Misha Collins Better before or after?

castielfm22 posted on Jan 01, 2010 at 06:16AM
Was the show supernatural better before misha collins went on it or after he finally got on the show where was he?




Misha Collins 5 replies

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over a year ago toti8 said…
The show definitely became better after Misha Collins appeared on it but to be objective the writing and the plot were way better in season 4 and on.So Misha was one of the reasons of the show becoming better but not the sole one!
over a year ago castielfm22 said…
I would totally have to agree with you this show the whole plot is better since misha collins has arrived on it and another reason is that we found out that jensen ackles is michaels vessel to save the world. Its good because of misha and jensen but mainly misha
over a year ago quintoist said…
def better with Misha he's always been my fave character
over a year ago CPodxxx said…
Worse not because Misha was casted but in my personal opinion i found the show alot better before season 4 maybe 3 i was an avid fan but now i find that it's same ol same ol. I mean i think Cas is adorable and has freshened the show up a bit but i did prefer it before season 4 so technically before Misha was casted:)
over a year ago TeeFly said…
While I think the show was always great I think the addition of Misha and the angel/heaven/free will/destiny storyline that came along with him just increased it for me. So I think that while the show was awesome before, since S4 it has just kept getting better to me, so I would have to say that it has gotten better since Misha joined the cast.