Morgan Freeman Your Preyers and thoughts are with you and Your loved ones

BIZBH posted on Aug 04, 2008 at 08:02PM
I prey for a speedy recovery for you and your wife.
God has blessed you with such a wonderful talent as well as making you a good person to have on this earth.
Thinking of you

Morgan Freeman 5 replies

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over a year ago junus said…
get well soon,

junus from Paris
over a year ago call4angel said…
Dear Morgan,
Just want to let you know that you are thought of with love.
Get well Soon.... May the blessings of God cover you & May his peace be with you and your family at this time...
As you read this, may the LOVE of God envelop you
See you on the side of life...
Many Blessings,
over a year ago wellwisher said…
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
over a year ago mrstreasure said…
Dear Mr. Morgan - I just read about your accident. I have enjoyed you career of entertainment and find you to be one of the most respected actors this side of History (and you know there really aren't many of you around). I am 40 and have truly enjoyed your acting for years (since Electric Co/Secame Street). Thank you so very much for giving such TOP performances. Even though we are strangers, you reflect an inner wisdom, a very keen distinction and such a great personality, when you appear before millions. I, Mr. Freeman, pray for Gods healing upon you right now - in the name of our Lord and Savior. and I want you to know you have been and always will be a Fresh Breath of Air. I haven't seen you on any movie, show, etc. yet, where you weren't an Excellent Motivator. Whether your an actor or not, I think you just might be a Natural Born STAR. With love and prayers - From my family to yours - May GOD Forever BLESS You! Love Treasure Brooklyn, Wewahitchka, FL
over a year ago johnboindy said…
Hi Morgan!
I know you are in good spirits; I just want to say that you have aot of us praying for your quick recovery, and love you alot! Get well soon Mr. Man!!! God bless!!!
Love your fan!
John E. Sterrett