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Music Question

Describe music...if you want to win props click this(:

Whoever gives me the most meaningful, strait from the heart, descriptive answer I'll give 10 props to you! This contest ends August 5th and I'll email you if you win or loose this contest August 6th...No haters please(:...Hurry the clocks ticking!
 singingqueen411 posted over a year ago
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Music Answers

leytonfaan_18 said:
Hey I know it's the 5th, but I wanted to have a go at this. Even if you don't include it in the competition...

Music to me is everything. It's there through good times and there through bad times. It reminds me of people I love, places i've been and the memories i've made. It has the ability to pull me through bad times and remind me that things are going to get better, it's my comfort and my hope.

^ I know that's rubbish, but hey I wanted a go xD

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posted over a year ago 
Syd626 said:
Music is like a drug,its addictive. Once you get a little you want more and more. You can never get enough.If your like me and listen to music all the time you can take a time in your life and (in your head) you can put music to it. The times aren't always going to be good. there is always a way to escape from that situation and one way is to listen to music. If your sad put on some bright, happy music and your mood can be changed fast.
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posted over a year ago 
Mushii said:
Nja. I want to join to, or is it too late?

Anyway, Music is magical. It takes you to new places. Music can make you smile and lauth, but also sad and cry. I, personaly like it best when I listen to sad songs or songs that describes life. As I said, it takes you to new places! ^__^ Magical!
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
Music is whatever you want it to be. Music is a series of notes and lyrics, music is feelings and thoughts. Music is voices and instruments. Music is loud, soft, noisy, soothing, exciting, calming. Music is whatever a person thinks or feels put into tempos and notes, and expressed with tools like instruments and voices. Music is something to dance too, to cry too, to laugh to, to listen to. Music is magic.

Well that sounded pretty bad and cheesy, but hey, at least I tried!
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posted over a year ago 
ilovekud said:
Music is beautiful sound waves that touch your heart and soul. it reaches to your inner core. it has meaning and emotion which comes to a head in your heart, then bursts in your brain with harmony within.

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posted over a year ago 
cudambercam13 said:
Music is an extended version of speech that comes with it's own rythm and beat and straight from the heart, soul, or mind. Unlike speech, music cannot be mistaken through texts or writing, when you read the lyrics, you automatically know what it is explaining. Music adjusts to you. Because there are so many songs and artists and lyrics, odds are that you can find a song describing your exact feelings, whether it be sad, happy, angry, or anything in between. Music can be expressive, explanatory, and heart-warming, or frustrating, therefor, music can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you choose the right song.
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posted over a year ago 
TeamSongz4eva said:
ok i know i know im a day late but i really wanted anser this question....hmm i quoting this from one of Drake's songs "over" ok "one thing about music,when it hits you, you feel no pain" so to me when it hits me its like intoxicating music can make u do crazy stuff music is what gets ppl going , helps ppl focus and sometimes it doesnt music is the building ground for us teens....and or adults:)
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posted over a year ago 
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