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Lucky Star Question

What side of a chocolate cornet would you eat first?

I would eat the fat end,since it reminds me kind of like an ice cream cone shape :D.
Haha best question x3
ziva posted over a year ago
 LunaShay posted over a year ago
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Lucky Star Answers

Vocaloidcode01 said:
Well, I've always thought of it like a caterpillar, so the fat end.
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posted over a year ago 
DevilsXAngels said:
I agree with her ^^^^^^^^^

The fat end ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
ForsakenOutcast said:
i would eat the big end, dont want to make a mess and chocolet doesnt clean off well
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posted over a year ago 
RocketSlug said:
The fat end. Always. I've even had one before, but it was lemon cream instead of chocolate.
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The fat end. Always. I've even had one before, but it was lemon cream instead of chocolate.
posted over a year ago 
ziva said:
To be different the small end because I know I'm going to make a mess anyway x3
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To be different the small end because I know I'm going to make a mess anyway x3
posted over a year ago 
Kogami said:
The fat end,I want to lick the chocolate first :D
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posted over a year ago 
SliverSheik said:
At first I thought it was the skiny end (like a sea shell!), but it would just get messy everytime you bite into it because the chocolate would just come out of the bottom. So I'd say the fat end (like a caterpilar!). Plus, that's where the most chocolate is, and I am in love with chocolate more than anything in the world.
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posted over a year ago 
reaper12345 said:
I will take a piece of the top and dip it in the bottom.
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posted over a year ago 
ScreamoGirl said:
I would be weird and eat the small end, like Konata did- because I'm weird like that :3
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I would be weird and eat the small end, like Konata did- because I'm weird like that :3
posted over a year ago 
rowena3215 said:
i really dont care srry but i just really dont no
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posted over a year ago 
vampiressJazz said:
Like Konata i would eat the top XD
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posted over a year ago 
miyuchan7 said:
I would eat the fat end first sorta like eating an ice cream cone only with biting
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posted over a year ago 
xDorax said:
The small end. coz u no how the fat end cant fit in your mouth. and u no how if u eat from the fat end u get chocolete all over ur mouth. . . but then if u eat from the small end u wont get to the choclete end before ur mouth gets covered in it so i dun realy no which side u eat a choc cornet :c. oh one question would u eat chocolete or chips? i think chips coz u no how u get sick of chocolete realy fast coz it has too much coco :l but when u eat chips u dont get sick of it that quick . oh nd do u no how when u do somthin u think that uv already thought of that or u thibk its already happened ? like when i was at school yesterday when i was going up the stairs i saw this new teacher and i thought iv already thought of that before even though she was still a new teacher. its kinda like u can c the future o_o. oh and do u no when u have a scary dream but when u wake up i forget about it. but when ur at school in ur class ALONE u start remembering then u get realy scard and u freeze up. oh nd this is one i saw on lucky star u no how u make milk coffie nd stuff like that and its too hot so u leave it on the dining table nd when u get carryed awaying doing somthing else and u just relise u kept ur coffie out and wen u check on it its ice cold and web u put it in the microwave u go back to wat u were doing and then u forget again . . . and again . . . and again . . . . and u get the point then u get all fustrated and u stand in front of the microwave but then u fell slugish and u end up dont somthing else and u forget again • • • curses D: shit and now this • • • i guess i got carryed away typing :$ i didnt notice it was so long oh and u no how when u type while thing about what ur typing u start thinking it too fast then u miss words its such a pain i mean i wish u could type as fast as u think but thats physically impossible unless ur a slow thinker v.v. D:< ahhh i got carryed away typing again . . . sorry :(
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posted over a year ago 
srry fir spelling mistakes :$ nd stuff u dont understand but u gotta unstand >:O
xDorax posted over a year ago
mangamoo01 said:
I would probably eat the fat end first because if I didn't I would make a huge mess :P
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I would probably eat the fat end first because if I didn't I would make a huge mess :P
posted over a year ago 
MCHopnPop said:
For me I would start at the small end to make less of a mess because the other way might be too messy for my liking.
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posted over a year ago 
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