One Piece Mcterra's One Piece rp

mcterra posted on Aug 07, 2012 at 01:40AM
Befor I begin I want to note that here Luffy is the new King of the pirates and the straw hat pirates are very far away so they won't be included in the rp sorry.It's simple here it goes:





Pirate/Marine or other(you can change later on )




That's all I guess you can figure out the rules but please NO GODMODDING ie no god fruits
last edited on Aug 07, 2012 at 02:22AM

One Piece 34 replies

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over a year ago mcterra said…
Name:Volt Krueger aka "Hot Fist Volt"



Personnality:Hot headed always ready for a good fight.Dreams to capture Luffy someday and become rich and powerful by owning one piece.

Pirate hunter

Weapon:Little marble balls which when actvated turn into canonballs that he uses like soccerballs


Bio:As a kid he ate the "Magma Magma Fruit"(After Akainu had died and the fruit had grown somewhere else)which permits him to use magma powers and turn his body into magma .When he heard about one piece ,getting it became his dream so he became a pirate hunter inorder to get Luffy one day and take away One piece

last edited over a year ago
Name:Volt Krueger aka "Hot Fist Volt"



Personnality:Hot headed always
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Name: Eden East

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Carefree happy-go-lucky idiot, doesn't understand much about Violence unless attacked.

Pirate (according to society)

Weapon: Headphones, Any Instrument, Ethereal Instruments, Haki & his Devil Fruit

Rank: 700,000,000 Belli worth Pirate (this is the fault of other prates, is real bounty is 400 mil)

Bio: Eden was a child born on an Island in East Blue, he was Born from a Noble family that owned all of East Blue, hence his last name "East", Eden didn't speak much until he turned 14, but he has great Talent in Music, this is because when he was 2 years old, he had found a Devil Fruit in his Garden, the Ongaku Ongaku Fruit, he ate it thinking it was a normal fruit, and after this at his first Piano lesson, he was able to play every song on a Solo Piano, however he couldn't swim anymore, when he became 17 he left his home as a stowaway on a Marine ship, with a Shichibukai on board, when he was found by the Shichibukai he was so scared, he used his Violin from back then, and accidentally killed everyone but 1 Marine, the 2nd-in-command on the ship, the last marine took Edens picture, and sent it to HQ, thus making his bounty already to 400,000,000 Belli, rumors went around, and people began faking him, making more worse Crimes, this continued until his bounty reached 700,000,000 Belli, and he obtained a world title, and in the midst back then when the last commander had dived off the ship, he had lost his favored Violin, now he searches for it, with the memory of it still fresh, in his mind.

Devil Fruit & Abilities: [Find this at: link and other information]

(eyes are actually Glowing)
last edited over a year ago
Name: Eden East

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Carefree happy-go-lucky idiot, doesn't understand
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt:"gets into his hideout.on the wall there are many wanted posters of notorious pirates.he notices a particular poster and takes it" 700,000,000 beli huh? "picks up his marble balls" i'm coming for you Eden East.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"AAAAAAA-CHO!" *sniffle* "huh?... someone must be talking about me?"
Eden scratches his head in confusion, as he wonders who might it be
"awell, back to playing Music"
Eden begins to play his Violin, as he watches the nearby village children play, and the village folk pass by the stalls, the music reaches the village, and the Village seems to become a little more happy and cheerful. "as the days go by ♪, and the children go ♫, we all grow old ♪, as the day goes"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt:"lands on Tree Island" so this is where my target is found "smiles" it's gonna be fun. "walks into the village and sees some kids playing around.calls for one of them"hey kid do you know this man? "shows her the wanted poster"
Little Girl:Yes.he's in the village square.he's always playing sweet music for us
Volt:thanks kid "stands and heads towards the village square" 700,000,000 beli, here I come
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden continues playing and singing music, and notices someone in the distance, the sound of his heartbeat is different than a villager, and a marine, its a little strange, as the figure approaches, Eden notices the look of a wanted poster, "probably someone looking for a bounty?i wonder who's... probably one of the pirates nearby, awell, maybe they will like my song?"
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt arrives at the village square and sees a man sitting and playing a violin.Volt smiles and approaches the stranger.He takes out the poster and shows Eden then he says, "700,000,000 beli isn't small don't you think?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden stops playing his Violin, and looks at the poster "another person after my bounty? that's a surprise, your the 3rd one this week, i don't see why people even go after me, you would get much higher money and rank from Luffy or Shanks, but if we are going to fight then lets get out of the village, i don't want the children to be hurt" as Eden says this, he puts away the Violin, and walks towards the outer village, waving goodbye to the village children.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt follows Eden out of the village
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden enters the Forest, as they go further in, the trees get bigger and bigger until there are ones the size of sea kings, they walked for what felt like hours, until Eden had reached a place where the trees just stopped, except for one tree in the center, it was much larger than the others, almost as big as an island, it had strange carvings, like ancient symbols on it, and they were glowing green "this is the ancient tree, it has a nice melody sound, nothing seems to pierce it, not even sea kings, i think its older than metal, awell, so. you wanted to collect my bounty, no?"
Eden says this as he sits on the large root of the Ancient tree. "you have the first swing, i whunna show you something about me on why most Pirate hunters don't get me" Eden smiles after he said this, and points upwards, as the tip of his finger disappears, and a Music Symbol ♪ floats around it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt just smiles as he takes out a marble ball and throws it in the air.The marble turns into a one ton cannonball "CANNON KICK" he jumps and kicks the cannonball towards Eden which travels at mach one speed towards its target.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
As the cannon ball seems to come into Contact with Eden, the ball hits the Ancient tree, and Edens body above his chest is missing, with music symbols floating around , the cannon ball just drops from hitting the Ancient tree, and not even the smallest dent is made in the Tree
"I'm a Logia Type Devil Fruit user, if you can't use Haki, or get water on me, you won't do much, I'm really sorry if you cant use Haki, just tell me and I'll go closer to the sea," some of the music symbols form Edens head, whilst the rest restore his body as he waits for Volts reply or next attack.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt scratches his head and says "Tch, a logia type huh, this is quite annoying cuz i'm one too and this fight will lead us no where.But there's somthing I forgot to tell you " he takes out two blue marble balls, smiles and says "for cases like this, i've got special balls made out of sea stone.I don't know what you'll think about this but I am sure this fight is gonna take a completely different turn." he throws one ball in the air and as it turns into a cannonball, he kicks it towards Eden
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"AAGH!" Eden quickly jumps out the way, and a shock-wave is almost made when he dodges "wow! i almost broke the sound barrier :D" as the Cannon ball hits the ancient tree and does the same with the last one, Eden begins wondering, "If its made from Sea Stone, how can you touch it?" Eden seems confused
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt smiles and says "Its because of the ring I'm wearing on my left hand's middle finger.It emits a certain frequency pattern which counters the effect of the sea stone and thanks to it i'm not affected by water either.Don't ask me how it was made.It's all complicated marine scientific stuff.Anyway, it's called a Devil Ring.And now i'm gonna show you how I came to be known as Hot Fist Volt" He clenches his right fist which is then covered by boiling lava and doubles in size "You'll realize that not even that ancient tree that you're so proud of can resist a full attack from me." As he says this,he shoots out a magma punch towards the tree and his boiling fist digs right through its thick bark (sorry about that) "So you're still not sure you wanna give up?" Volt says with a mischievous smile
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden removes his hood, to reveal one of the same green marks from the tree, on the side of his neck, "THAT TREE! IF YOU PIERCE ITS BARK! THEN IT-" The tree suddenly explodes a strange, green wave of pure Energy, Volt and Eden suddenly become woozy, as the same mark appears on Volts neck, "you... idioo-" Eden collapses, as volts looks at Eden, volt collapses too...
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden awakes, to see volt collapsed, as Eden did
*sigh* "i told you... this tree is older than metal..." Eden looks at the tree, the spot where it was pierced begins slowly regenerating, Eden puts volt on his back to the floor, and pulls out some food from his pocket, as he awaits for Volt to awaken from the nightmare he is about to face... the nightmare that tree punished Eden with... and barely survived...
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over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt wakes up suddenly all startled and sweating and breathing heavily.He places his hand on his haed and sighs with relief "It-it was all a dream" He turns and sees Eden by him.He stands up quickly and says "What the hell happened .There was a sort of green flash and then I think I lost consciousness.What's going on, Eden East?"
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over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Remember the tree, that you so suddenly harmed, without reason or remorse?, that tree is where the first Devil fruit grew, the Devil Fruit is still there, under all that bark, right in the center, tis the Dream Fruit, and this tree, anyone who attacks it, child or old, woman or man, the tree will stop you, and give you what you most feared..."
Eden points to the position of the tree where Volt had shot Lava and pierced the bark, the spot is now completely healed over
"you awoke in less time than i did the first time i hurt it, when i did it, i was asleep in that nightmare for half a year, you were only sleep a month, you should feel hungry and thirsty, look to your left"
On Volts left there was a bowl of Cereal, and a cup of Milk, sitting on a small wooden table, As Eden waits for Volt to regain his strength and calm down too, so that Eden can explain the rest of "The curse of the Dream Tree", Eden plays his Violin
"Promises ♪, and it feels so wasted on myself ♫, you never liked my love ♪, and you always broke your own ♫, Promises ♫"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt places his hand on his head and says "I was asleep... for a whole month" he turns and looks at Eden who is playing his violin "you may be my enemy but I have to admit that you're quite good at music.And why did you help me by the way?You could've just left me there and gone" he then notices the mark on his neck "and what in the world is this?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden still plays the Violin, looking at Volt

"well, to answer your questions in order, first: i may be a pirate, with a bounty of 700 mil beli, but all of that was a mistake, my real bounty is only 400 mil, because i was scared, the rest was just added by other pirates acting as me, doing horrible deeds, untill they got bored of it, I'm not actually a pirate, if i was, then wouldn't i have pillaged that village that i play music for? and also, that Marine ship out there would've been here to claim me, but they are just there, floating and looking for other pirates, what does that tell you?"

Eden stops playing his Violin, and takes a Coke from his pocket,

"And now, for the question about that mark, its called "Fight Curse of Dreams" you should have noticed your hand that attacked the tree feels a bit numb, this is because the tree stopped your attack, now you need to have a way to Apologize to the tree, i have almost finished my Apology by making these nearby trees nourish, I've been on this Island for almost 2 years now, helping the village and trees, see, my mark is almost faded"

The mark on Edens neck is a little less brighter, than the one on Volt

"so, what was your nightmare about? because that's how you Apologize to the tree, mine was that i was terrorizing this island, for almost 3 years, so if you do the Opposite, then that's your apology,... want some?"

Eden gestures the coke in his hand
over a year ago mcterra said…
"whoa,whoa wait a're telling me that I'd have to stay in this island and try to "apologize" to that damn're kidding me.I'm a pirate hunter for Christ's sake.I can't stay here for so long.There's no way I'm staying here any longer." he stands and tries to leave but feels dizzy and leans on a tree "damn,that one month of sleep has really emptied me.I think I need some rest.I'll rest once I'm outta here." continues moving on weakly while supporting himself on the trees.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden stands up and walks to the edge of the island, where the beach reaches the sea
"he aint going to get far..."
Eden punches the air, and his fist is met with a green barrier.
"heh, i bet his nightmare was something like a killing a family, considering he was only asleep a month, but unless he apologizes, this barrier aint gunna move. awell, back to the village"
Eden returns to the village, and sits down where he was before, the children notice him and begin playing, waiting for the music
"the stars glow ♪, for you ♫ so put up a show ♪ for me ♪ and begin to plaaaay♫ while the stars all fall awaaay♪"
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt reaches at the edge of the island and climbs into his little boat.As he's about to leave,his boat is blocked by a sort of holographic green barrier "What the...? It's surely that damn tree.But it won't stop me." He tries to charge a magma punch but is too weak even to use his devil fruit power. "I think I've got no choice." He goes back towards the village where he sees Eden playing the violin.Volt sits on a stone facing him. "I need your help East.I'lll tell you everything.But please send these kids away first."
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over a year ago mcterra said…
(BTW I've started another rp,check it out link )
last edited over a year ago
Time_Master commented…
k, ill be sure to look when i can over a year ago
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"oh? I'm guessing you met the Barrier, that things a bit annoying no? anyway, just wait about 3 minutes, about this time the children get called in because it gets dark"
Eden continues to play his Violin, until the children are called in, and the people in the street seem to become less and less, until it is just Eden and Volt.
"see? so, continue"
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over a year ago mcterra said…
"Okay.I'll tell you about the dream I had.I dreamed about mum.She was killled by pirates.That's the main reason why I became a pirate hunter." He pauses for a while,then continues " In the dream, I was in that forest.All the trees sort of turned into my mum.Multiple copies.Then the branches of the big ancient tree wrapped themselves around me and pinned me to it's bark.All the copies of my mum began stabbing me with long swords.The pain was so real and I couldn't get used to it.I - I was screaming for help but in vain.The torture went on endlessly.The evil laughter of the trees still echoes in my ears right now.It was horrible. he pauses again,catching his breath "So tell me.How can I use that to apologise to that tree?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…

Eden sits there, scratching his head

"is there someone in this village who looks similar to your mother?, because if there is, you need to befriend her, and help her get a husband so she can live happily... you have an easy one, i bet you can do yours within a month, i still also have a month to go until 3 years is over"

Eden pulls a pillow out of his pocket, i wonder how he does that


Eden pulls out 2 blankets, and another pillow, hands a blanket and a pillow to Volt, and proceeds to sleep on his own pillow.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt sighs "and how the hell am I supposed to do that?" he places his head on the pillow and covers himself with the blanket.He falls asleep.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
[Day 2]

Volt awakens, to find Eden already playing his Violin to a soft melody, Volt feels warm instead of cold, as he looks around him, there is snow everywhere, except near him and volt

Eden: "About time you woke up, the towns people will begin to come out in an hour"
over a year ago mcterra said…
Volt was surprised to see that there was no snow around them. "What the hell is going on?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Eden's Violin was on fire, but Eden didn't seem harmed by it
"oh, this? its an Ethereal insturment, kinda cool aint it, i can make fire, ice, lightning, void, all sorts of em"
over a year ago mcterra said…
"It's quite impressive, but I need right now is a way to apologize to that tree."
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"i told you, walk through the village, find a woman similar to your mother, become her friend, help her get the male she is in love with... and whatever you do, don't tell her you talked with me.. the adults of this town... they fear me..."

Edens expression seems to become more gloomy.