Kanye West Dear Kanye West

onemadmom posted on Sep 14, 2009 at 08:38PM
As an ex-fan I just want to say that last night was unacceptable!!!! I don't know who you think you are. I feel that you are a racist. I used to like your music but after your first racial tantrum I quit buying and listening to your music. If I even hear one of your songs on the radio I turn the station! I think that everyone needs to do the same so maybe you can be brought down to earth. People that act like that should be punished, so if everyone would stop buying your music maybe we can hit you where it hurts.(YOUR WALLET!!!!) Also, shame on you for putting Taylor & Beyonce in that situation. I'm sure they didn't appreciate it. They did however, handle it with class which is something you don't have!! I have never been racist but it's people like you that make it very hard to stay that way. We need to quit living in the past (we can't change what happened) and focus on the future. Thank You

Kanye West 12 replies

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over a year ago emma-may said…
could you help me out here because i most be the stupidist retard on the planet for not understanding this...

there are a hell of a lot worse people out there than kanye! i mean what’s that guy who locked Jaycee lee dugard in his shed and had two kids with her, and serial killers like the Yorkshire ripper, Garry glitter the rapist/paedophile singer, josef fritzle the guy who locked up his daughter, guys dropping bombs on villages with kids in them, illegal diamond mining where men force children to mine, kids as young as 6 shooting each other, the parents of baby p who tortured the two year old to death and your worried about some guy who jumped out of place at an award ceremony. yh that make real f***in sense to me.

seriously could you explain the above to me? because in comparison with the likes of hitler im just struggiling ever so slightly to see how kanye should-be-sntanced-to-death crime could measure up to that of hitler, josef fritzle, gary glitter, chris brown, and serial killers?

like i said i must be so retarded for not seeing that kanye totally deserves all the crime-of-the-centuary response he is getting for totally ruining the rest of taylors life and leaving her mentally scarred to the piont of insomnia.
over a year ago onemadmom said…
first of all the majority of the people you mentioned were charged and punished. I never said to kill kanye but I did say to stop buying his music so he can have a reality check. If this was his first time acting like this I wouldn't have made any comment. But I am sick and tired of people acting out in a racial way and then everything is ok!!! If that was Snoop getting that award and Justin Timberlake came out, stole the mike and said Eminem is the best rapper of all time then all hell would have broke out. Al Sharpton would have been on that band wagon. I am sorry you don't agree with my opinion but it is still MY opinion.
over a year ago emma-may said…
eminem has been racist in the past just about a million times, not to mention openly insults gays and loads of inoccent people in his music. but you don't see anyone posting stuff like that on his webpage... he arranged for a naked guy with wings to drop on him in middle of the mtv award before, and kids were watching that!

and lets face i bet he's been racially bullied himself to turn out the way he has. all his hatred is from the way white ***holes have treated him the past.

and why should people stop buying his music he has already said he is taking time to reflect. and he doesn't need punishment. that was up to taylor and she forgave him. so if taylor forgave him and said his apology was sincere why punish him futher? it's not up to the public it ain't there buisness.

im sorry but this whole thing is out of proportion. it's stupid, he jumped out of place apologised and got forgiven. despite being forgiven peole decided to bambard his fansite with hatred (as if tht helps)

if people were bothered by his racial issues, then they would support him in turning around. not make him feel worse than he does allready! god when people start being mean and hateful it's usually because they have some issues and if they just had some support it wouldn't be nearly as bad!
over a year ago onemadmom said…
ok I just used Eminem as an example. and he does get slammed for doing the things he does. I see you are from London so let's do it this way, Prince William and Harry are receiving an award on behalf of their mother's humanitarian efforts and they are giving their acceptance speech and someone walks on stage, takes the mike and says that someone else was better. That is the point I am trying to make. No one has the right to take away anothers glory moment no matter who they are or who they think they are. I used to think like you at your age but you will find out that as you get older and the world gets no further along in racism it gets very frustrating. I am a mom of a 15yr old son and an 11yr old son and I hope they never get this upset with things that go on in the world when they get older and the same for you.
over a year ago emma-may said…
some people who commit murder and stuff (oj simpson ect)
over a year ago nickc said…
Hay Emma-May have you heard the latest from the person you hold up so high on a pedistal now he goes after a dead man what a prick I hope his mom and dad are proud now mr west will not be around in 1 year just like all the other born losers
over a year ago onemadmom said…
Hey nickc,
What did the almighty powerful oz do? Who did he go after?
over a year ago nickc said…
patrick swazye sorry about spelling of his name info was on ap news west said m jackson was a better performer and artist by the way he did this at the funeral what class what a shame
over a year ago onemadmom said…
Well there you have it ladies and gentleman, I wonder if he is sooooo sorry about this one too!!!!
over a year ago ryan600 said…
ok im probably going to get banned for this but i really dont care i hate kanye i have hated him since he said that stupid ignorant remark about bush hating black people(no i am not defending bush) i am sick of every time something doesnt go his way he has to bitch and moan until he gets it, or if he starts to fall out of the spotlight he has to pull some stupid shit like this so we all remember him. get ready here is where i get banned, kanye is the definition of a nigger, now i am not racist honestly i just hate stereotypes and that man truly is a walking stereotype he is ignorant to a fault he cant stand if something doesnt go his way and he obviously cant sing or he wouldnt need the voice synth,now i am pretty sure emma is going to tear my post apart becauae i am bashing her dearly beloved but honestly emma your opinion doesnt matter to me just like im sure mine doesnt matter to you so deal with it, his mom probably had a facepalm moment up in heaven, and no im not a taylor swift fan either i dont really like country music but her getting this award was a big thing because she has never gotten one outside of the country music world and she may never get another chance like this again and he had to go and ruin it like that. now beyonce she has some class what she did for taylor was such a nice thing and i give her respect for that. well thats it im doen and you will probabnly not hear from me again, i will not post to defend from your opinions of what i have said im not trying to start a flame war
over a year ago ihatekanyewest said…
kanye, when you first started, you did not have to behave as such an ass. Now since you are running empty on talent, you feel that the only way to get your fan base up is to exploit racism. You are an obvious racist. It is a shame. I have recently remove your music from my ipod, and will no longer purchase your music. Soon you will have spent all your riches and you will be the next riches to rags story like Tyson, MC Hammer and Toni Braxton. By the way I did list black artists, because those are the only people you recognize. kanye thanks for intensifying the racism in the world today. That will forever be your legacy.
over a year ago Sdamamma said…
Wow, I feel sorry for you, Emma-May, because you just don't "get it" People need to be held responsible for thier actions, it's called accountability. In our modern society, people that are in the spotlight- celebs "stars" whatever you want to call them- seem to have the idea that they can just do whatever the hell they want with no problems, no one actually finding them at fault. Well, I guess that is not the case here. I have a hard time with his apology, because he blamed his actions on the recent loss of hismom and drinking- what the hell was that? If he want to be genuine with his apology then ok, but this was not.
I also want to know whny you were injecting political reteric into this blog. If you don't like a country's political policies take it up someplace else. God Bless the U.S. Best Place on Earth!