Iran Karoubi revealed one of his documents regarding the allegations of sexual harassment of detainees in Kahrizak prison.

yashar_safavi posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 07:13AM

After my confessions Mr. Karroubi spent many days with me and it was due to the experience of living close to him that I was able to recuperate my shattered pride and demolished personality. He would talk to me for long hours and like a psychologist would bring numerous reasons to convince me of my innocence and would narrate me many religious and empirical stories and would bring many examples in this regard and compared my story to those and I finally realized that according to him if someone is raped with his arms and legs tied up and without any power not only he has not committed a sin but also has been victimized.

It took me many days to feel better and to find myself again and cope with this issue and forget about the thought of suicide and to revive myself. After a while finally on Wednesday 2009-08-24 with the order of the head of judiciary body, Mr. Shahroodi, they sent me to the representative of Mr. Dorri, the attorney general, who is called Mr. Mohammadi. He was a very respectable person. After talking to me and realizing my miserable situation he spoke to me very affectionately and sympathized with my stories and said: “shame on us.” All of his questions were leading to identify the location of my detention and those who beat me and we even got to a point where he could guess a few locations. At the end he prayed for me and encouraged me to trust in God and hugged me and kissed me and I started to cry again and he said:” be strong man!” The only thing that bothered him was the fact that two of Mr. Karroubi’s friends had been informed of my situation as well.

But the case of Thursday 2009-08-24 was very different. It was about 2:00 that three people from another source in the judiciary body came to Mr. Karroubi’s office and put an interrogation form in front of me. I don’t know if I was the complainant or the accused – judge Moghadami and two others started interrogating me. First they asked whom I was complaining from and I said: “I am not the complainant and I have just retold what has happened to Mr. Karroubi.” But they repeated the question and I, inevitably told them: “you tell me who I can complain from and I will choose.” And finally the judge understood what I meant and didn’t say anything. They told me to write a description of the incident and I did. Then they started to ask questions, mainly about how I know Mr. Karroubi? Why did I agree to be videotaped by Mr. Karroubi? Why did we make a video at all? What was the purpose of Mr. Karroubi to notify Mr. Gerami Moghaddam and Mr. Davari? Who are Mr. Gerami Moghaddam and Davari? What time did I call the party [office of Karroubi’s political party]? From what number did I call? What was my excuse to go to the party [office]? What did I say there? What did they say? When I called, who did answer the phone? Then to whom did they connect me? What did I say to that person? With whom did I go? In which protests had I participated?; and thousands of irrelevant questions to the rape case. Finally I objected after 3 hours.

They told me: “we don’t know if you are telling the truth, this is a serious accusation. You are questioning the totality of the holy regime, how do we know that you are not bribed? When I reminded them of the issue they pretended to ask questions regarding the matter, questions such as how far had I been penetrated and if the person had been [sexually] satisfied. These questions disturbed my mind and soul even more.
From what I understand the friends of Mr. Mortazavi [Tehran’s attorney general] wanted to destroy my personality and mislead the subject and pretend that I have been paid by Mr. Karroubi or he has bribed me to make this accusation.

Then they asked me to go to the police forensics and although I asked them to leave it for another day due to my headache and not feeling well they rejected and we went to the forensics together.
On the way there the judge told me of a saying from Imam Jafar Sadeq [the 6th of the 12 Shi’ite Imams who are descendents of Mohammad]: the stupid and miserable is the one who sells his eternal life to [keep] his mundane life and even more miserable and desperate is the one who sells his eternal life for the mundane life of others! You be the judge, what did Mr. Moghaddami mean by this?
Then he implicitly told me not to fall into traps of political games and when I told him of the cheating he said: “When Mr. Karbaschi [former mayor of Tehran, an important supporter of Karroubi during the 10th presidential election] had voted for Mousavi you go figure the rest of the story, I am even sure that Mr. Karroubi himself has voted for Mousavi.”

Due to the advice I was given I continued with silence and only when I asked why they did this to the folks [referring to rape and torture in prison] he said: “what did we do wrong? When the supreme leader says that the election has been right it means it is right and I said I swear to God the supreme leader is not the God and not even innocent [Imam] and I realized that they are making a fallacy and kept silent again.

We stopped in the middle of the way and two other people came to exchange shifts, I told judge Moghaddami that if possible I didn’t want them to know and he promised to give me a sealed envelope but not only he did not hand me the letter he also whispered in their ears and when we it takes to write a rape examination order but the dear judge had filled the page with tiny words and it took the doctor almost five minutes to read it. Then my accompanying officer went to the doctor who was supposed to examine me and called the judge a few times and would continuously keep the distance so that I don’t hear the conversation. On the other hand the forensics doctor said that he would give me two letters so that the doctors whom I had attended wrote the treatment process but the officer did not give me those letters and when I told him that I had seen with my own eyes that he had received the letters he denied. Then while we were waiting for the results the officer told me: “ I don’t think anyone would do this.” Then he accused me of lying and said: “do you know what they will do to you if they find out you are lying?” Then when he saw that I was taking a very firm stand and told him that I was only afraid of God and would continue taking a firm stand he told me: “even if such a thing has happened you should not have said anything and should have left the matter to God. Now you have made yourself and your family shameful.” And when I quoted the doctor who said after 1.5 months nothing would be noticed he told me: “if there was anything they would even give you the size.” He continued: “this is what we do.” But it is not clear what he meant by this vague sentence.

On the way back when I said Ramadan would be hard this year for not to drink water he told me angrily: “this is the good thing about it, it makes people understand how the hell is like.” And today they have come to my neighbors and asked a series of questions about me and my family. Does this resemble anything but their intention to threaten me by publicizing the case? I have a question from those who interrogated me like an accused person on Thursday and detained me; I was in jail, blindfolded and tied up; they beat me to death and worse than that they did something to me that is disgraceful even for the non-believers and those who worship idols and I only dared to inform Mr. Karroubi of this issue. I am no complainant of a real person since I know that unfortunately in our country they blame a lower level person or an insignificant group and the actual culprits are never confronted.

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