Naruto Shippuuden Naruto Movie 4?

Starkeypants posted on May 25, 2007 at 08:33PM
Does naruto die? :I

Naruto Shippuuden 176 replies

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over a year ago Nigel01 said…
No the Manga is a litel difrent but most the same as the Naruto Shippuuden series .

I got the movie bay a Torrent , wich had a Password , I stud 3days and 1/2 just tu decript te fils .
The movie was a "Came version" wich is not so good qualiti. A "Came Version" is a movie that has ben filmd with a hyden camera in a cinema.
the qualiti is Horribel but still I sean it so i am happy , OOO and bay the wae i didn't save the Password .... still U can trie it with Advanced Arhive Password Recoveri program OR (AAPR)
over a year ago Nekrolight said…
Yes i udnerstand what "Cam version" is :). I also downloaded taht archive but when i saw it needs a password i gave up cause i dident know there are programms that crack the code of an archive. But it also said it was "raw" where did u get the subtitle,or did u watch it like that in japaneese?
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
I watch it in Japaneese , becouse it was filmd in Japan . I didn't understand a lot of things still i understud the Story "naruto meets a princess, she is mean and spoilt person( a stupid Bech), naruto grabs her and gives her the trademark shake going on about how she should care for others and blah blah, princess changes into a nice person blah blah blah. between that u get some lame action between naruto and some purple bad guys, the end"

O yae naruto does not die the 9 tail kiks in and saves the day . :) :) :) :) :)
Like in all the athor 3 Naruto Movie

It is more like a one hour special

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
OOO yae !! it thaeks abouth 3-4 days to decript it is bether that you save at evrye 5 minut
or put it at autosave.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Darksand said…
Sakura dose kiss naruto but they dont hook up him and hinata are to be married when he becomes hokage she is kinda a princess after all would only make sense not only that but Sasuke and Sakura are a much better match for one another anyways
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
Duuud that's onli FAN imagination , all that U sad is FAN imagination .

U have to think logicall , Sakura has partioli passt the " Sasuke OMG Sasuke " times shes groun up now .

In Anime (General) things will not come up like they normaly do , the Characters life get mixt.

And I have a premonition Naruto will not end up with Sakura or Hinata .

1) Sakura does not whant to atmit that she loves Naruto.
2) In Hinatas case I sad it 3 times now Naruto barely knows she exists.

Dis is for Darksand

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarface101 said…
ok ryt new to this hole thing but after goin thru loads of naruto fan things hahaha it all cums down to the fact that u are all puttin down opinions its wot u all want to happen an wot u dont want to happen but fact is non of u will no till the movie cums out on the net......and one thers an episode dats called summit lyk gaara dies but they bring him bk to lyf usin a reincarnation jutsu so mayb naruto dies in the movie but gets reincarnated hu nos(dats not my opinion dats just a logical fort)second all movie directors an stuff will always have it so the advert makes u think an do just this wer u go to forums an start gettin a big hype bout it so them sayin he dies an showinhim gettin lyk killed draws more money an attention in for them..3rd if u luk at in a logical way the movie came out b4 the series ended an even got past the gaara retrievel arc so if he died it wud mean it has nothin to do wiv the series uver dan its the same characters 4th it is more likely gonna be sumthin lyk the opening of the final series of naruto so it is a spoiler more than anythin 5th ppl keep sayin things lyk the manga is so far ahead meanin the movie probs has sumthin to do wiv the manga more than the series or its after the gaara retrievel bit in between missions as are all the uver movies an specials(i no this is long but its annoyin me wiv these so called "spoilers") 6th for all those out ther hu are goin he cnt die b4 hes hokage av u ever fort dat the ryters no this so thers quite possibly gonna be a 2nd time skip at the very end an dat on sum off chance naruto becomes the youngest hokage (not kazekage as gaara is)an that the movie is the end of the series that has cum out b4 series 11(wudnt happen)an that hole theory of hinata endin up wiv naruto shes rarely in it an in the homecomeing episode naruto is also obliviouse to the way sakura is actin an u can tell shes impressed wiv im an is lukin for his approval an u no she wants him as thru the shippuuden episodes shes constantly worried bout naruto an naruto must of cort on in one episode as she ses "im not worried bout gaara im worried bout y..." then naruto interupts 7th on it has the summary for the next few episodes an naruto an sakura have a new team member an team leader coz kekashi is in hozzy recoverin so wer the hell are they in the movie ey an wers kekashi an gai an everyone 8th it is more logical dat it is narutos grave in the trailer as naruto is the only one hu isnt ther an sakura is down on her knees an a black leaf head gaurd thing is on the grave(dats the same colour as narutos)but i agree dat the membas in shadows probs are akatski(ow ever its spelt)or sum demon things that are just as bad or worse hu also want kyuubi (nine tailed fox)as almost everyone wants it haha 9th if the guys hu are after that girl in the trailer also want narutos kyuubi dat means they aint gonna kill him incase it kills the kyuubi so dat means it probs luks lyk hes dead but its a decoy a sumwot human puppet dat luks spot on real and finally 10th if this movie was the end of naruto meaning naruto dieing or the series ending dat means he wud of atleast kept his promise to sakura (atleast meaning if he dnt cum hokage) coz if he dusnt get non of them dat wud mean that everythin naruto/naruto shippuuden is based around is just bollocks an has failed an just dusnt ever happen so the show wud be a sumwot dat is all i have to say if u have any questions to ask me (not dat i no much i just watch the luk into these things logically) then email me at an i will think an give u a logical answer dats ur choice if u accept it or not but just sit bk relax an think over these things dat av bin sed an dat uve seen in the show an previouse movies to realise a few fings bout it now im goin bed lmao....memba
over a year ago scarface101 said…
sorry bout that bein so long but i got worked up an plz plz read it coz i fink most of u will actually agree wiv me(big judgin by wot ur sayin in ur comments)
over a year ago alexmcneice said…
I refuse to read something that uses fink instead of think and wud instead of would.
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
The Girl is rigth .

And the comment is to long to big .

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarface101 said…
right lol so im not loud to use shortened words but ok its your choice i mean it is honestly a logical view of it but by the way ive figured out that the scene in the first naruto shippuuden episode(homecoming) isnt from the movie as many people think it might be though this is only a guess....go on this an read the shippuuden bit....WARNING IT MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS(may coz its wikipedia) link
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
Better sad read the Manga.
And you will sae that the scene in the first naruto shippuuden episode(homecoming)is just from another episode .
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over a year ago scarface101 said…
lol wit is basically wot i sed just in a longer way
over a year ago scarface101 said…
an also cud sumone plz tell me hu came up with the hole thing bout sasuke comin bk to the leaf village to become narutos right hand man wen hes hokage coz even tho i dnt read it the manga aint up to that bit an the anime defo isnt haha so thats just utter bullshit.......P.S i hope sasuke dusnt coz sakura an naruto are better wiv out sasuke around...
over a year ago scarface101 said…
ok reli off target but could one of the manga readers tell me if yondaime (the 4th hokage) is the leader of the akatsuki coz this link ses it is lol link
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
Hes not the leader the leader of akatsuki is Pain and on top of hem is Uchiha Madra
over a year ago chidori said…
i think that the link there is true, but orochimaru uses his forbidden jutsu to bring him back to life like the first and second hokage
it may be my opinion but im just thinking loggicaly
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
Duuuuud I read the manga and he reveld hes face.

It a Orange Hair duud with some Pierce-ing .

And for god sake read the manga , Here is a link link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarface101 said…
kk thanks for lettin me no but im not much of a reader lol i just get bored wen im readin fings lol but i fort dat Uchiha Madra was Itachis best he killed to get the sharingan fing lol cnt member da name fink its mangekyou or summit but then agen kekashi has a form of it an his best friend is supposedly already dead so yano......
over a year ago scarface101 said…
can sumone tell me wer bouts naruto movie 4 is actually at coz it looks like it has more to do wiv the manga......(obv).......and how far bk the anime is to the manga like the anime is up to naruto shippuuden episode 32 as of the 25th of october so how far ahead is the manga to that episode??
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
150 episodes or somthing like that
over a year ago Nekrolight said…
ok to answer Nigel01's question the leader of Akatsuki isn't The 4th Hokae but a former student of Jiraya, his name is Nagato and he posseses the strongest eye technique,(ex of eye techniques sharingan and byakygan )Rinnegan.
over a year ago scarface101 said…
im guessin dat nekrolight reads the manga to lol coz i finally tuk nigel01's advice an read loads of manga video fings on youtube hahaa an wots goin on wiv asuma diein in 328(i fink it was) an dat feckin fing that jiraiya summoned at the end of 375 haha?? an wiv dat yamato guy bein able to stop narutos 4 tails kyuubi i mean im just confused coz i may not of red all the manga jsut random ones from 295 or 296 then went to asumas death then to the 375 one hehe i reli hate readin :P
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
For Nekrolight .

I didn't ask The question i just answerd it . With out spoiling.

O yae the student is Nagato BUT he goes with the name Pain.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarface101 said…
ive created a new forum room.....please comment
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
Put the link here .
over a year ago scarface101 said…
link new forum
over a year ago scarface101 said…
lol ive forgot wot ero means hahaha so cud someone tell me please :P?
over a year ago Nekrolight said…
it means perverted if im not mistaking, and if im remembering correctly :)
over a year ago Nigel01 said…

Ero is the same as Hentai and Yes it means pervert.

Ero ar peverted stokers.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarface101 said…
yeh i checked an it cums from erotic but dus mean perv hahaha
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
What do U mean bye " dus".

Did U wanted to say "does not mean" or what?
over a year ago scarface101 said…
lol not sayin this in a mean way but you need to learn txt language haha i ment it does mean perv
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
Ha ! look who is talking the guy ho use "fink "

instead of "think" .

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarface101 said…
yeh coz its quicker an supriseingly shortens the message an i did say not sayin this in a mean way was givin possitive critecism....or how ever its spelt
over a year ago Nekrolight said…
calm down boys...i think that no1 should argue about something like wrong words. Some of us arent american or an elnglish talking nation so mistakes may appear so try not to offend 1 another besides this is a forum about naruto shippuden not about laguage :)
over a year ago Nekrolight said…
arrent americans or come from an english talking nation ( had some spelling errors :p )
over a year ago scarface101 said…
lol i am not american i am the country hu created english hahaha i am from england the americans stole our language lmao yeh i sed not in a mean way an i was only usein txt language wernt i but ok u r ryt haha
over a year ago spclk4lyf said…
alright. there seem to be some of you that know a lot about Naruto so i have a question. i have seen all the episodes that have aired and seen all the manga that has been released(on youtube anyways) and i was jus wonderin, i thought sharingan was a bloodline limit known only to the uchiha clan. so then how does kakashi possess it? can anyone enlighten me on the subject? did it say and i jus missed it?
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
Kakashi has the eye from a dead friend , They have ben a team in childhood., I think hes name is Obito (Uchiha clan member ).

Who probably is the same as the one eye Tobi from the Naruto Sippuuden seires who has Sharingan as well .
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over a year ago scarface101 said…
kakashi has the sharringan eye because him an his team mate obito wer on a mission or somethin like dat an obito supposedly died(supposedly coz thers speculation dat tobi is obito...probs true)an before he actually died he gave his eye to kakashi coz kakashi also had an accident that made him lose his left eye so it was an eye transplant an he cnt turn it off like the uchiha clan can coz hes not of the uchiha clan so he covers it up to conserve his chakra an dats pretty much everythin we no bout kakashi an his eye lol....its long but i hope it helps lol i no it helped me wen i first started watchin naruto..
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over a year ago spclk4lyf said…
thanx. thats what i needed to know. when did it say this?
over a year ago spclk4lyf said…
nvm. i found it
over a year ago scarface101 said…
hey right who ever the guy is that sed they have seen naruto movie 4 an they have it why not upload it on to myspacetv or youtube or megavideo so that the rest of us can see it????
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
It's ilegal for startars ,and the Interpol will

see how you ar with the help of your acount that

you have an that web page .

How do you think is a idiot to do that?

First of all the "Naruto movie 4 " torrent has a Password so that it can't be proved of what it contains, and the person how put the torrent can't be arested or something else like geting suuuuuud!!!!
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
it will be a littel legal after 1/2 a year
over a year ago scarface101 said…
right didnt realy understand da hole torrent thing nor y its illegal i mean must got it from sumwer haha i dont think they will find out who it is if you make a fake account lol
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
If you make a acount at a Web Page or if you just visit that page it will let a Cokkey with your IP adress , IP adress is the identaty of your PC , and they have dis littel programs BOTS dat search for you .

And with them they find you and your Scruuuuuuuud!!!
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over a year ago scarface101 said…
right lol i doubt it but ok haha ive never heared of it happenin before an if dats so wudnt it work for pirate coppies aswell??and i have had many pirate copies and never bin cort so yano lol
over a year ago Nigel01 said…
How meny pirate CD do U have ?

I got over 250 CD and only 4 ar not pirated.
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