Michael J Fox Album dedicated to Michael J.Fox and "Back to the future"!!!

massimosorry posted on Nov 03, 2010 at 05:43PM
Hi everybody!

I'm Massimo Sorrentino and a "Back to the future" great fan. I'm an Italian jazz guitar player and I've just released an instrumental CD inspired by the greatest science fiction film ever made. My album's title is "Intorno al futuro"and is available for download on I-Tunes and on all the world digital megastores.Alternatively people can put an order at the following address:intornoalfuturo@yahoo.it
It was back in 1985 when I first saw "Back to the future". I was astounded by Robert Zemeckis's work of art. A story that moves me until now. Marty's,Doc's, Georges's,Lorraine's,Biffi's characters to the mythical Delorean became familiar faces for me,as for many of my generation.Nevertheless there is one more reason why I'm so fond of this film: Michael J. Fox incredible solo on the 'Johnny B. Good ' notes. That memorable scene was such an inspiration that prompted me to buy my very first guitar!! Only afterwards I realized that music would become my life....Therefore, somehow, that event changed the course of my life!.
I've decided therefore to dedicate my new record to "Back to the future' amusing myself with the compositions titles, inspired also by phrases or quotations from the film, such as "Grande Giove", "Salviamo l'orologio della torre",'Incanto sotto il mare",1885", "Doc and Einstein",trying to express musically the vision of a moment or a particular scene of the film,greatly inspired by the Alan Silvestri magnificent soundtrack.
These sensations gave life to melodies and harmonies,through a mix of jazz/rock,symphonic/funk which i'm fond of, the whole spiced up by referral to the mythical '80s, which could not be left out in this case!!
Thanks for your attention and I'm giving you a link to a video from my record,where you can listen to the single"Song for Michael and Marty", dedicated to the great Michael J. Fox.



(CD download)

Michael J Fox 1 reply

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over a year ago Alita_Nicholas said…
That's awesome! I also love the Back to the Future movies, especially the first one. I've watched it again and again and again. You should be proud of yourself for making your own record! It's quite an achievement. =) I'm a big Michael J Fox fan too. It's great to meet another fan. God bless =)