Iran Mohsen Kadivar: never thought that the Islamic Republic regime has reached this level of corruption / Interview with Mohsen

yashar_safavi posted on Aug 23, 2009 at 06:59AM
«Belt must terminate the firm, Skhttry days forward. »This is one of the most important tips Hojat Mohsen Kadivar Msahbhash with the« green wave freedom »of the emphasis is, however, acknowledged that its far horizon, finds winning nation. Kadivar doctor in this part of the interview, analysis of their present situation and make considered part of other prescribed and how to reform the way the continuity offers. The first night of Ramadan, exclusive interview, the full text to give readers respected and we hope these discussions continue, the continuity and dynamism «Green Hope Road» help. Important interview tips: Nmykrdm never thought that the Islamic Republic regime has reached this level of corruption, the firm must terminate the belt, Skhttry days forward from the clergy and people in the field of natural and national rights and to protest injustice and institutionalNo farther than the rejection of what is Sharia law and ethics and maintain the Islamic system is not evil regime is the main problem in our country, authorities and non-accountability is pretentious. Which of reason and legal basis and have the performance lead in most recent crises is assessed not to be supervised? Why the Assembly of Experts and legal duty not to act? Members of this House رBecause you question Mjamlh and silence gave Brangyzshan not. Today Everyone Nedaie "I push Nasser" (petition) Lbyk Ngvyd the oppressed, and Rvsyah Ghyrmzvr. Scene is a big test. Rulers of the Islamic Republic because the regime violated the rights of institutionalized people and barratry national protest and brutal repression of peaceful people, people Mghzvb Ayrannd. Quietist and Mmashat Mjamlh and any official garb and Position of ship's sponsor and will be considered Zlmh Byjyrh and salary Jayr province. Today the Iranian people if Bprsym, this regime of religious standards, adheres to ethical and legal, the majority say no. Therefore, we now faced with the government in terms of religious and moral and...

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