Music New James Morrison album, "The Awakening," is amazing!

EngineerMom21 posted on Apr 16, 2012 at 05:32PM
OK, so I have recently become a huge fan of James Morrison’s music. Seriously, he is awesome. If you put his album on when you are alone in the car or while you are cooking dinner, it really relaxes you and gives you a nice break from the kids music we all listen to day in and day out. James has worked with Jason Mraz and Nelly Furtado (he did an amazing duet with her called “Broken Strings” on this last album) and his music reminds me of theirs a bit. I’ve had his album on repeat on my iPod for the past week, and I am still in love with it!

If you want to give his music a try (I promise you won’t regret it!) you can listen to “The Awakening” and/or purchase it on Amazon at link. You can also find the new album in the iTunes music store.

While I had never heard of him until recently, I was surprised to hear that his first two albums, “Undiscovered” and “Songs for You, Truths for Me” sold a combined total of 4.5 million copies and resulted in 10 singles. (I mean, really, how could he have so many fans and I’ve never heard of him?! Lol) His new album, “The Awakening,” is a warm, live-sounding collection of classic but contemporary folk-soul songs. There are nods to Motown, gospel, country, and a hint of Latin throughout the album. His 3 year old daughter, Elsie, and his experiences in fatherhood, were inspirations for parts of this album. His two newest singles, “I Won’t Let You Go” and “One Life” are really amazing.

You can check James out and “like” him on Facebook at link.

I work for Miles Of Marketing ( and this information was provided to me by them. I am so glad that I was introduced to this wonderful singer/songwriter through them and want to pass along his name to all of the other moms out there! Hope you enjoy his music as much as I do :)

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