Inazuma Eleven If you were a character in Inazuma Eleven.... who would it be(own character, put the japanese name, engllish name, element, age, gender, attributes, behaviour, secrets, if possible put the picture of your own made character)

Amber127 posted on Dec 26, 2010 at 02:25PM
Show you an example of may be weird but i like it...
All about Tekeromi Hatsumin

Japanese name: Tekeromi Hatsumin
Japanese nick name: Keromi/ Kemi-Kemi
English name: Xyrel Winter
English nick name: because she is the best female ace striker, she is called , "The Ice Princess".
Blood: !/4 Japanese and Spanish , 1/2 Filipina (Bicolana)
Eyes: Violet, but turns red when angry or confident, strong will.(It's unknown on how Tekeromi's eyes turn red)
Hair: Cat like bangs, white
Skin: Similar to Shiro's skin
School: Emerald Stones School(unknown Japanese translation),but later transferred to Raimon Junior. She is second year , though she is young she was accelerated because she was very smart.
Age: 11 but turns 12 later on.
Element: Ice
Plot: She is student from Emerald Stones, she is secretly a witch , she can cast spells and hexes, but not hexes after she promised her mother she would not use these dangerous hexes. She has an older sister(Nadisa Hatsumin) named Grisilda and a younger sister (Yumi Hatsumin) Julie and last but not the least a step sister named Valorie (Kina Hatsumin but turns to Kina Zino). She lived in a unfortunate family, when she was young her father was always drunk , one day her father started spanking Yumi, he was holding an empty bottle of Beer, was about to hit Yumi but Tekeromi covered Yumi and she got hit by the Bottle on her back, she was badly injured her mother saw what happened and got a slight heart attack, then his father killed himself after realizing what he have done. Keromi promised her mother to take good care of her younger sister and her step, and not to use hexes and stay away from her wicked older sister who has great hatred towards Keromi when she got all the attention from her mother. But then Keromi stayed with their kind Aunt Demi(Demi Densoto) but Yumi was took by their Uncle Clint (Dao Reu) as planned by Grisilda, and said to be if Tekeromi wins the foot ball frointier she could get Yumi back, but Grisilda put a hard hex on Tekeromi , that anyone 17 and above would not believe that Grisilda did something bad, like when Grisilda killed Yumi, Their step sister Valorie did not like the family since the incident happened, she stayed in a another family, the Zino family. She got to the Inazuma Eleven after Henda Kon (Brenda Curls) taking advantage on her and Endou wanting her to come with the group before the 3 days from the fight of Genisis after seeing her use the Icy Combat, she transfers to Raimon Junior and then after the fight of Genisis and the Dark Emperors, (she did not join the fights because she believes that Shawn could do it) they stop in a far place (the bus ran out of Gas) and the same with the 3 boys riding on a bus(Hiroto, Nagumo, Suzuno) ran out of gas too. They and Tekeromi meet. And the 3 Genisis boys too transfer to Raimon Junior.

Tekeromi's Behavior, attitude, personality: she is a witch, her specials are her eyes turn red when angry and she can sometimes see visions from the future, it is very painful when it occurs, she gets a headache. She is kind and caring, to prove it she tries he best to keep her 4 family promises. She hates liers, she is a vegitarian but she can eat meat, but she does not like to eat meat. She loves music, she is very talented in playing the Guitar, piano, the drums and she too is a good singer. She loves the color green very much, she too likes marigolds and violets. She is pretty smart, especially in solving riddles, she is a little bit childish and she can sometimes be lonely or emotional, she hates gothic people(Later the quotes will mention). She knows a little of martial arts but she had'nt mastered it, she is very flexible(but not as flexible as in... you know.... very flexible) backflips etc. She is as sweet as an Angel, she loves to kiss people at the cheek(Platonic), especially boys. expieriencing her parents die. She too has a little crush on shuuya Goenji, but after her sister died( 13 days of meeting Goenji) she looses having a crush on him.

Tekeromi's Moves, shots: Winter Solstice 1st best, strongest hitatsu shot, Tekeromi is the only ice being who know how to HANDLE this and use it, she rarely uses it, it's a forbidden shot, it may injure a goalkeeper.
Icy tornado 2nd best, it's the same as fire tornado only the opposite, it's the first shot she ever used when she was 4 yrs old, she started young playing soccer so really is a master, she has the same strength with Haruya Nagumo but not the same thoughts.
Icy combat How: Balance on your arms turn around then kick the ball.
Timber wolf you know it, she knows this but doesn't use it.
Winter Cyclone turn to prepare shooting then aim high to kick the ball.
is used.
Death Ice / Ice break How: kick the ball high then follow it up high then kick it very hard low which in the scene breaks the ice, when you reach the ground kick it hard, realizing the as the ball goes towards the goal it leaves a trail of broken ice.
Ice chain Goalkeeping cross your arms to form the chain, as the ball goes toward you cath the ball making the ball chained in your arms.
Dimension Space and Ice simply the two of you kick the ball, tekeromi usually does it with Hiroto, sometimes Jude when Xavier is not there.
Cross fire , Tekeromi usually does it with Burn (Axel sometimes), as Goenji does it with Fubuki, Keromi does it with Haruya.
Winter Flame both turn around the n turning at the point where they kick the ball then bend your knees down your hand touching the ground.Tekeromi does this with Goenji and never uses it with Haruya.
Icy Planet two space beings and one two ice, one space being kicks it to an ice being and the ice bieng kicks it to the other ice being a nd space being making a combination, then kick the ball
Ice plant Defense ice being and 2 earth beings raise up a land to form half ice and earth, making a block for defense. Tekeromi usually does it with Victoria and Darren.
Temprate Depth needs 2 fire beings and Ice beings ( usually it's Goenji, Haruya and Suzuno and Tekeromi) the 2 fire beings bring the ball up which in the scene makes the ball go on fire ang the 2 ice beings jump up to chase the ball and kicks the ball, in the scene makes the ball mix the ice with the fire and makes it temperate.

Blue Harvest 2 ice beings (usually Xyrel and Gazelle)one kicks the ball up then another chases the ball upwards to kick it down, then the lower ice being jumps to the middle where the upper ice being and the basll will go, they all meet at the center then both kick it.
Winter cyclone 3 ice beings somebody buts the ball at middle the the 3 run around it whih exerts force to the ball with its winds then brings the ball to the goal.

Taught attacks to her diffrent element Team mates:
Fire vortex the same as winter cyclone only 2 fire beings are used here.
Thunder Claw put your hands into a shape of a claw then simply catch the ball which forms a bigger picture of a claw.
Tsunami Reversed Josuke uses this it's a back kick so that's why its name has the word "reversed".
Pyramid 2 earth beings raise up a pyramid for defense.

Red harvest (Goenji and Haruya uses this) 2 fire beings the same with Blue harvest only fire is used.

Tekeromi's Future:

Adult Life: She is married with Haruya Nagumo(She turns to Tekeromi Nagumo) and bears a child named, "Kenji Nagumo" (Lloyd Beacons) and their son is married with Natsumi and Goenji's(Natsumi and Goenji were married) daughter, "Seonji Goenji" kind of rhymes.

"(To Yumi)"Your my sister, I will never leave you."
(To Uncle Dao) "You promised me !! Now give her(Yumi) back."
(To Aunt Demi)"What do my parents expect of me?"
(To Haruya)" Your funny!!!"
(To Henda)"Stop it!!! MY parents were the best parents anyone could ever have !!!"
((To Henda and Nikki) " Jealous?"
"To Nikki)"Your strategies on me are useless none of them matter...."
(To all team members)"You don't have to be strong like them to win any match, all you need is a little confidence and a strong passion for soccer."
(To all team members)"When you know what your doing is right, don't let anyone stop you from doing it..."
(To Hiroto)"Your lucky to have a step-father, well, my father reall did not love me as what you feel right now...."
(To Liers)"I hate Liers..."
(To Gothic people)"I Hate the Gothic, the always find ways to sorrow, while they are lucky to be in happiness unlike me....
(To Gothic People)"Lonely is okay , but gothic.... yuck."
9To Goenji)"When you make a promise, make sure to prove it and not break it."
(To Haruya)"Do you like me?"
Show you an example of may be weird but i like it...
All about Tekeromi Hatsumin 


Inazuma Eleven 17 replies

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over a year ago tarrangero said…
Full name: Yoshida Mitsuko

First name: Mitsuko
Last Name: Yoshida
English name: Shine Reeks
English nick name: *Later*
Blood (I hope you mean ethnicity or nationality): Japanese
Blood Type: AB
Eyes: Dark Brown
Orientation: Right Handed
Hair: Black
Skin: Typical Japanese skin
School: Ventus Junior High (Ventus means wind in Latin)
Current team: Terra (Master rank team of Ventus high)
Position: Mid-fielder
Age: 14
Element: Wind


Mitsuko was born from Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu. Her father died before she was born and her mother died when she was 4 years old. She was raised by her grandparents until she reaches 10. She moves to Tokyo to finish elementary and go into junior high.

Behavior, attitude, personality:

Mitsuko is a very cheerful and sweet girl . She's shy at first but she'll overcome it over the time. She can easily frustrasted but it'll be gone for minutes. She loves to sleep and listen to music. She's very serious at playing soccer and she's very determined to win the game. She easily understands everyone's problem and she'll try her best to help to solve that. She's a little airhead and absentminded at times.


[DF] Senpuujin - In this move once someone shoots the ball she spins on her head with his leg outwards like a hurricane (senpuujin is hurricane in japanese). The ball is then sucked into the technique where it is safely intercepted.

[OF] Wind Squall - Mitsuko can control the direction and power of the wind. While she's running to the enemy defender, she will release a very sharp gust of wind blowing the defenders.

[OF] Illusion Ball - Similar to Kidou.

[SH] Wind Blade - She'll release a huge vertical blade of wind along with the ball towards to the goal.


[DF] Tornado Zone (with Aero) - A defensive move that the two players cast a burst of wind within an area.

[SH] Jupitel Thunder (with Takeshi) - They'll kick the ball coating them with lightning to the goal.

[SH] Terra Break (with Takeshi, one water/ice, one wood & one earth player. total of 5) - First, they'll cast the technique similar to Raimon's "The Earth" and they'll jump very high and they'll kick the ball one-by-one. This is the strongest hissatsu of their team.


(When she introduces herself to the soccer team) "Hi, I'm Yoshida Mitsuko! I hope I can be a great Forward... I mean Mid-Fielder to this team!"

(To Endou) "You called your team a soccer team?"

(To Endou) "Winning always doesn't come for you. You need to earn it for yourself."

(To Aero) "Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."

(To coach Ken) "You're not interested? Hey coach, this is our only chance to join the tryouts to determine the roster of Japan's representative for FFI and you just declined it?"

(To Tsunami)
Mitsuko: "My favorite vegetable is carrots^^ "
Jousuke: o_0

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Amber127 said…
over a year ago Lastri said…
big smile

First name: Takeshi
Last Name: Miyano
English name: Mike Irvine
English nick name: "ZERO"
Blood: Japanese
Blood type: O
Eyes: Sky blue
Orientation: Ambidextrous
Hair: Brown
Skin: Light tan
School: Ventus Junior High
Current team: Terra from Ventus junior high
Position: Forward
Age: 15
Element: Fire

Background: Takeshi was born in Shibuya in Tokyo. Both of his parents were scientists who experiments about super-human strength and power. Unfortunately his parents decided to use him as an experiment and they called him "Experiment ZERO". Due to being locked in the laboratory for a long time, Takeshi almost missed his childhood, but sometimes they release him to play with the other kids but he didn't know that he was in an scientist's observation. Years later his parents gave up and marked "Experiment ZERO" a failure because they didn't saw any changes from him, he is still acting like a normal person and he doesn't show any super-human strength. While him being a failure, his parents successfully created a new super-natural being called "Project SEVEN". Because of this, they eliminated the failure projects except Takeshi. His parents and him escaped and fled to U.S.A. to avoid the media and the law [Because experimenting a human being is punishable by law]. Takeshi grew up normally and made many friends. When he turned 14, a group of boys challenged him and his friends to a soccer match and they accepts it [even he can't play soccer that time]. During that match when he's trying to score a goal [in a goofy way], a mysterious purplish-black wave comes out from his foot and travels along the ball, discovering his first technique, Dark Wave. The goalkeeper was badly injured because of this and he and his parents were called by the Guidance Counsellor and the principal for his actions. His parents decided to send him back to Japan to his uncle. When he came to Japan, he studied Zeus academy and he saw a soccer team playing soccer. He decides to join the Zeus' soccer team but 3 months later, he transferred to Ventus Junior High due to financial problems. There, he met Haruki Hachirou who was also known as "PROJECT ONE". Hachirou told Takeshi about what happened to "PROJECT SEVEN" and what happened about the illegal laboratory. Weeks later, Hachirou introduced Takeshi to coach Ken, the coach of Terra soccer club [The master rank team]. There, he decides to join and he met many people in the club including Mitsuko and Aero. Unknown to him, Hachirou was already a member of Noah soccer club [The 2nd rank team]. Hachirou wants Takeshi to join the other soccer club because he wants to have a match against Takeshi to know who's the better experiment.

Behavior, attitude, personality:

Takeshi is kinda brash and cocky. In the soccer field he is the one who always didn't go to their plan. Takeshi is very friendly and considerate. He hates other people insulting his friends and he rather getting insulted and humiliated than his friends getting that same kind of treatment. He's a very happy-go-lucky person and he's a very lively fellow.


[SH] Dark Wave - Releases purplish-black wave comes out from his foot and travels along the ball.

[SH] Death Star - Takeshi Jumps and shoots the ball with the super force of a dying star.

[SH] Single Grand Fire - Takeshi will kick the ball where the fire spreads as it can break through defenses.

[SH] Ifrit's Rage - Takeshi will kick the ball vertically and jumps atop of it and kicks the ball with two feet.

[OF] Flame Ablaze

[DF] Flare Star - He'll burst a circle of flare around his body.


[SH] Jupitel Thunder (with Mitsuko) - They'll kick the ball coating them with lightning to the goal.

[SH] Terra Break (with Mitsuko or Aero, one ice/water, one wood & one earth player. total of 5) - First, they'll cast the ttechnique similar to Raimon's "The Earth" and they'll jump very high and they'll kick the ball one-by-one. This is the strongest hissatsu of their team.

[DF] ZERO Gravity (with Ryouta) - Takeshi & Ryouta will manipulate the gravity within the ball and then stealing it.


(To coach Ken) "Hello, I'm the ace striker. Let me go in the game!"

(To Hachirou) "Letting me join the other soccer club is probably your worst idea ever... For you! Look! I'm more popular than you now!"

(To Mitsuko) "Are you sure that's Inazuma Japan? They look like punks in the street of Detroit."

(To Hachirou) "I'll admit that you're the better "PROJECT" than me... But I'm a better soccer player than you! Kekeke!!!

(To Endou) "You're a soccer freak? Well, you look like a freak! Hahaha!!!"
over a year ago Amber127 said…
big smile
I like yours too...
over a year ago sapphirez said…
Amber, if you like to make fanmade character, why don't you go to link. Just sign up and you can meet me there. I am sapphirez at that wiki. The wiki is for you to make fan-character, fan-fictions, fan-team related to Inazuma Eleven.
over a year ago sapphirez said…
Well, I can't post that for nothing so here you go.

First Name: Cream
Family Name: Ookizawa
English Name: Honey Riané
English Nickname: The Soccer Queen
Blood: Half Japanese, France, America.
Blood Type:Unknown-
Eyes: Dark Brown but she can changes her eye colors when Enter Dream.
Orientation: Right
Hair: Waist length hair but when in a soccer match, she clips her hair at the back and her bangs is sealed too.
Hair color: Brown.
Skin:Fair pink.
School: Elite Jun. High. ( she always get good grades since her home-schooling subject had reached PhD but she enters 2nd years in school.)
Age: 14
Element: Dream?
First story; The beginning of the road
Cream is a 13 year-old girl who often wears an X-shape ornament on her hair in the starts. She always aim to be complete and perfect in every skills she had. She is clumsy and a person with no future. She teaches Curry ballet while Curryn is taught to sing. She is always a champion in everything she does and her father disagree of Cream choosing the Art path rather than the cooking path. Her father challenges her to enter Grand Patissier Competition (GPC), a pastry cooking competition which can only be entered by the students of Patisser Gakuen. Cream accept the challenge (for the fact that she never had been to school *she is home-schooled*). In the school, she meets Alice, a Dream Fairy, which is sent by the Dream Queen to help her to pursue her dream and Alice will become a 'lady' in the castle if she succeed in making Cream's dream comes true. Much to her surprise, Cream doesn't have any dreams and Alice gain a power where she can enter Cream's heart (called the 'Enter Dream') and changes Cream's personality according to her talents. When Cream 'Enter Dream', the only things changed are Cream's personality and eye colors. In 'Enter Dream' mode, Cream's true personality will be hid inside her heart and her body will be controlled by her talents which have their own physical shape, name. soul, emotions and personality but was never shown until the third story.
Second Story; The road to soccer
Cream enter a school far way from Patissier Gakuen when she is 14. The school's name is Elite Jun. High. Cream was searching for a club to join until a baseball almost hit her and Tegane Minku saved her by kicking the ball back. Cream is fascinated with the kick that Tegane called 'soccer' and quickly head to the soccer club but when she arrives, Honoka Faiya and Honoka Aise, the Student Body President and Vice Student Body President is shutting down the club for the reason of infamous and no captain. Cream promote herself as the captain and she must gather enough member before the fight with Grand Jun. High the following day. (The problem is; Cream never plays soccer). She gather enough members and in the match, she knows Grand Jun. High attention of making Tegane enters the match and gather data about him. Scared of more of the players being hurt, she forces Tegane to join but when he refused, she angrily kicks the ball toward the big tree beside Tegane and it falls down, shocking everyone. Later on, the enter the Junior Soccer competition, re-unite Sumato Ryo with his sister, Marilyn Carve.
Third Story; The road with 9 paradiseEdit
Cream encounters one of her Enter Dream, X. She wasn't Cream's talent but she is one of Cream's 'Enter Dream'. Her personality is dark, gloomy and full of negative feelings. Unlike the other 'Enter Dream' that Cream or Alice can choose to do, X can forces Alice and Cream to 'Enter Dream' anytime Cream gives up. Cream purified X into True Dream and X along with True Dream gone in the first story but actually X deleted True Dream and reincarnated. Her new physical looks is identical to Cream, she challenges Cream with soccer and separates the Dreams from Cream physically. X created her own soccer teams using the children with a dark, sad and gloomy heart.
In the end: She enters international competition.
Moves: Toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooong if you plus her Dream's moves.
Future and quotes: Too many....
over a year ago Amber127 said…
i think i have seen this character in one of the "Fan made" webs.... Did you post a picture/ I think i saw it... It's CUTE !! if it was yours... (i don't remember the website)
over a year ago kitakedo said…

are you from Bicol? cuz it seems your character is a half-bicolana.
over a year ago Amber127 said…
big smile
who'd u know??? u r u too 4rm Philipines?
over a year ago kitakedo said…
yup, i'm from the philippines. i'm from kolambugan in lanao del norte but i currently live in a dormitory in quezon city.
over a year ago ShinKazama said…
Japanese Name: Shin Kazeno
Japanese Nickname:Shin
English name: Jeff Wind
Englis nick name :Zeppelin
skin: like ichinose
eyes: like Hiroto
school : Storm junior high school
element : WIND
Posision : Right mid fielder
Plot: He is the captain at storm junior high school.jeff on transfer to Raimon when nathan leave the team.
Raimon when he helped fight first genesis
but he suffered an injury and stayed in hospital for several days
after recovery he returned to Raimon Raimon and help fight chaos
he has a mysterious childhood. after win against the genesis of his childhood finally revealed he was a rich kid who left his parents because the plane crashed. he was feeling lonely and just having a ball that is considered friends eventually the company closed both his parents and sold and the money donated to an orphanage in along with him. he very good at playing football

jeff move :Cyclone Storm (sh)(like a fire tornado, but using the right foot

:wall of wind (DF)(like there typhoon which swallowed the ball behind him so that the loss of strength
:Razor Wind (OF)(he turned around and issued a typhoon which swept all before him)
:devil speed (of)(he ran and disappeared like a demon and past opponent)
:Wind Boost(sh)(this technique when he gets to play against the genesis is similar to the astro-kick but this version of wind breaks)

Combination: Wind fire round(sh)With goenji ,goenji fire tornado and jeff cyclone storm
: heaven boost (sh) with aphorodi,aphorodi use god knows
and jeff wind boost

appearancce : have a white hair , White eyes, spike hair

note: he's also smart like kido

Japanese Name: Shin Kazeno 
Japanese Nickname:Shin
English name: Jeff Wind
Englis nick name :Zeppelin
over a year ago arpit92 said…
i am not japanese so dnt knw anythng about japanese names.....
english name- ryan zephyr
english nickname- typhoon
blood - half indian and half american
blood type- o+
eyes-turquoise blue( the calmness of a sea brezze within it, but this calmness can turn to a fury when disturbed)
hair- jet black , silky and always keep flowing with wind....
element-like a sea storm
position- left mid field
school- tender breeze junior high..
plot- ryan born of indian mother and an american father always lived in usa..... once he got an invitation to play for tender breeze high school . this was his entry to japan . extremly calm in nature he was the best field manager and an awesome striker but beleived to play as a midfielder...... he later on joins hands temporarily with raimon to defeat aleai academy. but later on was asked by america to play in FFI........ and mets inazuma japan there. with the powr of ryan zephyr and eric eagle america caan be the best team in the world
move-storm destructo......(creates a cyclone of wind and water and shoots it like a screw... or like a horizontal tornado...
over a year ago katara_shirou said…
Full name: Katara Storm
First name: Katara
Last Name: Storm
English name: Lara Storm
English nick name: Lara
Nationality: 1/4 korean (you'll know why later..), 1/2 goddess, 1/4 japanese
Blood Type: A+
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: lavender
Skin: fair skin
School: Zeus Jr. High (then transferred to Raimon..)
Current team: Raimon / Inazuma Japan
Position: Forward / Mid-fielder
Age: 13
Element: Lightning / God-like power


Katara is the one of the best girl ace-strikers known in Japan. She is very popular. Zeus Jr. High was the school Katara was in since she was little. Until she found transferring to Raimon. Then when Aphrodi went to visit Raimon, he was shocked. Katara and Aphrodi are siblings. And to fight in the finals is not easy. Eventually, they overcame it. In this part of the story, Kidou and Gouenji unexpectedly had feelings for her. Aliea Academy came and when Gouenji left, Katara became so depressed. So Kidou went on to be her 'shoulder to cry on' and a nice friend. Kidou and Katara became close which made Gouenji (when he came back to Raimon.. in season 2) kind of jealous. Then when the FFI started.. Gouenji and Katara became close to one another. In this part, she became a player and a manager as well. After the fight with Knights of Queen, Katara was in a coma until they were fighting with Brazil. When she cam back, Gouenji was happy. :) In to my opinion, Gouenji and Katara will get married.


She has not to long, not to short hair. Color lavender with his side bangs on the side. When wearing any uniform, she folds the sleeves of it. (that's her trademark.) Very pretty. Fair skin. First and second season, wears light blue socks.

Behavior, attitude, personality:

Katara is a simple girl. Like Natsumi, when Katara makes orders it's somehow CLOSE to what natsumi is saying. She does what's best for the team. She never gives up. Very scary when he gets mad. Her eyes becomes red.


The Lightning - she kicks the ball to the right then left then finally into the front. where in this case the ball is moving randomly sideways in order for the goal keeper to be confused then later on (when gets nearer to the goalie) hits straight into the goalie. It's lightning that's color blue and light blue. :)

Rocket Lightning - she flies into the air bringing the ball with her then kicks with his left foot in a downward position. Then the ball becomes like a rocket and instead of releasing fire, it's releasing yellow and orange lightning.

Lightning Ball - she ordinarily kicks the ball then the ball increases it's power. It is surrounded by shockwaves and white lightning. It is hard to block. seriously.

God's Power - (APPEARS WINGS! just like aphrodi) blocks the ball, flies side by side then kicks the ball up then herself. now he's in the air.. he kicks. this is the MOST HARDEST OF ALL to block. VERY POWERFUL SHOT.


Senpuujin Force - (with Kogure) Kogure blocks the ball with his senpuujin then spins upward then kicks the ball to katara with two feet. Katara catches then kicks the ball twice to the goalie.

Heat Spark - (with gouenji) (Katara appears wings then gouenji jumps ahead..) Gouenji spins then kicks the ball downwards with fire. Katara swiftly catches the ball then kicks to the goal. Then points his pointer and middle finger to the ball to release some lightning power. (this shoot will only appear in the inazuma eleven "the ogre". haha)

*so dane. (that's right!)
*mataku mo.. (come on.. in a disappointed way)
over a year ago Tsurugi97531 said…
Full name: Damien Kerbecs
first name: Damien
surname: Kerbecs
nationality: 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 American.
Blood Type: A+
Eyes: red
Hair: He has sky blue hair that stick up at the back of his head with a dark lime green part on his fringe.
Skin: fair skin
School: HD Acdemy on their first team called team star breaker and then he transferred to Raimon.
Current team: Raimon then later he gets scouted by team Unicorn (Americas national team).
Position: Center Forward
Age: 13
Element: Darkness

He is a member of Team Star Breaker, a soccer team that represented the USA in the FFI Championships. Damian is one of the strongest forwards in the world, having undergone the highest of the soccer nation. When he was discovered by the HD Academy, his strength was enhanced through the Arrangement System developed by HD Academy.
He was a ruthless and fierce player in battle who only wished to send his opponents into the dark and despair of Hades. As well, he was loyal to Dr. Ziggurat, the coach of Team Star Breaker and the man responsible for the creation of HD Academy.


Damian is a short, pale skinned boy with very distinctive facial features. He has sky blue hair that stick up at the back of his head with a dark lime green part on his fringe. He has pointed grey eyes and blue eye-brows.
He wears a small black choker that resembles a collar around his neck and wears gold armor with yellow clothing along with gray chains. He also wears a white cape and black finger less gloves that are covered by his gold wrist guards.

Behavior, attitude, personality:

He is a ruthless, powerful, partially sadistic and unforgiving player. He seemed to have a liking towards sending his opponents into the evil land of Hades, or attacking them to discourage them and making them think that there's no hope left. Damian went under a mental breakdown after Inazuma Japan defeated him in a match. Damian underwent a psychotic breakdown, as if that was the first loss he ever encountered, even though he lost to Teikoku not long before.


Hades Drive: Damian's first hissatsu technique, Damian used it when he was in HD Academy. It is nicknamed the furance of Hades because he circles the ball creating a vortex of flames, swallowing the goal keeper to incerate the goal.

Hades Gate: Damian's second Special Move, Damian first used it in his match against Inazuma Japan. It summons a giant Gate and its gatekeeper; Kerbecs (the three headed dog) to swallow the goal keeper and transfer them into Hades.

death arrows!!!
(shooting technique)
the user kicks the ball in the air then he/her spin upside down in the air (like fire tornado) and arrows form around the ball then you aim then shoot and 5 arrows on purple fire swirl around the ball and get in the back of the net.

death force!!!
(keeper technique)
the user tosses a ball of purple flame from one hand to the other then smashes both hands together and a purple glow forms around the hands, have both hands in front of you then open them and a light will form it will burn and stop any shot.

The Vortex
The user runs around the ball until a purple ring formes around it then a purple sphere formes around it you are now in the vortex then you shoot.


Penguin Boost
the user calls up the penguins then they fly up and bite on to the ball then two other people do an over head kick from both sides and kick it down then the user takes a full volley shoot at the keeper.

grand blizzard
grand fire and eternal blizzard together. fubuki spins the ball with his feet to gather energy into it, next three more people do gran fire on to the same ball.

Grand slayer
grand fire and dragon slayer together. Some one uses Dragon Slayer to kick the ball forwards then three players do a chain shoot with gran fire.


"I don't want to yell, so I'll just guide you to Hades, now!"
"You're weak, aren't you now?"
"You play soccer because you like it?"
"That's right! Say it loud and clear. You are weak!"
"That's soooo cute!"
"You're weak!"

last edited over a year ago
Full name: Damien Kerbecs
first name: Damien
surname: Kerbecs
nationality: 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Am
over a year ago 13112001 said…
Japaneese name:Kuruma Hiamatory
Dub Name:Kenta Ramuro
Dub Nickname:Keny/Ken/ Ken-Ram//// Japaneese nickname:Kur/Kura-matory
Eyes:Blue,DarK Blue
School:Arius Academy(at first),Raimon(transfered to)
Plot:He was born in Hokkaido,but left it and lefted to Inazuma.He joined Arius Academy.His team haved a match with Raimon in the fifth ,,New FF tournament" and losed.He was very impressed and liked Raimon style...and so he joined them.He is little(like Shinsuke),but verrrrryyyyy smart.He knows things about every team Raimon foughed in the tournament.A follower of Kageyama Reiji promised him that he will make him stronger if he make Raimon to lose(He was controled after to do the misson).But the new captain of Raimon maked him to get off the control.
Electric God!
A big Majin comes out.But it is bigger than Endou's.It is catch the ball in the hand and the ball get electriced and stop.
Fire God!
Same as Electric god...just that this is with fire.
Thunder X-mas!
A thunder kicks the goal and a big barrier stops the ball.
Future eye:
This move is activate before the rival shoots.When the times come the ball is automatically stoped.
Thunder fear(with captain)
Is just like Inazuma 1,just that...this time is not used for shoot.
Ultimate Omega Majin(with all defenders and captain)
Is like Omega the hand...but there is not only a a Majin!

,,The ball is a dragon,and my hand is the prince who will kill him!"
,,This is!Give me power!The power of the god Arius"(while at Arius Academy)
,,Interesant thing....."
,,I already know that"
,,Did you knowed that......(he say something)"(THE MOST USED)

over a year ago Shaow898 said…
English Name:Shadow Ryker
Eyes Color:Dark Blue
Hair Color:Black
Position:Front Midfielder
School:Unknown then Raimon
Team : Icy Wind Academy then transfered to Raimon
Plot:He was just camping near mt. icicle then he saw shawn then they became best friends then tom.they don`t know they`ll battle raimon vs. icy wind then it was a tie so he was impressed with raimon then he joined them then he got many friends but he was best friends with shawn & axel then they battle many rough plays.

Appearance: His Size is like shawn`s,he has headphone`s on his head his wearing a jacket he has long black pants.


He likes Blue and black.
He always likes to where a jacket.
He likes Music.


He is kind but he so fast.
He is the bestest friend you can ever have.
He is kinda cool

Hissatsus: (Alone)

Icicle Barrier:Defend
The user will kick the ground then icicles come up then covers the enemy`s way then the user will steal the ball or when the enemy moves the icicles will make the enemy frozen.

Ice Dragon:Shooting
User kicks the ball then a dragon came out then the dragon spits the ball then the ball became emerald then became ice.

Ice Field:stealing the ball
the user holds the ground then the field became ice then the user walks then get the ball.

Ice Ball:When the enemy steals the ball
When the enemy steals the ball he/she will slip when the enemy gets the ball


Avalanche:with the two strikers
the user kicks the ball high then the two strikers and the user kicks the ball then an avalanche come.

Cornered Vortex:with the other midfielder
the user and the other goes to the side of the enemy the the user and the other kicks the ground then a vortex goes under the enemy then the user and the other stop then the vortex transports the ball to the user and the other.

English Name:Shadow Ryker
Eyes Color:Dark Blue
Hair Color:Black
Position:Front Mid
over a year ago lunarwolf123 said…
japanese name:
kuniko yuki

choco chireo

english name:
jenny whitewolf

eye colour:
its blue like fuyuka's but because she is a wolf, her eyes goes emerald green wjen she is angry

hair colour:


royal academy then raimon

11 but nearly 12

ice and stars

like fubuki's


when she was little she was best friends with aiden and shawn but one day both of their parents died so they became orphens. her big brother got married and fidio is her brother-in-law. she also has 4 other brothers and a sister. shawn secretly likes likes her but her heart belongs to gouenji

legendary wolf, lightning wolf and lightning boost

has her hair up in bunches and its tied up with a ribbon with stars on it. wears a top with a paw print on it and leggings with a star on it and has a jumper tied around her waist. same hieght as gouenji as well.

artistic, joyful, weird, kind, helpful, courageous, acts like a boy

music, art, martial art, football, ice skating, animals( espesially wolves)

being disturbed, bugs, people threatening her family her friends, annoying people