Inuyasha RP? :D

Glitterific posted on Dec 25, 2012 at 03:50AM
Hello! Hello! Inuyasha RP here!

Please read rules and Guidelines:
~No Godmodding
~No killing other people's characters
~ Cursing is allowed but don't go overboard
~Keep it at a PG-13 rating
~ You can play as an Inuyasha Character or an OC
~Have fun!


Human or Demon?:
Special Powers/Weapons:
Bio Summary:
Anything Extra:
last edited on Jan 04, 2013 at 03:27PM

Inuyasha 2398 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 2398

over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: mind if I tag along?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: ok
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: *follows to village*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: wait
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: huh?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: wont the villagers chase you again if i bring you back
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: Well u got a point ill just have to do this *tucks tail into skirt and hides ears with a head band* how's this?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: hey that mine headband give it back
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: *hands it to her* my bad ill just wait here
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki gives takeo a hat
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: oh thanks *puts on the hat*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: your welcome
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: *starts walking to village* so what's ur brother like? I'm curious
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: very shy and hes not half demon or full demon hes human
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: he sounds alot better then my brother..
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: he scared easly
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: I don't blam em..
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: its ok
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: where is he anyways?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: playing with his friends
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: ah
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: my handband came from a dear friend
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: no wonder it was so soft all of my armer is made from demons
over a year ago Miyuki-sama said…
Would you be horribly offended if I asked to join? If so, then...
Name: Miyuki
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Birthday: 05/19/98
Human or Demon?: Demonish
Personality: Smart, likes to fight.
Special Powers/Weapons: I am very skilled in hand to hand combat, and I have black angel wings that I can make appear at will.
Bio Summary: I wander, with nowhere to truly call my own. Most demons dislike me, so I tend to befriend humans more often than not. I have met Kagome and the Inu-Taichi, but the did not take to me.
Appearance: Long, straight, blonde hair. about 5'5. Pale skin, blue eyes, and I wear puffy, knee length shorts, and a sleeveless top that attaches around my neck (think ninja) My feet, lower legs, hands, and lower arms are wrapped in bandages, which have guarding spells built in, courtesy of a kind miko. I also have flat, topless black shoes. (again, think ninja)
Anything Extra: I adore Ramen, and Cats. You can buy my love with food.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Another person! Yayyyyy lol sure u can join :D
over a year ago Miyuki-sama said…
*Bows* Thank you! I'll probably wait a bit to jump in, rather than have my character pop out of nowhere.
over a year ago Miyuki-sama said…
(Never mind, I think I'll jump in after all. XD)
*slides out from the tree line and runs at Takeo, snatching an apple, then runs off.*
over a year ago senshi33 said…
(Lol kk) Takeo: what the.... Hey! U get back here! I stole that apple fair and square *runs after her*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki sighs
over a year ago senshi33 said…
*strugles to keep hat on head*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: now what
over a year ago senshi33 said…
*runs along side miyuki holding hat on head*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki watches
over a year ago Miyuki-sama said…
*Jumps and swings foot at Takeo's head* My apple.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki sighs
over a year ago senshi33 said…
*grabs her foot before it hits me, hat flys off* hey! I don't mind u just asking for the apple!!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: forget the apple i'll cook for you
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: aww come on kouki its not like I'm gonna kill her *still holding her foot*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: let her have the damn apple
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: Well it's not my fault she can't ask for the stupid apple!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: look who talking
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: damn it... Then do u want me to just let her get away?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki: yes its just one apple
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: yeah but she stole it from me... Can't I least beat her in the head or something?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki sighs then said why do i try you know what your on your own and keep the hat i give up and going home to cook my brother dinner
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: ughhhhh! Fine.... -drops the girl- I didn't want that stupid apple anyways
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki had walk back to the village without takeo noticeing
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: *yells back to her* if u need me you'll know where to find me *takes off torwards the mountains*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
kouki too far away to hear takeo
over a year ago senshi33 said…
Takeo: *sits on ledge of mountain and stairs at the stars*