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Mindless Behavior Question

So Let's Say The MB Tour Bus Just So Happend 2 Break Down In Front Of Your House. And Your Favorite Member Came To Your Door 2 Ask If You Could Help Them Out But Wants Your Number Instead. Who Wuld Be At Ur Door? And How Wuld U React Seeing Them?

Prodigy Wuld B At My Door. And I Wuld Want 2 Jump Around Screaming My Head Off Bu I Wuld Keep It Kool. Then Try 2 Get On Tha Bus 2 Meet Every1 Else 2!! <3 =)
So Let's Say The MB Tour Bus Just So Happend 2 Break Down In Front Of Your House. And Your Favorite Member Came To Your Door 2 Ask If You Could Help Them Out But Wants Your Number Instead. Who Wuld Be At Ur Door? And How Wuld U React Seeing Them?
Ray Ray My LOVE
awesomerayray posted over a year ago
Team Princeton all day babe
Yanelyz posted over a year ago
Team princeton # 1
Catalay posted over a year ago
 Mindlessgurly posted over a year ago
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Mindless Behavior Answers

futrMzPerez143 said:
Princeton would be at my door!!!!! My reaction would open the door like anyother regular day and then I would relize that Princeton was at the door and then I would start blushing and smiling uncontrolably and be like Princeton is that really you?? B/c I wouldn't belive my eyes! And when he says yes its really me I would be like woah!!! And then I would give him the # and then I would ask for a hug b/c I love him so much!!!!!! I love you Princeton!!!!!!!! <3 :)
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posted over a year ago 
that is the same way I would respond except I met him b4 and he knows me so he might just say wassup........his hugs are the best in the world if he hugs a girl she might have a heart attack but I just went crazy when he left
tkdiamond posted over a year ago
i want a hug from mih Princeton!!!!!!!! i kno i wud faint!!!!!! and thts cool i wanna meet him so bad!!!!!! he is the love of my life!!!
futrMzPerez143 posted over a year ago
ya i would be so happy i love princeton 2 thats my boo i would love 2 give him my number
tiarah01234 posted over a year ago
same way but then i had to close tha door then run to tha bathroom and say wake up then go bck then once i see it really him i wuld jumpo all ova him and start kissin him and blushin then pull him and then tha rest is none information
mizzdd posted over a year ago
Shaqway said:

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posted over a year ago 
Uhh No
awesomerayray posted over a year ago
uhhahahaha as long as you don't say Princeton I am oooooookay
tkdiamond posted over a year ago
lol me to just dont say princeton
realestgirl posted over a year ago
aniyjah1128 said:
pristen will be at my door
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posted over a year ago 
u spelt his name rong.......:\
futrMzPerez143 posted over a year ago
U jacked his name all up it's Princeton
Mrs_Right_143 posted over a year ago
p.s its princeton p r i n c e t o n
realestgirl posted over a year ago
tkdiamond said:
Prince would be at my door and since we see each other a lot on tours he might be like wats up and say can I come in or we always talk to each other but I still don't have your number and I would give it to him. the first day I met Princeton was the most owkward day of my life cause we were alone in the hallway and he jst started talking to me and I lost it when he gave me a hug and left.
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posted over a year ago 
Ur LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna meet mih Prince!!!! hes the love of my life!!!! <3<3<3<3
futrMzPerez143 posted over a year ago
really thats awesome i wish i could meet him!!!! LUCKY!!!!
rayraylol posted over a year ago
i want to hug him and meet him
realestgirl posted over a year ago
love1206 said:
I would love for Prodigy because he is soo sexy
and my reaction would be mad happy cuz i love prodigy and all the rest and i would ask him for his number.
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posted over a year ago 
princetonluvr said:
It would be PRINCETON and I would very shocked and I would scream in my head
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posted over a year ago 
princeandbeanz said:
Princeton would be at my door:-) :-) :-) And I'd be trying to stay cool the whole time and then I'd hug him and go help out and meet the rest of Mindless Behavior 1-4 them lol:-) :-) :-) :-) StAy DOpElEsS:-) :-)!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
rayraylol said:
i would give him my digits and smile the whole time we would talk and laugh all day!!! then later that nite he would call me!!!!!!! after all tht i would scream my head off!! lol
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posted over a year ago 
bfflvvh said:
i really wuldnt care who came 2 mii door cuz i like em all id be like sure one minute plez then close tha door and scream then peak out the window nd stare at they sexxii selves
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posted over a year ago 
ImYoursPerez said:
I would be like Heres my #Calll Meee and I would go Crazyyyy!!!!!!!!And of Course That boy would be Princeton!!!!!!
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I would be like Heres my #Calll Meee and I would go Crazyyyy!!!!!!!!And of Course That boy would be Princeton!!!!!!
posted over a year ago 
Jadensonlygirl said:
i wud say u can have my numbah but i dont fix cars so u can push that back up the hill lol an say i can call u tow truck
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posted over a year ago 
MaaKayla101 said:
Prodigy I would crack the door and cry then i would say "Hi Prodigy" and he would say "Damm You FINE" and ask for my nuber i would give it to him and he would say what i came here for and say oh yeah i came to ask if you could fix my tour bus u kno the man of the house and my dad would go out there and fix it and we would go out there on the back and jump on my trampoline and he would be asking me questions and stuff aboout me and i would tell him and i would ask him the same questions and e would know all about each other my dad would come back there and say its fixed up and he wuld say thank you sir and hand him a 50 dollar bill and take only me for a ride and when we are gone and come back to my house we seal it with a kiss tounge kiss and i would say call me he said i will and i would go running into the house and behing he would look at my booty go and teel the rest of the boys my first girlfriend and he would not like keke palmer no more

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posted over a year ago 
lol good 1 about keke palmer haha!!
mariesluv4prod posted over a year ago
tigers143 said:
I would want Roc Royal to come to my door. And I would just act normal then give him my #. Then I would try seeing the rest of the guys.
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posted over a year ago 
MindlessMakala said:
prince would be at my door ^_^ and when I open the door and see him I would probably stand there shocked with my my mouth wide open then I would realize what I'm doing and say "can I help you?" Haha and if he asked for my # I would run and get a pen and paper and give it to him lol
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posted over a year ago 
loveJSforever said:
The person that would be in front of my door would be prodigy and IO would be screaming my lungs out also I would tell him that I love him and FOREVER WILL.
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posted over a year ago 
MzmindlessTlat said:
It would be roc royal I would say excuse me close the door scream oPen it back say sorry invite him in have a mini heart attack say he could use then phone then while waiting I would talk to him and get to know him a lil give him my number go on the bus and chill with all the guys give him a really sexy hug that makes him think the rest of the day and wait for the call with my friends!! #Rocangel
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posted over a year ago 
mariesluv4prod said:
It would be Prodigy n i would be shocked then act like i dont kno him n then he wld dance for me cuz ill force him to that point...yeah thats a daydream rite there! 1-4-3 ;)
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posted over a year ago 
cae-cae11 said:
Ray-ray would be at my door and I would scream and help them out (of course ) I love him
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posted over a year ago 
realestgirl said:
first of all it would be princeton i would open the door slow cuz my dog be at the door say yes and if he say umm its princeton i would be like move coco then open the door move say um y would u be at my door and if he be like our bus broke can i use ur phone plz i would be like yea hold on i have to close the door cuz my dog going to be drolen so hold on go get the phone put the password in and give him it to call then hopefully he say thank you do u want to come on
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posted over a year ago 
u should finish this i feel like its not complete!!! lol
mariesluv4prod posted over a year ago
like u had more to say or somethin......
mariesluv4prod posted over a year ago
no that was it really
realestgirl posted over a year ago
mzcrippen1 said:
Prodigy and Omgosh I love you I would cry and help him out the best way I can
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posted over a year ago 
mindlessswagg1 said:
I like roc the most but it would be Princeton and his shirt would be of and he would be sweaty and I would flirt and clean him up and stiff and feed him a. Cold drink
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posted over a year ago 
Catalay said:
i will be cool and "go CRAZY inside"
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posted over a year ago 
thickmama84 said:
My prodigy and I'll be laughing my ass off
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posted over a year ago 
shacobi said:
i like prodigy but i would like for all of them to be at my door i would go crazy in my head but i would act like a young lady
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posted over a year ago 
AbzGotSwagRae said:
Roc Royal would be at my door and I would try to stay calm but want to scream so hard
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posted over a year ago 
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