause. If people want to stop something, they will try as hard as they possibly can. The Save DP campaign is a perfect example. Those fans were out there rallying, getting dozens of petitons, and the creator even showed up at a few rallies to support us Fantoms because he would have liked to make more episodes if Nick had let him. Honestly, when I look back, it was ridiculous. But this is what happens when a really good show is on the verge of ending. And I loved those crazy fans for fighting for what they were passionate about. If everyone just gave up on everything, this world would be real depressing.
Now, I've been watching Danny Phantom for...eight years now, watching the reruns, and I will continue to do so until Nicktoons Network stops airing them. It will always be my all-time favorite show, it has been since I was 8 years old.(Crazy, huh?) And I know that the fans of PoM will do the same. If it ends, it ends, and at least I can say I fought to keep it going. We should, like yokaisummoner said, be happy our show made it this far. (Danny Phantom only had 53 episodes. Count your blessings, dudes.) There'll be another Madagascar movie, and there might be a movie just for the Penguins. Sign the petition if that's what you really want, if you're passionate about this show, and that's that.
Oh, and for the person who liked Avatar, there's gonna be a mini-series coming mid-year. So, you've got that to look forward to. ^^
over a year ago JHNguyen93 said…
I don't know if people are still paying attention to this, but a quick update:

On my YouTube channel (voiceactingfan), someone commented on an episode that I posted. Here's what it says.

"Hey Voice, 1 of the writers of the POM is my FB buddy, Bill Motz. I sent your petition to him and he said, Well it's nice to know someone cares and he is sending it to Rich Maganalles.So it seems you've stirred some sort of hornet's nest.:) Good job..:)) I would suggest you get as many sigs as you can as quickly as you can. :)) I"m thinking that maybe Nick thinks no one's watching the show. let them no u want the show left on. I don't want to see Bill lose his job. :( He's a brilliant writer" - kimdkus

Long story short: he told Penguins writer Bill Motz about the petition, and Bill may send it to Rich. I don't know what'll happen then. But you should know that it's not my petition. I was asked to put it alongside my videos.

Also, I'm a bit doubtful of his last line, about Motz not having a job. Because if I remember correctly, Bob Schooley once tweeted how most of the Penguins crew is crossing over to the new unannounced series.

Anyway, just wanted to give you fans a heads up. Keep staying frosty.

- JHNguyen93