Keith Harkin Keith's November Blog

musikluver94 posted on Dec 22, 2010 at 02:56AM
In Atlanta @ the fab fox theatre writing this one,
Hope your all well and behaving guys, just thought id write you guys a new wee blog cause its been a while,

We’ve got up to a fair bit over the past month or so (gotta run, time for home from the sea) yup, had some great days off, went out in the desert in Arizona, which was great until I got stabbed in the foot huge thorns, NOTE: don’t go into a desert with flip flops.

In saying that it made for some funny photos and a video that shall never bee seen as there is a lot of swear words in it!

Also I had the pleasure of a big heavy door on the bus being closed on my middle finger which was possibly the most pain I have ever been in my life, it hurt like hell for 3 days straight, until on night I got a fishing hook put a lighter to it, till it was white hot and stuck it through the nail….aaaw man the relief (time for whiskey in a jar) yeah but that only lasted a day or so, I then had to go to the doctors where they x-rayed it and it wasn’t broke thank god!!!

But what they had to do was burn 3 huge holes in it which wasn’t a pretty sight sound or smell….so now im patiently waiting for the bugger to fall off!

The shows have been going great so far and we’re on the final stretch now with only a dozen more shows to go after tonight. Rehearsals for the Christmas show come next week to so it will be nice to get a bit of Varity into the show as we’ve done almost 50 of this show by that stage!

Gonna try and get a new tune up on youtube tonight for all you guyz! I’m glad you like the daisy fields soo much it was just one of those sper of the moment songs that turned out pretty god, rough and ready!

Wrote few more since then but I doubt you will hear these ones, they’re gonna be saved for a later date, when ever that is!

Had such a great day of a few days ago in Pensacola Florida, we hired (time for hallelujah) a huge powerboat and drove around all day chilling out eating picnics and we were lucky enough to run into a pod of dolphins in the wild, which was amazing!!! Must get some pix up on the facebook account!

Which brings me to my next point go and add yourself to the facebook account for daily updates, pics from tour and other nonsense from me!

It or ( link )

So as this tour almost comes to an end I realise that it has been tough but weve had a good few laughs along the way, and aso a good few songs came outa it! YAY!
Home on the 15th dec…looking forward to seeing all my friends and family, Christmas time is always fun at home! Cold Stout, COLDER empty barrles with no body out! I CANT WAIT!

Also when I go home ill be straight into rehersals with my own band, got a gig on the 23rd at home should be a laugh!!! (song time again!)

so there you go guys,
well chat soon, go and have a look at the facebook and also stay tuned today on the for the new song that’s about to go up!

Over and out !!!

P.S. if you wondering what all the songs in brackets are its because i wrote it whilst doing a show.

In Atlanta @ the fab fox theatre writing this one, 
Hope your all well and behaving guys, just thoug

Keith Harkin No replies