Jack and Kate {Jaters Epic Freak Out Thread} Because she only drugs the one she loves.

backtoblack posted on Feb 08, 2010 at 08:15PM
WELCOME to the Jaters thread!Anyone is welcome here.{of course if he's a Jater,duh!,lol} So introduce yourself and have fun!:D


●Eli {backtoblack} | link
●Sylwia/S {sk91} | link
●Em {Emm_xD}| link
●Nat {iLoveChair} | link
●Filipa {frsbg}
●Jenn {Jennx}
●Kristine {kristine95} | link
●Nanda {nandacavalieri} | link
●Kaidi {Kaidi} | link
●Hannah {brucas4ever} | link
●Sarah {sarahemily2828}
●Dannii {Lie_to_Me_123}
●Mais {white_rose}
●Lucy {livelydebate}
●Angi {angiii7}
●Katie {Saul_Mikoliunas}
●Lucy {brittlegirl94;Jister in training xD}
●Monica/Mon {irreversible} | link
●Catherine/Cat {tinkerbell_cate}
●Morgan {Daisy93} | link
●Rachel {girly_girl} | link
●Kate {othfangirl12}
●Courtney/C {clm-anomaly} | link
●Holly {xoheartinohioxo} |link
●Melissa/Mel {Mel_52}
●Anna {Nibylandija}
●Rochelle {PurpleMonkey82}
●Irene {Eirinaki_b_13}
●Kaitlin {hotgod92}
●Maru {Priscilita22}
●Irina {xleeloo}
●Sam {bdavisrocks}
●Sophia {lostseason}
●Nicole {kateandjack}
●Ola {Evanescent}


Reasons why we love Jate link {add your own!}








link {JOIN!}
WELCOME to the Jaters thread!Anyone is welcome here.{of course if he's a Jater,duh!,lol} So introduce
last edited on Oct 30, 2012 at 08:09PM

Jack and Kate 106007 replies

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over a year ago iLoveChair said…

I'm Natasha, Nat for short :]

I'm Natasha, Nat for short :]
over a year ago Emm_xD said…

I'm Emily, Em for short :) I kinda hate 'Emm' and I have no idea why I used it for my username but yeah. lmao!

I'm Emily, Em for short :) I kinda hate 'Emm' and I have no idea why I used it for
over a year ago kristine95 said…
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
I don't like my username anymore either. But I guess when I made my account I was utterly obsessed. o_O

& Em, you have the best pro!Jate/anti!Skate icons ever!
I'm saving them all..xD
I love this one♥

Hi, Kristine :D
last edited over a year ago
I don't like my username anymore either. But I guess when I made my account I was utterly obsessed. o
over a year ago backtoblack said…
Hey there Nat!<3
Em that icon is awesomeness!i love this jate moment,it`s kinda underrated.;/

and LOL.yeah people do strange things when they come up with usernames.lol
Yours is deffo not the worst case!xD
over a year ago backtoblack said…
soulmateeeeeeeee,you SHOWED!!lol
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
I love yours, Eliza.

Did Amy's song Back to Black inspire you? :D
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hobbit!! ♥ {I'm not just randomly shouting that btw, it's what I call Kristine, lmao}

Aww thanks Nat :D
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
lol but Eli, yours is really cool. I wish I had of used a song lyric in my username now xD

...it is from Amy Winehouse's song right? lol
over a year ago kristine95 said…
LOL, yes I did Soulmate♥


I'm a bit busy atm, but I will try to reply as fast/often as I can.
over a year ago backtoblack said…
Yup Nat,it`s from Amy`s song.I love it!♥

and to be honest with you I really don`t like Chair (beacause of Blaire mostly lol)
but I do like you a lot so I`m starting to change my mind!xD
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
I ADORE Amy's music! PERFECTION <3
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
Ahh, I know Eli; I kind of want to change my username, the first impression when one reads is that I'm some crazy Chair fangirl, lol. xD
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I can't look at your username without thinking of an actual chair, Nat xD it's probably because I don't watch Gossip Girl, lol
over a year ago backtoblack said…

this is actually the first cool un a have.I had ridiculous ones before.lmao.
over a year ago backtoblack said…
haha nat that may be the first impression but you totally prove it wrong!;p
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
LMAO! I know, Chair - piece of furniture. XD
It's funny for those who don't watch GG.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…

who's with me?!
"Jate is OLD news" WTF? xD
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
Aww, thanks Eli. <3
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
awww, your first impression wasn't like that for me Nat. It was more like "oh, she likes chairs. That's... er... interesting"

lmao! :P
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
"I think she is destined to remain on the island. And personally I think she should have to stay with Jack. And I do not say much more because, if successful; then they would say that I have revealed the end. [laughs]"

^I'm seeing this for the first time! :O :D
It totally hints they're gonna be endgame. <3
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Oh btw, you know like on the Friends forum we say "cperkage" when someone gets the first reply on a new page? What can we say when someone gets the first reply on a new page here? ;D
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
"oh, she likes chairs. That's... er... interesting"

ROFL! And not only 'like' but LOVEEE. I bet other people who don't watch GG think I have some strange chair fetish. x_O
over a year ago backtoblack said…
OMG!Em! I decided I`m not gonna get involved with skaters anymore cause they are...ermmm I don`t know you just can`t talk with these people!

Your answer is so right tho!<3
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Really Nat? There's loads of Evie/Matt/Darlton Jate quotes :D
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
LOL chair fetish FTW xD

Eli I think I know which Skaters you're talking about :P
and yeah I agree. In their eyes only THEIR opinion counts so there's just no point in even trying anymore.
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
I know very FEW Mevie quotes. :[

About the name of the first reply IDK, on some forums I'm active we call them 'wins.'
over a year ago backtoblack said…
"Sawyer and Kate have a unique story arc and it's really the last great romance the writers have an opening to try and write."

I`m laughing hard right now.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
You know very few? Oh em gee I gotta show you some, gimmie a sec

What about 'Fatewin'?
Idk! lol
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
Have you been in some major fights with Skaters? Like has there been any bashing around Lost spot or here?
I tend to ignore couple fights cause people always disagree.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
link, Nat. Just scroll down and you'll see some. Even Josh is a Jater, lmao :P
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
Yeah, it can be something with the word 'fate', yes! <3
And show me the quotes, I'll leave soon, but I'll bookmark the link and read them later. ;)
over a year ago backtoblack said…
Em,I didn`t even bother to read the whole thing.;/
oh Nat don`t get me started.
You guys know I got a PM from a SK fan saying that she is "done sitting back and watching JK fans verbally abuse anyone that doesn't kiss Jate's ass."

I mean...really?what planet does she live on?!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
LMAO, I know that everyone off-screen supports Jate<3
But the other day, a pick of some quotes came up on Lost spot and every quote was pro!Skate, I don't know where those come from? :\
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
"done sitting back and watching JK fans verbally abuse anyone that doesn't kiss Jate's ass."

^HUH? I've seen so more Skaters bashing Jate than the other way around.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I could go on about this forever Eli, lol. The thing is, Skaters (on here, mostly) have had it easy so far. If you had of made a "Jate vs Skate" pick on the Lost spot 1 year ago it would have been almost 80% Skate. I have no idea what has happened in the past 2 or 3 months but we've got LOTS of new Jaters on Fanpop and Skaters just aren't used to that. Their couple never gets bashed so now it's like WTF for them.

The time of the Jaters has come. We shall rule *mwuahahaha*
I could go on about this forever Eli, lol. The thing is, Skaters (on here, mostly) have had it easy s
over a year ago backtoblack said…
^exactely Nat!

and I know wich pick you are talking abut.
what is this even doing on the Lost spot?!not every one cares about Skate.;/
we didn`t do ours there!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Those come from Mars, Nat. LOL.
It's so funny because most of the fans that have picked have chosen the "Kate loves Sawyer? Darlton: True!!" option.

What's funny about it is THIS is the full Darlton interview:

"Kate loves Jack? Darlton: True!!
Kate loves Sawyer? Darlton: True!
Sawyer loves himself? Darlton: True!"
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
OMG Jack's SO HOT in that icon *drools*

Girls, I'm leaving now, have fun; might come back later! <33

OMG Jack's SO HOT in that icon *drools*

Girls, I'm leaving now, have fun; might come back later! <3
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
"Kate loves Jack? Darlton: True!!
Kate loves Sawyer? Darlton: True!
Sawyer loves himself? Darlton: True!"

^^Skate fans living in denial MUCH? Okay, bye again! :*
over a year ago backtoblack said…
they So are!
oki bye bye,love!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Okedoke, byeee Nat! Have fun! ♥♥
over a year ago backtoblack said…
The time of the Jaters has come. We shall rule *mwuahahaha*

muhahhaa!Em this mad my day!

and you are so rigt they are just not used to any one talk bad thing about their perfecttta couple.well they`ll have to deal with cuse I`m not kissing anyone`s ass either!;p
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
haha you and me both! Everyone has a right to their own opinion but if they're gunna be immature about it there's no point in even talking to them.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I really really REALLY want this to be the most active couple spot... although I'm just happy that it's more active than the other spot, if you know what I mean. :P
over a year ago backtoblack said…
I know what you mean and be sure,it totally is!;p
Altough I haven`t looked at it ages and I don`t plan on it....
but when you think about it what do Skate fans have to talk about?Im sure they`re done discussing thier two scnes a long time ago.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I just went on it xD

LMFAO! now that just made my day.
You are completly right though :P

I've never actually asked... what other ships on Lost do you like?
over a year ago backtoblack said…
I looove CC and Des/Penny.
don`t really care about any others tho Hurley/Libby for example were super cute!

oh and how did the spying go?lol
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
awww PB&J! They're my 2nd fave ♥
Next would be DesPenny, Sayid & Nadia (so underated!), Sun & Jin and Sawyer/Cassidy (yes, I know, weird. But I love them. And they have Clementine!)

lmao, there wasn't much spying to do to be honest. The place is like a graveyard.
over a year ago backtoblack said…
^lmaoo!well told ya!xD

Oh geee!i forgot Sun/Jin!*shaaaaaame*
I flove them!<3
and Sawyer/Cassidy is deffo better than SK and Suliet too as a matter of fact.lol
last edited over a year ago