Leyton Family<3 Icon Contest ♥ [Round 12: Icon for Aline - Deadline 26th of January]

rachel713 posted on Aug 23, 2019 at 04:49PM

So, another one of these, right? You know the drill, but here's the rules anyway:

1. You have 14 days to make an icon (if you want an extension to the time limit, just ask)
2. You have 7 days to vote for your favorite icon in the picks I make for each round. Vote for the prettiest icon, not your favorite fandom thing (but you guys already knew that :P)
3. The icon can be related to anything you want, as long as it at least somewhat follows the theme given.
4. You can also use older icons you've made if they apply to the theme.
5. Don't vote for yourself (again, you guys know this)
6. If you have any theme suggestions, just say!
7. Interpret the theme anyway you like, just have fun!
8. Image size preferably 100x100 or 200x200, but as long as it's somewhat square, we all good.
9. the winner of each round gets 10 icons from me :)

+ You will get an inspiration photo of Freddie Mercury with each round to motivate you to make icons! You're very welcome <3

[Round 1 (Deadline 29th of August)
Theme: Rainbow
Winner: Inés

Round 2 (Deadline 5th of September)
Theme: Eyes
Winner: Kir

Round 3 (Deadline 12th of September)
Theme: Blonde

Round 4 (Deadline 19th of September)
Theme: Anger

Round 5 (Deadline 1st of October)
Theme: Flowers

Round 6 (Deadline 7th of October)
Theme: Autumn colors

Round 7 (Deadline 14th of October)
Theme: Black & White

Round 8 (Deadline 14th of October)
Theme: Relationship + Quote (platonic or romantic, doesn't matter)

Round 9 (Deadline 31st October)
Theme: Halloween (legit interpret this however you want, fam)

Round 10 (Deadline 14th of November)
Theme: Fashion

Round 11 (Deadline 22nd of November)
Theme: Pastel colors

Round 12 (Deadline 26th of January)
Theme: Icon for Aline

So, another one of these, right? You know the drill, but here's the rules anyway:

1. You
last edited on Jan 12, 2020 at 12:41PM

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