Once Upon A Time I have an idea...

Fan46 posted on Oct 01, 2012 at 12:11PM
In the beginning of the season 2 premiere, we see a guy and have no idea who he is and he receives a Storybrooke postcard that says "Broken". As soon as I saw this guy and where he was I got the idea that maybe he's Baelfire all grown up! I really want this to be true! I just want to know who sent him the postcard with the bird. My mom thinks maybe Rumple gave the card to the bird and the bird just tracked him down and now that "trip" he was planning was to follow the bird to his son.
What are your theories to who this mystery man is?

Once Upon A Time 3 replies

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over a year ago TVfan97 said…
i think its Henry's father. :)
over a year ago Fan46 said…
Same here. But I've thought Bae was Henry's father for a while
I also have another theory as to who sent the postcard. Maybe when the curse was broken August turned human again, and he met Bae a while ago and told him everything about the curse, and he sent the postcard to tell him the curse was broken and they had some kind of plan
over a year ago rere14 said…
Many people actually think he's the wizard of oz, because kitniss keep hinting about "the wizard of oz" plot for this season

I still think he could be bael or henry's father and the one who sent the postcard I bet it was hook
who sent it