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LGBT Question

What sexual orientation are you; and have you ever tried to not be that?

I'm bi-sexual; and one day tried to be straight. It didn't work. Months later; I tried lesbian, and again it didn't work. :/
What about you?
 YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
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LGBT Answers

Roxas1314 said:
I am a lesbian. I have had many occasions when I wished I was 'normal.' But then I realize that no one is normal to anyone else.

People have tried 'changing' me so that I could go to Heaven or wherever. Every single time they try, they fail...because I try to explain to them that what the Bible says about homosexuality isn't actually about homosexuality. Those verses are more about not committing adultery and staying faithful to your spouse. =/

Also, I have tried to like men in that intimate way, but all I really want to do is hug them. I am not comfortable thinking about intimacy with men.

I've often been called a man-hater because for some reason, not being sexually attracted to every breathing person of the opposite gender automatically means you hate them. Yeah...right. -_-

I've tried conforming to these 'standards' set up by society, but I just don't fit into them and I came to terms with that and now I have an unyielding desire to stay true to myself, rather than being fake so everyone else can be happy.
I dunno why, but this picture makes me happy :D
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I am a lesbian. I have had many occasions when I wished I was 'normal.' But then I realize that no one is normal to anyone else.

People have tried 'changing' me so that I could go to Heaven or wherever. Every single time they try, they fail...because I try to explain to them that what the Bible says about homosexuality isn't actually about homosexuality. Those verses are more about not committing adultery and staying faithful to your spouse. =/

Also, I have tried to like men in that intimate way, but all I really want to do is hug them. I am not comfortable thinking about intimacy with men.

I've often been called a man-hater because for some reason, not being sexually attracted to every breathing person of the opposite gender automatically means you hate them. Yeah...right. -_-

I've tried conforming to these 'standards' set up by society, but I just don't fit into them and I came to terms with that and now I have an unyielding desire to stay true to myself, rather than being fake so everyone else can be happy.
I dunno why, but this picture makes me happy :D
posted over a year ago 
Nice :)
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
:) don't worry about what homophobes say. Nice catch on what the bible says! I'm straight (might be bi, not sure) but I completely support gays, bi's whatever you happen to be!
DramaQueen1020 posted over a year ago
loYol said:
Lesbian. {Well I'm pretty sure YOU know that. xD}
I tried to be straight a few years ago. Or just to like guys. Nothing worked.
I had to just come to terms with who I am, and be okay with it. That this is who I am and nothing could change it.
Now I'm perfectly comfortable with my sexuality. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Awesome :D
Alchemistlover posted over a year ago
I can't help but think if there really is a girl out there for me; or am I just gonna fly through them all like a 'slut' as people call me -.-
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
NightFrog said:
I'm pansexual (before anyone asks- it's described as "gender blindness"). I tried being asexual a few months ago, because a part of me actually believed I was asexual- I think there is a part of me that is.

There were long periods where I found human contact (mostly intimate) unsettling to me. I don't know for sure why, I've been off-and-on like that since I was little. But, when those periods are gone, I'm more pansexual. I came to the conclusion eventually that I am infact pansexual. A part of me wanted to be asexual though, I sort of saw it as a "freedom." I accept who I am currently (in terms of sexuality). I'm more sure about myself now, before I was mostly leading myself on.
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posted over a year ago 
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
Alchemistlover said:
Iv'e decided i'm pretty much straight but completely support gay rights
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you :)
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
Beebs07 said:
I'm a lesbian; and i dated a girl first, then tried dating a guy for awhile and it wasnt what i wanted at all; back to girls and it felt amazing!
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posted over a year ago 
I know, eh?
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
NewBoyz231 said:
I'm Bi-Sexual, And Over 2 years ago, many of my friends & family tried to change me, but fortunately, they failed. I explained that i liked men more than women, and they were speechless.. Then i soon realize, the accepted me.

Up to this day, i am Bi-Sexual, but back then, many people didn't take my decision so seriously. I don't have to like women more than men and be in a relationship with them. Its not like that. But now, my family & friends accept me for who i am, and i'm taking Bi-Sexuality very good. ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
I just hate the fact all the girls I like turn out to be sluts. If they weren't, I would totally be lesbian. .-. There's only one guy I like enough to date; and that's my friend Terrance
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
...........who is in the hospital :(
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
(Funny; as I wrote that his little sister walked into the classroom) O.O
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
Aw..I Hope he gets Better :( But Still, the guy i'm dating isn't a Cunt or anything. That's fine for me ^_^
NewBoyz231 posted over a year ago
introvert93 said:
Well I am a closet lesbian and for a while I tried to convince myself that my attraction to other females was just a phase. It isn't and now I am focusing on not being ashamed or afraid to be who I really am. Someone once told me that you shouldn't spend all your time looking for love. Let love find you! In the meantime you should assert what makes you comfortable and the kind of person you would like to be in a relationship with regardless of your orientation. Was that helpful?
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posted over a year ago 
Yes; thank you
YoYoLover4Ever posted over a year ago
I have been going through the same thing lately when I realized I was Bi.
silentgirl17 posted over a year ago
ImBooOK said:
When I was 13 i hit puberty (Like usually) And I went to one of my friends summer birthday party slash pool party and he introduced me to his older sister Nikki. She had long brown hair and the most bluest eyes i have ever seen. Tall, tannish, and ..curves 9if u know what i mean) and she hung around me the whole time. We played basketball, ate together, even swam next to eachother and by the end of the day i relised i felt something i usually had felt about boys. Later that night i texted her and told her about these feeling and that i was kind of confused. she called and explained the whole thing to me, about lesbians and gay men and bisexuals. A few days later i heard almost EVERYWHERE use the word "Gay" and "homo" and trust me it wasnt good talk. i reised that if i was one of thoses "Homos" i might not be accepted by anyone. so i hid my feelings for a really long time. In 8th grade i dated a boy because i thought it would 'change' me. and i actually loved him but i didnt...LOOOOVEE him. i couldnt be happy telling him lies, so i came out to him. fortunately he was ok with it and said we could still be friends (still are) And in that same year we had this new teacher come in. (and if you know this already) the teacher was my familys friend and she even babysitted me for money before college. I felt so happy when i was with her because we are just a like, and she is funny and sweet. i relised i also felt something else. i was attracted to her. i couldnt help but glance at her whenever i could. i felt sick to my stomach, i couldnt deal with liking another girl....let alone WOMAN..who was my i finally just told all my friends that i was gay. but yes there was a time when i was too scared to be anthing but my real self. i wish it wasnt that way, but it is.
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posted over a year ago 
Herro_There said:
I'm bi-curious.

I have a crush on a dude, but I'm attracted to girls, too.

I'm 14 and I haven't been with anyone yet. I try to push it out of my head, and just try and be 'normal' sometimes. I know it'll never work.
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posted over a year ago 
seeuvocaloid3 said:
I'm bi sexual and some of people i tell say it is gross and today the girl i like tried to tell my guidence councillor im bi and to help me be more comfertable with it and i told her just pretend im straight and forget i am bi (i was exsteremly upset when i said this no offence intended ) and she said (even though she is straight) said you are who you are and im gonna help you accsept that i am thankful for her helping me out
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posted over a year ago 
Kobukuro said:
I'm a bit bi-curious....i mean i'm attracted to girls but this friend(which is a guy).....he's just somewhat attractive to me.....
I feel weird around him...especially when i'm with him alone....
I try not to think of him as attractive...i try to think of him as my "best friend" or "Pal"...
But these feelings are still in me...they won't go away.
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posted over a year ago 
RenderedUseless said:
I want to define myself as pansexual. Because in reality, I care more for a person's personality, and who they are. I could care less about what's in between their legs. Also, I'm scared about being intimate with another person. I want to enjoy some good cuddle sessions, and a little kiss here and there, but that's it. I just want to enjoy my time with them, making good memories... And just being... Happy.
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posted over a year ago 
I just couldn’t agree more. Well said!
Templarette posted over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 said:
I'm not really sure. I might be bi, but I'm mostly straight. I love hugs and physical contact like that. I love getting hugs and kisses from all my friends, boys and girls. Lots of my friends of each gender are good looking, but I'm not sure.
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posted over a year ago 
Templarette said:
Well, I’ve always thought I was heterosexual, but after a long thinking-session I came to the conclusion that..

..I don’t know what my sexual orientation is. :|

As I am now, I’d say I’m either homosexual or bi, ’cause I am attracted to people of the same sex as me. But, really, what can I possibly know about this at such a young age, with all those hormones screwing with my head? Plus, I’m probably the most romantically inexperienced person I know, and I’m as sexually active as a sock. So that just adds to the mountain of confusion.

..I guess I’ll just wait n’ see. Time will tell me everything, hopefully. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Gleek748 said:
I tried being a lesbian for a while, but it didn't feel right. Then I tried being straight so people wouldn't pick on me. That didn't feel right either. I came to the conclusion that I should be proud of who I am. And that is bi. :)
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posted over a year ago 
polarwagon15 said:
Totally straight, but I support the LGBT community. I'm not some ignorant, close minded moron who completely bashes someone other than the sole reason that they're different.

(but I was bisexual for a short time)
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posted over a year ago 
NCISLuverjk93 said:
I guess I'd have to say I'm bisexual.

I was straight, or I at least thought I was, for the first 17 years of my life. But I wasn't 'trying to be' straight, I just.. was.

It's all very complicated. >_<

You should never 'try to not be' your orientation. You can experiment, but don't be ashamed or let others influence you.
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posted over a year ago 
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