Minecraft What do you want to build in minecraft?

Squirrel501 posted on Aug 06, 2012 at 01:56PM
I want to build a huge pokemon statue!! :D

Minecraft 11 replies

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over a year ago yappy24 said…
the characters from my fave show... or what i'm working on now... NYAN CAT!
over a year ago Scarpath54 said…
i've made a giant enderman that i named dexter ^_^and i'm currently working on a mau5head
victinimacaron commented…
I LOVE ENDERMEN!!! over a year ago
over a year ago LiptonGold said…
I'm building a spa/insane asylum in my survival... and also a bridge. The largest and most majestic bridge that ever made traveling easier.
over a year ago carlie445 said…
I'd build........ A BUDDER TEMPLE!!!! There would be a huge zoo, squid destroyer, and stachues!
over a year ago DJRedstonePro said…
carlie445 commented…
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! over a year ago
over a year ago America50 said…
big smile
I Want to build a castle!
over a year ago victinimacaron said…
I want mine craft... T-T
over a year ago Purple-Enderman said…
I'm building a giant statue of Tars. :3
But I also want to build a dragon from Wings of Fire
over a year ago iceagelover17 said…
I built an amusement park and a city with businesses like banks, hotel, and resturant and and a world with stuff from the ice age movie
over a year ago Nix10110 said…
I want to build a massive castle in the nether.
over a year ago shujaas said…
Minecraft 1.9 introduced a plethora of exciting features that revolutionized the gameplay experience. The addition of the Elytra, a set of wings, brought a new dimension of exploration and freedom, allowing players to soar through the skies with unparalleled grace. The End dimension received a major overhaul, with the inclusion of new structures, challenges, and the ferocious Ender Dragon fight, making it a more thrilling and rewarding adventure. The introduction of the combat update brought a fresh dynamic to combat mechanics, with new weapons, shields, and a revamped cooldown system, enhancing the strategic aspect of battles. Moreover, the addition of dual wielding opened up creative possibilities, enabling players to wield two items simultaneously. Minecraft 1.9 struck a perfect balance between innovation and preserving the game's beloved charm, cementing its status as a milestone update in the game's history. It provided countless hours of enjoyment, encouraging players to embark on daring adventures, master the art of combat, and explore new horizons in the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft.