Moonlight MOVIE CAMPAIGN - 25-27th Sept 2009

kelcouch posted on Sep 22, 2009 at 05:12AM


I made this vid to help spread the word about the Moonlight Movie Campaign being run by The more people that know about and join the campaign, the better chance we have of getting a Movie! And we all NEED a Movie!

Join the campaign to get a Moonlight Movie! Details can be found at

Join the facebook campaign page to receive updates and show your support:

Two years ago our beloved show premiered on Sept. 28, 2007 and in just a few short episodes millions of people fell in love. Moonlight was more than just a show, something we wish more people could comprehend.

It brought people together, some who had never even seen a message board before, and formed friendships that will last a lifetime. It inspired people to learn things they would never have thought they'd be able to do like graphic design, video editing, writing and even web design. For some it was even a lifeline; one beautiful, bright moment for an hour every week where they could escape to. Not to mention the countless amount of lives saved thanks to our blood drive efforts.

There is no doubt that we as a fandom have suffered many a heartache and cruel criticisms. However, we are asking everyone to put aside any negative feelings and take a moment to reflect back on the good times, and how Moonlight changed your life or may have saved the life of someone you may not even know.

With that in mind, on the weekend of Sept.25-27th we ask that everyone send a letter or postcard to the
people listed below in hopes that someone will finally understand how much love there STILL is for this show around the world and grant our wish for a movie.

Alan Horn, President and COO, Warner Bros. Entertainment
Barry Meyer, President and CEO, Warner Bros. Entertainment

Jeffrey Robinov, President, Warner Bros. Pictures Group

Kevin McCormick, President of Production, Warner Bros. Pictures
John Berg, Senior Vice President of Production, Warner Bros. Pictures

They can all be reached at:
4000 Warner Blvd
Burbank, CA 91522

Rather send e-mail? No prob!

link ... f77e177afb

Thank you for your support everyone!

Kel :)

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