Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Joseph song? over a year ago by PetesDragon
a poll was added: Who was the best Joseph ? over a year ago by Lesmisphn2015
a video was added: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 82' Tony's over a year ago by Lesmisphn2015
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Richard Attenborough played Jacob in the 1999 stage version of Joseph what movie did he produce that A/L/W made into a stage show? over a year ago by Makybediva
a pop quiz question was added: Who and in what year did the first A/L/W's Joseph receive the first Olivier Award for his show? over a year ago by Sunline
a pop quiz question was added: When Joesph told the butler and baker the outcomes of their dreams how many years was he still in jail before coming out to Pharaoh’s Dream? over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a pop quiz question was added: When the narrator sings the song about Joseph's coat what is the last colour mentioned? over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a comment was made to the poll: Dose anybody get pissed off by the childern in joseph over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a comment was made to the poll: By listerning to all three and not just voting for the one you've seen in the show, Who sings close every door the best and why? links for each in comments. over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Joseph? over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a pop quiz question was added: After the baker told Joesph his dream and Joesph said his execution date was already set, how long until that day/date? over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a pop quiz question was added: Why was Joesph really thrown into jail? over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a pop quiz question was added: After reading the bible who out of the 4 brothers is his birth brother? over a year ago by Ilikeyourstyle
a pop quiz question was added: After reading the bible myself was the cup that Joesph planted in Benjamin's sack Gold? over a year ago by JDShand2013
a comment was made to the poll: Are you a dreamer like Joseph? over a year ago by Sunline
a comment was made to the poll: Why do you think that Joseph planted the cup in Benjiman's sack? over a year ago by Sunline
a comment was made to the poll: isn't it ridiculous how much Johnny Seaton (he played the Pharaoh in the original cast) looks like Elvis?! over a year ago by Sunline
a video was added: Close Every Door Philip Schofield Music Video over a year ago by TBUGoth
a video was added: Joseph Mega-Remix over a year ago by TBUGoth
a poll was added: Who do you think the shows written for? over a year ago by MissSaigon
a poll was added: How many times do you think that Donny Osmond played the role of Joseph? over a year ago by MissSaigon
a poll was added: Why do you think that Joseph planted the cup in Benjiman's sack? over a year ago by MissSaigon
a pop quiz question was added: Richard Attenborough played Jacob in the 1999 stage version of Joseph what movie did he produce that A/L/W made into a stage show? over a year ago by MissSaigon
an answer was added to this question: has anyone been in this show...if so what part did u play?? over a year ago by pandawinx
a comment was made to the poll: Who did you want to win Any Dream Will Do? over a year ago by MusicIsMyNature
a comment was made to the poll: is this the emperors new clothes that the worthy could see? are they worth every sacrifice and the yeilding of puff cough!or no matter what people say,does i deserve good? over a year ago by MusicIsMyNature
a poll was added: is this the emperors new clothes that the worthy could see? are they worth every sacrifice and the yeilding of puff cough!or no matter what people say,does i deserve good? over a year ago by writer67
a question was added: has anyone been in this show...if so what part did u play?? over a year ago by missBellatrix