Koga 's (Kouga's) leadership skills

weird_gurl101 posted on Jul 29, 2010 at 04:03PM
I'm so NOT hating Koga! I love him, but his leadership skills definately need some improvement. It might be b/c I'm girl that I think he's too hard on Ginta and Hakkaku, but he does yell at them a lot and he never waits up for them. I believe a leader should take care of the group/pack before himself b/c he's nothing without followers. Ginta and Hakkaku are Koga's only followers, he should definately treat them more like family. My opinion of course, I'd love to hear your comments or questions or hear some ideas. Thank you. I'm sorry if I didn't do this right.
I'm so NOT hating Koga! I love him, but his leadership skills definately need some improvement. It mi

Koga 3 replies

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over a year ago darkmagican156 said…
I AGREE YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago weird_gurl101 said…
Thank you, I'm very happy someone likes this
over a year ago clawleone said…
koga has reasons to be a little hard on them, his pack was murdered by naraku, and he took it extremely hard