John Locke Updates

a video was added: 10 Best Moments of John Locke in Lost over a year ago by DannyCZ
an icon was added: John Locke over a year ago by Bibi69
a comment was made to the poll: I usuallly refer to him as... over a year ago by H-kat108
a photo was added: John Loke over a year ago by bobbydar
a comment was made to the video: " I Loved Someone... Once. " (John/Helen) over a year ago by AlexM_locke26
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Trust him? No offense, mate, but if there was one person on this island that I would put my absolute faith in to save us all, it would be John Locke. Who said this? over a year ago by AlexM_locke26
a video was added: Lost - The Epic Saga of Jack Shephard and John Locke over a year ago by IGEntertainment
a comment was made to the screencap: 1x19: Deus ex Machina over a year ago by AdaLove
a screencap was added: 1x19: Deus ex Machina over a year ago by AdaLove
fan art was added: John Locke over a year ago by -lostgirl-
a pop quiz question was added: Trust him? No offense, mate, but if there was one person on this island that I would put my absolute faith in to save us all, it would be John Locke. Who said this? over a year ago by -carola-fan-
a pop quiz question was added: ____: Red shirt. You ever watch Star Trek? Locke: No, not really. Who does he have this conversation with? over a year ago by -carola-fan-
a pop quiz question was added: Which episode: Crazy people don't know they're going crazy. They think they're getting saner. over a year ago by -carola-fan-
a comment was made to the fan art: Locke over a year ago by IdolMinako
a comment was made to the poll: Best season for Locke over a year ago by IdolMinako
a comment was made to the poll: Which is your favorite Locke quote? over a year ago by IdolMinako
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite John Locke flashback episode? over a year ago by IdolMinako
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite Locke saying? over a year ago by IdolMinako