Ktchenor Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 795

ktichenor said …
Okay I'm officially boycotting Pink Floyd! Either Roger Water's has lost his mind or forgot to take his meds or maybe the 70's are catching up to him regardless I will NOT tolerate hate towards Ukraine! I said it and I meant it! So Roger go jump in your delusional waters!!!!! 😑 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Shame on you!!!! over a year ago
RougeTheBat844 commented…
I AGREEEEEEE!!!!!!!~ >:( over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
It's embarrassing and disgraceful!😑 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Okay, learned something, queer platonic relationship? First who came up with this? And doesn't everybody do this already or have the option? My parents did in college and there not queer. Also this really pushes the definition of being Aro off a cliff. I'm so lost and confused and slightly disgusted. Eww! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Btw way I did look up the word. Feel free to change my mind over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Yeah,i'm not really sure what it means tbh :) over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Yes there is so many out there I fully agree *lol* πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I got medals... yay? Seriously 19 medals great but why are they in clubs I'm hardly active in like zero activity? Is this fair?πŸ€” Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
This really doesn't feel fair. over a year ago
Genevievebarbie commented…
I think it depends on how long you've been in the clubs.... over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
That makes sense. Good point. over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
New Obsession! Okay I have a lot of obsessions: chocolate, Beatles, PTX, Cats...everything but I have discovered a British YT show called The Sidemen! It's hilarious (humor's not for everyone) It's like Animal House meets a PG-13 version of Jackass (hope that makes sense) They're friends, they do challenges, reaction videos and there fun! They've been at this for 10 years! I πŸ’œ them! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
For the record I hate Jackass but Sidemen is awesome! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ Hi! How's everybody? I know I've gone a loooong time and I'm so sorry! I wish I could say I was in the TARDIS but I was with dr's lots of dr's! And there's been some developments, not only do I have kidney disease but also liver disease and scarring of the spleen!πŸ™„πŸ˜’ No panicking yet. But I will have to do imaging and still need the results of my bt. So wish me luck! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
So what did I miss? over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I wish you luck, now and always. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Yesterday was my dad's 19th birthday! Because why not! *lol* 😁 Happy birthday to the best dad in the world! πŸŽ‚πŸŽβ€οΈπŸ˜Š Posted over a year ago
Genevievebarbie commented…
19? BTW happy (very) belated birthday to your father. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
*lol* Just an age joke! My dad started doing it when he turned 40 just him being funny :) over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
And thank you! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I have to share this! Big news! My cousin Blake and his gf Kimberly are engaged but a wedding date has been set! It's happening!!!!! So sweet! Two farm kids meeting and falling in love.... why isn't this a movie!? Should be! Best love story ever!😊🌞
I'm really happy for them! Cheers and a long and happy life to them both!πŸ₯‚πŸ’•πŸ˜Š πŸ‘°πŸ€΅ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
My little cousin... they grow up so fast! 😒 over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I hope they have a wonderful wedding. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you! 😊 over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
You're very welcome. πŸ’—πŸ’— over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Update! First missed you!!!!!!!!!! And OMG the new banner and icon! 😍 Wow!!!
Also, I'm doing way better! New lesson for 2022, if you have IBS stay AWAY from protein bars!😝⚠️ Bad idea! Anyway I hope to be back either tomorrow or Monday and hopefully no more health hiccups! *lol* Thank you for the well wishes! *virtual hugs!* πŸ€—πŸ€— Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm so happy to hear that you're doing better. *virtual hugs* over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
*virtual hugs back* over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I'm sorry guys, I wont' be here for awhile. I'm doing real bad! I ate a protein bar and I got sick 8 times last night, twice this morning and my stomach hurts! I got some meds from the quick med this morning (my dad is a star! bless him!) and I need to take it easy and stay on a bland diet for a bit. I will be back but right now I feel awful! Sorry everyone.😭 Miss you! Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Aww so sorry you are feeling unwell,Kirsten.You have had a lot to deal with,hun.Take care and gets lots of rest drink clear fluids if you can.Know that i'm thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers always.*Hugs* sending love and light right now !πŸ’–πŸ’– over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm so sorry. I hope you recover soon. over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
Time to change the club's look! Banner and icon poll are up! (no particular theme this time just having fun with the look) So let's vote! πŸ˜πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰βŽ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Hey guys! Miss you all! I'm getting better, coming back slowly. Thank you for the props! A lot of catching up to do! *lol* Oh and update on the gastrologist, they want more blood work! Ugh!!!! Apparently they're interested in my liver? What!? Totally confused now! 🀯 Certainly not winning points with me right now but the human pincushion (me) will deliver πŸ™„
God help me! πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜­ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Seriously, are gastrologists supposed to check livers? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Anybody know? over a year ago
ktichenor said …
*pokes head out of tissue boxes* Hi, I am sooooo sorry I've been M.I.A. It's been rough the visit with the gastrologist was a disaster! I actually saw his nurse not the doctor (I will though). She didn't listen and 5 min in she wanted a colonoscopy! Ack! Also I've been sick πŸ€’ I'm really sorry and I miss ya'll and will return soon! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Also I had to blood work and I've got a ultra sound coming up for the 'real' gastrologist. Good news, though the gluten free is working! 😁 over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm really sorry. I hope that everything gets better soon. over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Aww so sorry you are going through all this,Kirsten *hugs* I hope all goes well for you,hun.Stay strong I know you will and all will turn out good for you in the end.Sending all my love alwaysπŸ’–πŸ’›πŸ¦‹ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
ktichenor said …
Hello! Sorry I was absent yesterday! I had to fast for blood work, I had a dr's appointment today. Everything's fine but I'm having stomach issues and have to see a specialist. Now I've done this before so I'm fine with it but I asked and my doctor she gave the okay to try gluten free so if anybody has any suggestions I'm open! Any help is welcome! 😊 Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Aww sorry to hear that,hun.My sister is the same but has been a lot better since she changed to gluten free foods such as bread and milk.Hope all goes well for you :) over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you Berni! I'm starting slow but hopefully this will help :) over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Hopefully it will I know gluten free foods can be a bit more expensive but i'm sure it's worth it for your health.Let me know how you go with it,hun :) over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I will! Tomorrow I go hunting in the grocery store! *lol* And I'm seeing a new doctor next week so hopefully I'll get this figured out :) over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
Update on the Tumblr nightmare: First I checked the links and videos, they seem good *knock wood* but I have officially deleted my Tumblr account! No more headaches! Besides I've got Fanpop, weheartit, Pinterest, YouTube and Mitch's Patreon account. I'm good! πŸ˜πŸ‘ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Does anybody know if you delete a video or link from where you posted it that it deletes here too? Please I'm in trouble, these videos were glitched into gory nightmares, I need them gone. LET ME KNOW if you see any Mitch Grassi links or posts that looks weird or bloody! PLEASE!!!!! Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Hi, Kirsten.I am sorry that you are having all this trouble,hun.As far as I know if you delete a video or link from where you posted it...it does not delete from here as well.You have to delete the video or link from where you posted it and from here too.I will certainly look out for any glitched video's for you so you can delete them.If you have any trouble at all just let me know and I will report it to Michael or you can report things to him yourself if you wish.Try not to worry too much all will be ok *hugs* ! over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Just let me know πŸ’–πŸ’– over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ€—πŸ€— over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I need some help last night I was told some tumblr posts (mainly Mitch Grassi) have been glitched and basically been cursed into gore and guts content (yeah). Now I searched my blog (thank u pyrana!😊 ) and deleted videos but I don't know if it's still here. So if you see any Mitch videos or links and it looks off please let me know! I need to delete it! ASAP! Thanks! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Now my blog was not hacked into, this is Tumblr fault. The person who alerted me explained what happened and it's important I get these videos and links gone! Any help is appreciated! πŸ’– over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
I just did the craziest thing! I joined Mitch Grassi's Patron! This is the account he started after deleting the others cause of trolls. But here I will have access to new music, livestreams, posts and yes I can make comments on his posts! *screaming inside* and also slightly terrified *lol* XD But this is also a lot of fun!!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ’ƒ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Doubt he'll respond to a comment but.... fingers crossed? 😁 over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I also know that I spelled Patreon wrong. Sorry! 😳 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Ugh, people are so rude! So called Mitch fans are complaining about Mitch's new song Leather, saying they like Mitch but hate Messer? What!? Uh, Mitch is Messer! Duh! Also Messer's music is going to be different. We already knew that. He told us! It's not PTX! Anyway I love it and if you don't like that kind of music just don't listen! No need to be mean! πŸ™„πŸ˜  Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Some people just have no class ! ignore them,hun.It's your choices that matter not there's :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I got Mitch's new song! It's amazing! There's an alt to his voice (which is probably good cause of PTX) but the rnb vibes! WOW! And he has grown so much as a songwriter so impressive!!! I love it!πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Posted over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
Oh , I almost forgot! I'm getting a new laptop! Yay!!! Which means I have to move all my files in one day! ACK!!!!! *faints!* 😳😱 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Seriously, it's still working but it's slowly glitching. And this new one has more room :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Well, I unfaved the DA pride journal. I got tired of falsely being called gay and threatened to a lake of fire (3 times) so original! πŸ™„ I've also been called broken, groomer(?) and crazy oh, and my fave conspiracy theory 'you actually chose this, you want attention!!!!' Yeah, I chose this and decided to deny my parents a son in-law and grandkids...why not! πŸ˜‚ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
This is actually very popular theory that being queer is a choice. Tbh, it's scary. I have fears of a wedding boogie man coming after me 😱 over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Anyway, it's sad I had to do this. It's supposed to be a happy time but we're barely at the sixth day and already we have chaos from morons! So, that's why I say this if I see any of this rhetoric or insults towards me or anybody I want you gone. You can have your views, I know I can't change your mind but keep it to yourself. Words hurt. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
So true, just leave them, not worth the time. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Lord so much hate on the DeviantArt Pride journal! Where's the staff!!! The trolls are not only attacking the gays their attacking asexuals/ aromantics! God what's wrong with these people! Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
It's sad. People hating on other people. The Pride Month community doesn't need any more hate. More love and acceptance is what's needed. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Well said! What's sad is it's open season on Asexuals. Somebody said asexuals were broken and crazy πŸ™„ over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
I'm so excited!!!! Mitch/Messer and Pentatonix are working on new music! *happy dance!*
It will be mine! *evil laugh!* (alright maybe not 'evil' laugh *lol*) πŸ˜πŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Happy Pride Month!
πŸ–€πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ€πŸ–€πŸ’œπŸ’š Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Happy Pride Month πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ€πŸ’š over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Aww, thank you, hun! πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ€πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I now know why the Elvis movie reminds me of Moulin Rouge... It was directed by the same guy! ACK!!! I swear if I hear Austin Butler singing My Name Is or Eminem rapping Hound Dog I'm out!!! 😳😭😱 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
One day till Pride! So excited! Who's ready!!! πŸ³β€πŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ€ Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm ready. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Awesome! 😊 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
So, did anybody hear about the new Ritz/ Oreo? It's literally one side Ritz cracker and the other Oreo cookie... Ewww!!!!! 😝
This is wrong on so many levels! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Oh I did mention that there is cheese and cream right? Yay. XD over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Edit: Might be peanut butter (sorry!) Still eww, though XD over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Okay, here's what irks me (it also hurt) is when a Fanpoper sends condolences about my mom even though they for a year or so would send wall post asking how are you and I would take that as them caring Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
and tell them about my mom and then about six months or a year later would get a response of how are you. Now either this is code for I'm sorry to hear that or they honestly didn't care (which is fine) but if that's the case then please don't say anything. It already hurts. Nobody knows what she or we went thru and I would never wish it on you or anyone. Decline is sugarcoating it. And I loved my mom so please don't make it worse if you don't care. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
And this is an actual person but I'm not saying their name. I don't think their a bad person and I refuse to argue over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
*hugs back* πŸ€πŸ’›πŸ’œ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Okay, so everybody's freaking out about Yasmin Finney playing a character called 'Rose' on Doctor Who for the 60th instead can we please talk about the first trans actress on DW! Hello! Big deal here! This is amazing!!!!! We need to celebrate this victory for the LGBTQ+!!!! Duh! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
All the love and support to Yasmin! Trans rights! over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I didn't know she's a trans actress. That's great to hear. Rose is my favorite companion, so I'm happy she's coming back. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Thank you guys for all the birthday wishes and images! I truly truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. You really made it so much easier especially this year with my mom leaving just last month. Thank ya'll again! *hugs!* Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Aww most welcome,hun.I'm so pleased you had a lovely day ! I bet was mom was with you on your special day and always β™‘πŸ’œβ™‘ over a year ago
Genevievebarbie said …
Happy Birthday, Kirsten!! πŸ₯³πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Aww, thank you! πŸ’›πŸ˜Š over a year ago
Genevievebarbie commented…
Your welcome! β­πŸ’› over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Whelp, now my grandfather has COVID! He's had his shots (just had his booster too late...) Honestly, when will this stupid year be over! 😝 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Just call me unsinkable Molly Brown! πŸ˜πŸ˜ πŸ˜– over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm so sorry. Bless your grandfather. I wish him a quick recovery. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you! 😊 over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
You're very welcome. πŸ’—πŸ’— over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Okay, so booing Prince William at a soccer game is a huge sin but threating to toss Harry and Meghan over a balcony (which is technically inciting violence) is perfectly fine! Got it!
What happens if I say the Queen's lipstick color is tacky? Will I get thrown into a dungeon?πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ Posted over a year ago
jlhfan624 commented…
lol! You probably would!! over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Better than being stuck with them, though! *lol* XD over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
Best thing about wearing a mask is if your fave song comes on in the grocery store no one can see you singing! *lol* 😁🎢🎡 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Congrats to Ncuti Gatwa as the 14th Doctor! Woo hoo!!!!! Super excited and thank god it wasn't Hugh Grant! *lol* Oh, so excited!!!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‡πŸŽ†βœ¨πŸŽŠ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Welcome to the Doctor Who family!!!! over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm curious to know if you have seen any of his previous work. I'm not familiar with him. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Tbh, I don't either. I looked him up and he's a Rwandan-Scottish actor. And he's on a show on Netflix called Sex Education and he's won a couple of BAFTA awards. Other than that he's new to me, too :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
This will be my first Mother's Day without my mom but I'm celebrating anyway. She wanted a party celebrating her life and that's what we're doing! Happy Mother's Day Momma! πŸ’–πŸ’πŸŽ‰πŸ’‹ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Dave Chappelle got jumped on stage... lets take a moment to savor that karma does exist! Does my heart good when homophobic, trans hating jerks get a taste of justice!!!! πŸ˜πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘πŸ™ Posted over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
On Mother's Day I take comfort knowing the rude idiots I never got to tell her about, she knows now and they better run! *lol* Thanks momma, my guardian angelπŸ˜ŠπŸŒΉπŸ™ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Seriously, they need to run 😁 Also got to have some humor from this, she would want that :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Good news my b-day is next month! (May 19) Bad news my kidney ultra sound was rescheduled for that day... Yuck! (Sure why not! *lol* πŸ˜‚πŸ˜) Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
It's okay, I was the one who wanted to get it over with! *sighs* Me and my big fat mouth! XD over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I wish you the very best with your appointment and I wish you a wonderful birthday in advance. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you, hun! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’› over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
You're very welcome. πŸ’—πŸ’— over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Misha Collins said he was bisexual then said oops he's not and added sorry for falsely co-opt the struggles of queer people but hey he's an ally! I think I hate the show Supernatural more now than ever! πŸ™„ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Good luck with that hole you're digging yourself in, sir! Ally my a**!!!!!πŸ™„πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‚ over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Honestly don't mess with something as important as coming out. That's just tacky! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I miss my mom. I didn't realize how hard this was going to be. I feel like I've lost her twice, once to dementia and now this. I need some time. I'll be here just not active much. Sorry, hope you all understand. πŸ’œ Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Take as much time as you need. Love you and I wish you the very best with everything. over a year ago
Genevievebarbie commented…
Of course we all understand. Hope you feel better soon. over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Aww I know just how you feel,Kirsten.You need to grieve at your own pace lovely.Give it time and soon your sadness will turn to smiles and happier memories.My thoughts are with you alwaysπŸ’œ over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
Well, I started a new club! I realized that while we have a Asexual club, there's no Aromantic or aro/ace club! So I started one! Feel free to check it out! The link is below! And thanks! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
link over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Looks really good ! just joined,hun :) over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Awesome! Thank you! :) over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
β€οΈπŸŒΌπŸŒΉβ€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸŒΌβ€οΈπŸŒΌπŸŒΉβ€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸŒΌ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Well, Will Smith says he never punishes his kids! Believes in letting them do what they want as life lessons just as long they tell them and explain why then everything's fine... So, if I explain to my parents why I want to rob a bank I'm good! Got it!!! Great parental advice from the Smith family! πŸ™„πŸ€£ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Will and and Jada definitely deserve parent of the year! Look how rounded they are! Am I right!? *lol* over a year ago
ktichenor said …
So, a change in ships! Meau is OUT! Apparently Mitch's ex, Beau is a huge jerk! Not only has he done a diss song, he's copying Mitch's Messer style? (Really!?) Tbh, this is so stupid, 1st Mitch never disses his ex's, 2nd, he's doing this 2 years later and Mitch is way too busy to care and he has a god son to tend to and Kirstie's daughter to gush over. So pathetic! πŸ™„πŸ€£πŸ˜‘ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Honestly, bitterness and jealousy are never a good look! Grow up Beau! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Random question, have you ever saw something on-line so dumb or just made your eyes roll that you 'mentally walked away'?πŸ™„ Posted over a year ago
BingoPB commented…
I have. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Me too over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Agreed! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Ah, finally some good news this week! Scott and Mark are getting married!!!! Yay!!!!! PTX is growing up so fast! Congrats Scott and Mark!!! πŸ₯‚πŸ’πŸ’– Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Now just need to match Mitch with someone! *lol* over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Aww great news....i'm sure it won't be too long before Mitch finds someone he's lovelyπŸ’πŸ’– over a year ago
ktichenor said …
So who's ready for 2022 to end!? Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *lol* I'm so ready!!!! βœ‹πŸ˜‚πŸ₯Ί Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I'm sorry but this year sucks! XD over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Me too it's been one thing after another...but then all my years are like that ! *lol* XD ! over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Same especially with resolutions! Oh my! XD over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
I couldn't agree more *lol* !!! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
It's official Imagine Dragons new song Bones is WAY better than the music video! Seriously, guys leave the zombie/ Thriller dancing to M.J!!! Yikes!😱🀨 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Honestly, like Walking Dead meets The Wolf Of Wall Street! *lol* πŸ˜‚ over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
*lol* i'll have to check it out !! over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
It's kind of scary but really cringy! I never want to see the lead singer dance again! XD over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Sounds awesome *lol* XD ! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I know I sound like a broken record but thank you all the support and kindness. It's still hard but I'm going to start to return just to get back to somewhat normal. Tbh, my mom was here physically but mentally she was gone but that's dementia. And I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone! I'm glad I told her I loved her even when she was screaming at me. I suggest you do the same. Speech over. Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
If you ever need anything, it would be my honor and pleasure to do whatever I can for you. Bless your heart. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you, hun 🌸 over a year ago
jlhfan624 commented…
My grandmother died of dementia so I am familiar with the disease. It breaks my heart for anyone to have to go through that </3 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Hi, so services are tomorrow (That's the hardest part for me)
I'm going to try to come back slowly later this week or at least next week(?) Tbh, I can literally hear my mom yelling 'don't lay down and grieve over me! It's later not bye! If baby ain't happy, momma ain't happy! XD*lol*
So for her I will (slowly) But thank you guys for the support. Means a lot. 🀍 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
If you haven't guessed my mom was sassy *lol* and wonderful. And she's rockin' with the angels no doubt πŸ’– over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Hey, just a quick update. The services for my mom will be on next Tuesday, we picked out an outfit for her (purple) and we were allowed to pick 3 photos to place with her. As for me, I'm trying to keep a normal routine but everything feels surreal. I'm basically coping so...yeah that's where I am. But thank you for the support. 🀍 Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Hey, Kirsten *hugs* Thank you for letting us know.I think your mom would be very proud of you.I will be thinking of you on Tuesday and will light a candle for you all.Stay strong and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always🌺❀️🌺❀️ over a year ago
Peaceandlove67 commented…
Sending you lots of love, Kirsten. ❀ over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ’› over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Um, I will be in and out for a while. The shock is wearing off. But thank you so much for the kindness and support I really appreciate it so much. I will be back but I need to grieve, right now. Hope that's okay. Thank you guys again. 🀍 Posted over a year ago
Peaceandlove67 commented…
Absolutely. Take all the time you need, Kirsten. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
^Thanks, considering it was my mom's passing might be a while πŸ’” over a year ago
BingoPB commented…
I'm sorry about your mom. I'll be thinking about you. If you need to talk, I'm only an inbox away. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
My heart is broken. R.I.P Momma, I will miss you forever. πŸ’”πŸ˜’ Posted over a year ago
80smusiclover1 commented…
I'm so sorry to hear that, Kirsten. May your dear mother Rest in Peace... *Hugs* πŸ™ over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you, Kelly <3 over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
May your lovely Mother rest in peace.My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad at this sad timeπŸ’”πŸ™πŸŒΉ over a year ago
80smusiclover1 commented…
@Kirsten - You're welcome. :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Rest in peace momma. My cheerleader, my friend, my guardian angel. At least you'll remember πŸ’”πŸ™πŸŒΉ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Hope you all your cats greet you momma! Give Blue a hug for me πŸ’– over a year ago
jlhfan624 commented…
I'm so sorry Kirsten!! πŸ’”πŸ’” over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
I'm so sorry for your loss Kirsten πŸ’”πŸ™πŸŒΉ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Whew, so not out of the woods yet. Dodged a bullitt yesterday 7 tornadoes, 5 here, skipped us. So bad my dad came home early. Still scary out there ( I hate mother nature!!!! XD ) might be in and out. Be back fully tomorrow *fingers crossed* *sighs!* I need an ark! πŸ™„β˜”πŸ€ž Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Hope it all settles down soon,hun.Thinking of you always πŸ’–πŸ’– over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Long story short, not here today, weather terrible! Like borderline Wizard of Oz weather! Yeek! πŸ˜±πŸ˜³β˜”
Hopefully back tomorrow? Thursday? Luv you guys! πŸ’‹ Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Love you, too! πŸ’–πŸ’– over a year ago
ktichenor said …
So unfair! First off Mitch is a Godfather now! His friend and creative partner, Austin had a son a few days ago but sadly he was born with a heart defect and had to have emergency heart surgery asap! Austin and his wife have set up a go fund me for their son. So sad! Poor Austin!!!!! πŸ˜’πŸ™ Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
The family will be in my thoughts and prayers. over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Aww im so sorry to hear that,Kirsten.Praying for them all πŸ™ over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Me too, so sad for any family to have to go thru that. over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Breaks my heart :( over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
Well, apparently my laptop is a magician cause I had internet on my i-pod, my phone, my dad's computer but not here! It ran away just poof! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Not even Cox could help me! But I'm back! So what did I miss *lol* Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I blame Will Smith! Maybe he smacked my laptop! XD over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Instead of people talking about how Will Smith and Chris Rock acted like fools at the Oscars how about talking about how classy and sweet Lady Gaga was to Liza Minnelli? She could to teach a thing a or two those knuckleheads! Lady Gaga is the real star! This is why I luv her! πŸ’– Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you Lady Gaga for bringing some class to the Oscars! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I'm not sure which is worse, that Will Smith turned to violence and ruined his moment and everyone else's moment or that his son thinks what he did is cool! Both were wrong last night! Shameful! Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Yeah, it was pretty messed up and the situation was not handled well. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Yeah, really embarrassing not very mature for a couple fifty year-olds. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
So great comeback for the Oscars! Sean Penn threatens to melt his Oscars, Timothee Chalamet wears no shirt and Will Smith slaps Chris Rock before his acceptance speech because that's what you do, duh! XD Hollywood's so classy! *lol* Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
The Oscars have certainly gone downhill in recent years. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Totally agree. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Biggest shock ever! Taylor Hawkins drummer of the Foo Fighters is dead. How? He seemed fine. Perfectly healthy, what happened! I'm in shock. Another part of my teen years gone. So sad.
Rest in peace πŸ˜’πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ₯ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Jamaica wants the royal family to apologize for the cruel and inhumane treatment done because of slavery... I want the TARDIS to appear in my room, not going to happen! Royals never apologize! They show sorrow (eye roll) but NEVER apologizes! Congrats on the disastrous PR trip Will and Kate! XD Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I love karma! *lol*πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
They need to actually apologize!!! Probably don't know the word 'sorry' πŸ™„ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Pros and Cons to Kirstin being pregnant: Pros: She's going to be great mom and her daughter is going to be surrounded by love and great lullabies!
Con: Some misspell Kirstin's name when congratulating her and spell it KIRSTEN....like yours truly πŸ˜³πŸ˜’
Is too late to change my name!!!! *lol* Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Seriously, 'Congrats Kirsten on your new baby with Ben!' Excuse me!!!!!!! I nearly fainted!🀣😳 over a year ago
big smile
ktichenor said …
Huge Pentatonix News! Kirstin is pregnant!!!!! This a not a drill! Kirstin and Ben are going to have a baby girl!!!! OMG, I'm so happy for them! The PTX family is growing!πŸ˜ŠπŸ§ΈπŸ‘ΆπŸ’— Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Whelp, game one of March Madness basketball and Kentucky loses! They're out! What happened!!!!!! πŸ˜­πŸ™„πŸ˜’ Come on!!!! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
How does a # 2 team lose to a # 15 team!!!! Really Guys!!!!!! Ack!!!!! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
1st day of spring is coming and yet it's still cold. Why? Mother nature stop being so cold! It's March!!!!
πŸ₯Άβ›„πŸ§ŠπŸ€§ Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Yeah,it's same here ..we need some sun !!!!β€οΈβ˜€οΈβ€οΈβ˜€οΈβ€οΈ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
The woman who crashed a Russian State 'news' (if you can call it that') broadcast is missing. This is not good! God protect her! Stop the war!!! πŸ™ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
SAVE UKRAINE πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ™ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Nickelodeon has rejected a Clarissa Explains It All reboot. And thank god!!!!! No more reboots! Please just leave a piece of my childhood memories alone!!!! What little I have left! πŸ™„ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Big storm (I think?) last night. Apparently I slept right thru it! *lol* But power went out at 3 A.M (lovely 😐) but came back at 10 A.M Yippee! Well, nice way to cap off a lousy week!!!! yay. πŸ™„πŸ˜ Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. I hope everything's okay where you live. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thanks, hun! It is, power's back on and it's sunny😊 Now it's just cold *lol* But at least it's not stormy over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I want to make this clear, I will NOT tolerate anti-Ukraine anything on any of my sites! An artist on DeviantArt posted a Anti-Ukraine piece & they were immediately unwatched & blocked! And I have no problems doing it anywhere else! There is no toleration for hate here or anywhere!😑 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
And if that's a problem that's your own legacy not mine. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Rant done! Sorry! 😊 over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you all! <3 <3 over a year ago
Kraucik83 said …
I absolutely love the banner & icon Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thanks! 😊 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Pray For Ukraine πŸ™πŸ’” Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
No More War! πŸ’” over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
*Praying Hard* It breaks my heart πŸ™πŸ’” over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I wish love and protection for everyone. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
*Raise your hand if you're confused by the new mask guidelines!* Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
βœ‹ ME!!!! 😡 over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Me, too. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
It's Been Confirmed Thasmin (Yaz/Thirteenth Doctor) Is A Real Thing!!! Woo Hoo!!!! It's Love! πŸ’—πŸ˜ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
*happy dance!* over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
The LGBT representation being in DW is great to hear. over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Thank you. My family has been enjoying the show. Also, as someone who writes LGBT representation stories, the LGBT representation in shows is something I appreciate. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Could ya'll do me a favor? Click this link below and play this song (Saturday's Child) and let me know if it plays for you? This person says it won't play and to (rather rudely) to find another clip. I think it plays fine but let me know if it does or doesn't. I think they're messing with me but I need to be sure. Thank you! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
link over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
It played for me. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Uh, huh, I thought so. Thank you! 😊 over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
You're welcome. over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Ne-yo (the singer) says that if women want male singers to stop degrading us in their music then we need to stop smiling and dancing to the songs... fine, stop writing that crap and we will! DUH!!!! πŸ™„ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
*Knocks on Ne-yo's hallow head* Anybody home!? πŸ˜‚πŸ™„πŸ˜‘ over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Don't blame us! Blame the writers!!!! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!! Hand is sore! Labs yesterday for my kidney doctor, so much fun! *lol* Literally feeling like the human pin cushion here! *lol* XD Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Tbh, I wish my mom was here but I don't think she remembers me which might be a blessing in disguise cause knowing her, she freak out and call every prayer line in Georgia! *lol* XD over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
God, love her! ❀ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams- Green DayπŸ’š

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me, and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one, and I walk alone Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then, I walk alone over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I'm walking down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind On the borderline Of the edge, and where I walk alone Read between the lines What's fucked up, and everything's alright Check my vital signs To know I'm still alive, and I walk alone over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then, I walk alone over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one, and I walk a- My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then, I walk alone over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Going to the kidney specialist tomorrow (I do have kidney disease but it's not that serious) will keep ya'll posted. Wish me luck! 😝 Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Good luck i'll be thinking of you,hun xo yes please keep us posted xo over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thanks! I will :) over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
❀️✨❀️✨❀️ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Okay, who spiked Queen Elizabeth's tea!? Queen Camilla!!! Are you kidding me! Well, I guess it's true every female dog does get it's day! πŸ™„ Shame on the royal family!!! Disrespectful and disgusting!!! 🀬😑 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Poor Diana (A true queen) πŸŒΉπŸ’–πŸ˜’ over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Yeah they get on my last nerve !!! Diana Queen Of Hearts πŸŒΉπŸ’–πŸ˜’ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I need to share this! Too funny!
Backstory: DeviantArt is holding a Black History Journal and asked 2 questions:
Who/What Are Important Events To In Black History?
What Are Your Favorite Black Artists?

I answered: MLK, Jackie Robinson and Claudette Colvin (For the 1st one)
And Sam Cooke, Shea Diamond, Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston (For the 2nd)

I got 4 likes... Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Why is that funny? One of those likes was from a homophobe (We've met πŸ˜‰) Guess he forgot I was queer! He also apparently doesn't know Shea Diamond is Trans which he was dissing in the Pride journal last year! πŸ€” *lol* over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I love it when there stupid! *lol* πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ I'm going to wait to see how long it takes before he remembers me!!!! over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
*lol* *eye roll* can't wait to hear the outcome XD !! over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
*lol!* 🀣😈 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Someone help me! The chorus from 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' is occupying my head and won't leave!!! *lol* πŸ₯΄πŸ€ͺ😡 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Next week I get to see my favorite (NOT really) person in the whole world! My kidney specialist! yay. Yuck!!! I also have to her see her again for an ultrasound(?) in either March or April, oh, goody. Tons of fun. Bleh! *blows razzberry!* πŸ˜πŸ™„ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
One doctor I could get rid of it would be her! *lol* XD over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
She's tiny but scary! *lol* XD over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
β€οΈπŸŒΌπŸŒΉβ€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸŒΌβ€οΈπŸŒΌπŸŒΉβ€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸŒΌ over a year ago
ktichenor said …
It seems people are upset that Minnie Mouse is wearing a pantsuit, I can totally understand! I am still outraged that Ken never got a suit for Barbie's wedding! *sniff* Imagine! Ken marrying Barbie in swim trunks! *sobs!* I wrote endless letters to Santa!!!!! And nothing!!! *bawls!!!!* Oh, the shame!!!!!! *cries, bawls, whimpers!!!* Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Please note the sarcasm πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜ over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
But seriously Ken needs a suit for a wedding to Barbie. It's been decades! You can't marry in swim trunks! over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Ken got married in swim trunks? That's an interesting choice. It reminds me that in Pokemon, there's a professor that's almost always in swim trunks, but he at least dressed fancy at his wedding. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
That's only option ya' had if you played wedding with Barbie, I can't ever recall Mattel making a tux for Ken. Unless I missed something? I had to be very creative with my dolls as a kid *lol* over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Okay, I follow PTX on their YouTube channel and YT in their baffling weirdness blocked two of PTX's own copyrighted music videos (that were done in 2014(?) and 2016(?) Nothing offensive, the videos were there own, not shared, not reactions. Why? No one knows!!!! If it is a C issue, YT waited a hell of a long time! 🀬😑😭 This is NOT fair! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
ktichenor commented…
2014 and 2016! Seriously!? Hell of a long time to be fussin' over copyright!!!!! over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Icon Spot Look Is Finally Open! Whew! Sorry for the delay, internet was not working for whatever reason! But it's open, the theme is LGBTQ+. Can't wait to see your ideas! Thanks so much! πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰πŸ’– Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Oh and thank you all who voted in the poll! :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I need to ask this, Machine Gun Kelly gave Megan Fox an engagement ring with real thorns on it, now I'm am I the only one that finds this insane as well as extremely painful? Or is a normal love thing that I just don't get? Help me understand...🀨😳 Posted over a year ago
Genevievebarbie commented…
I didn't know about this, bit this is definitely NOT love . This is so painful. 😱😱 over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I know makes my fingers hurt! 😝 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Random thought: With movies the way they are now I think there should be a disclaimer for Asexuals. Like a rated A or RA? Something to warn us before seeing horrific images like sex and frontal nudity...that would be nice...or just not do it all would be even better! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I mean come on is nudity and sex really necessary in a film? Bette Davis got on just fine! over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
I couldn't agree more,Kirsten...well said :) over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I grew up on classic films (30's, 40's, 50's) Never was a fan of modern movies. But Indian films sound really cool :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Real quick! (I know I've been on here a lot, sorry! *lol*) Seeing how the spot look poll is going I've shorten the deadline but I'm considering starting the forum soon and going with the LGBTQ+ theme. Hope that's okay! And thanks for the help deciding! So excited for the new Pride look! 😊 Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
A new Pride look sounds wonderful. over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thanks! :) over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Thank you! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I just want to say that when they tell you that it's warmer in the south... THEY'RE LYING!!!!!! It's all a lie!!! I'm freezing right now!!! I'm wearing a hoodie!!!! So cold! πŸ₯ΆπŸ§ŠπŸ§Šβ›„ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Who wants to build a snowman!? *lol* πŸ˜‚πŸ₯Άβ›„ over a year ago
ktichenor said …

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
πŸ’• πŸ’• πŸ’• over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• over a year ago
ktichenor said …
GOOD GOD IT'S COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ₯Άβ›„πŸ§Š Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Summer where are you!? πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­ over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
It's freezing in the UK πŸ₯Άβ›„πŸ§Š over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Oh, no! Well, at least we can be two butterfly sisters frozen together! *lol*πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹ πŸ₯Άβ›„πŸ§Š over a year ago
ktichenor said …
This is so cool! It's Scott and Mitch singing Bad Romance when they were teens and as Superfruit. It really shows how they're vocals developed! Link Below :) Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
link over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
The link is also here in case it doesn't work :) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I really need to ask this, help me understand! Why in horror films the person either opens the door or goes back into the house where the killer is? Seriously, it's like: "Oh the killer is outside! Better let them in! Don't want to be rude!" 🀨 Yeah...? Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Honestly, where do these people's brain cells go? over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
IKR ! Also they go outside to look around in the darkness on their own and then wonder why they land themselves in so much trouble *lol* ...yes where are your brain cells XD !! over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Horror films are the worst (except for the classic ones that starred Vincent Price) over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Prince Andrew's mom just stripped his titles (About time!) πŸ™„
Can we please now apologize to Meghan and Harry and let them live there lives! Good Lord! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I'm beginning to think the Weekend (the singer) is a masochist? I mean seriously in every video he get's hurt and ends up in traction! Who knew getting a Grammy could nearly kill you! *lol* πŸ€•πŸ€’πŸ₯΄ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First Betty White then Sidney Poitier now Bob Saget!!!! I'm crying! πŸ˜­πŸ’”

R.I.P Bob Saget (Danny Tanner) May 17, 1956-January 9, 2022 πŸŒΉπŸ’”πŸ™
You will be missed so much! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
I'M NOT LIKING YOU 2022!!!!!!!! 😭😑 over a year ago
ktichenor said …
I am so tired about hearing about how things in the world need to change! Let's be real, things won't change unless we stop repeating the mistakes of the past. Funny how history is always stuck on rewind! πŸ™„ Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
How can we change when we learn nothing from the past? We just repeat it... over a year ago