Naruto Shippuuden Ghost's Naruto Shippuuden (Remake)

TheAdventGhost posted on Feb 13, 2014 at 06:31PM
Kekkei Genkai
Chakra Nature:
Jutsu(Up to 5 Jutsu)

Naruto Shippuuden 695 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 695

over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: Chicken...~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Probably sleeping.... Doesn't she know we have exams to sign up for?!
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: exams....*wakes up* oh my god Exams! I going to be late! *gets dressed and rushes out to meet her team*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kera: Oh, she's much closer by now.
Jiro: About damn time.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: Damn hangovers *lands sprulled out in front of the them*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: You should really stop going to those bars.
Kera: Come on now Yukio...
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: but I like beer and I get free beer there *whines*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: But of all days, the day before exams?
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: I know but I was celebrating
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Celebrating?
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: Going to exams and surpass my parents!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: And you don't have friends that could've joined you... I thought we were all in this together Yukio.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: I had to do private bussiness and anyway moving on lets do exams!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Miharu: She's right about that, let's go.
*the squad would head to the spot to enter for the exam*
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: Well look who is here...Its pink eyes...* girl glares at her*
???: My name isn't pink eyes flat-chest! Its Mindy!
Yukio: well you decided to get off your high horse to fight mindy...I can't wait to see you break a nail!
last edited over a year ago
Yukio: Well look who is here...Its pink eyes...* girl glares at her*
???: My name isn't pink eyes fl
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kera/Jiro: [Leave it to Yukio to get herself into a senseless fight]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Mindy: I have broken many nail but I about to use my new mani to rip you smirk off your Face Flat-chest!
Yukio: Pettie Princess!
Mindy; Hag!
Yukio: Cat Lady!
Mindy: At least I have a boyfriend..
Yukio: You bitch I choose to be single by choice!
Mindy: Tom Boy!
*sparks fly*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kera: *got between the 2* Now now, why don't you save it for another time. We do have exams after all.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Both: *glare at her* Fine!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: *sigh* Well, at least that's over.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: *huffs* Well it looks emo boy and his gang are here too.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: You just can't have any respect can you...
Kazuto: It's good to see Miharu's squad here.
Kannabi: Hm.... Pretty sure I can take em.
Suzume: You're always quick to rush Kannabi,
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: we are tougher than we look *smirks at kannabi* and Yes jiro I do have respect just not your or anyone else but my heros. No effense.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kazuto: It's understood, you've got your own allies. So none taken,
Jiro: Heh, Kazuto, from this day forth... You and I... We're not just friends. But rivals as well.
Kazuto: Hm, then just be ready, because I'm not exactly an easy opponent.
Jiro: Don't worry, if you were an easy opponent, it would be boring.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: *pouts* can we please just sign up now....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Alright alright, we'll get to it,
Kazuto: See ya, *the squads headed to sign in for the exam*
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: now lets go unless you to chicken to do so.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: No idea what you're talking about,
Kera: We came this far, we're not backing down now.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: *dashes to the sign in post*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*the 2 would hurry and follow*
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: *after signing up* what do we do now?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Guess we proceed to that classroom. Guess the first is a written portion.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: Wait a writting test! I didn't know we had to study for a written test!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: That's because we never got material for it.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: Ugh still writing
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Don't worry, we should be able to get through this,
(Wanna skip this since this part isn't as major)
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
(Yeah to the jungle of doom!)
Yukio: We passed the stupid written assignment!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Hell yeah,
Kera: onto the next part I suppose,
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: now for the fighting!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kera: Who do you think we'll be fighting? It won't be easy to recover that second scroll ya know.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: Hopefully not some weakling
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Come on, we have to set up camp.
Kera: Doesn't seem like any chakras are coming this way.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: I put up a water shield * places her hand on the ground and surrounded the camp with a impenetrable water shield*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: That'll be a good defense.
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: what ever * falls asleep when her head hits the pillow* ....chicken~*drools*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kera: [You'd think the least she could be is thankful to him...] Jiro, we should head to sleep as well,
Jiro: You're right Kera,
*The 2 would follow and go to sleep as well*
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: achoo! *wakes up* *to see kera and jiro are holding hands in their sleep* Cute..I wish I could find something like that.....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*The 2 would wake*
Jiro: ....
over a year ago Issydragonheart said…
Yukio: *sharpens her kunias and sword*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jiro: Whenever you're ready to proceed, we'll get to it.