Pegasus lifetime Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Would you be a Evil Pegasus or a good one over a year ago by pitbull101
a photo was added: a pegasus over a year ago by Tikanni
a comment was made to the article: Information of the Cerberus over a year ago by Tikanni
an article was added: Information of the Cerberus over a year ago by Tikanni
a comment was made to the poll: Would you be a Pegasus or Unicorn over a year ago by Tikanni
a comment was made to the poll: Pegasus vs Cerberus who will win over a year ago by Tikanni
a poll was added: Pegasus vs Cerberus who will win over a year ago by pitbull101
a poll was added: Would you be a Pegasus or Unicorn over a year ago by pitbull101
a poll was added: Would you be a Evil Pegasus or a good one over a year ago by pitbull101
a poll was added: Do you have a pitbull over a year ago by pitbull101