Hyoma Rolland Updates

a photo was added: Hyoma over a year ago by Tr0pica1ArieS
a comment was made to the photo: Hyoma Rolland over a year ago by Tr0pica1ArieS
an icon was added: Hyoma over a year ago by Tr0pica1ArieS
an answer was added to this question: If someone would insult hyoma infront of you how would you react over a year ago by SabrinaXKyoya
a pop quiz question was added: How old is Hyoma in Zero-G over a year ago by mubarza
a question was added: If someone would insult hyoma infront of you how would you react over a year ago by mubarza
a poll was added: Who with Hyoma would look better kissing? over a year ago by speedy106
a poll was added: Who's better for Hyoma? over a year ago by speedy106
a poll was added: Is Hyoma cuter than Kyoya? over a year ago by speedy106
a comment was made to the icon: Hyoma Rolland over a year ago by kyoyaryuga
a comment was made to the photo: Hyoma Rolland over a year ago by aquagirl777bey
a comment was made to the poll: What's the name of Gingka's rival for real over a year ago by Benkei1208
a poll was added: What's the name of Gingka's rival for real over a year ago by Chrissy245