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Hottest Actors Question

Post a picture of a gay actor who you admire <3

I know he's not an actor, but I admire him very much.

Ricky Martin <3
Post a picture of a gay actor who you admire <3
Ricky is so AMAZING
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
he's so gorgeous <3
XxxFUMMxxX posted over a year ago
opaquemystique posted over a year ago
Love Ricky, and he actually has some acting credits too, e.g. on Glee and HIMYM <3333
huntress79 posted over a year ago
 opaquemystique posted over a year ago
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Hottest Actors  best answer

victoria7011 said:
John Barrowman with his husband, Scott Gill<3

He is my favourite entertainer in the whole world. Hes just so genuine and he really does care about his fans..

Why is John my idol?

John is my idol because of his attitude in life. He receives hate about his sexuality, his accent, the way he acts, the way he sings, his opinions, etc etc BUT he just sticks the finger up to all haters and keeps on doing what he does. He cares about his fans and its probably like a second family to him. We give him space when he needs it and he repays us by stopping and giving us time when he doesnt need to. Not alot of celebrities would do that. He interacts with us on twitter and social media and shares his life with us and doesn't hide away. He inspires so many people because of his “I AM WHAT I AM” attitude in life and I thank him for that. He says what he thinks and thats what i love about him . He hasn't changed just because hes famous. He has stayed the same and hes one of the most, if not the most, genuine celebrity out there.
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John Barrowman with his husband, Scott Gill<3

He is my favourite entertainer in the whole world. Hes just so genuine and he really does care about his fans..

Why is John my idol?

John is my idol because of his attitude in life. He receives hate about his sexuality, his accent, the way he acts, the way he sings, his opinions, etc etc BUT he just sticks the finger up to all haters and keeps on doing what he does. He cares about his fans and its probably like a second family to him. We give him space when he needs it and he repays us by stopping and giving us time when he doesnt need to. Not alot of celebrities would do that. He interacts with us on twitter and social media and shares his life with us and doesn't hide away. He inspires so many people because of his “I AM WHAT I AM” attitude in life and I thank him for that. He says what he thinks and thats what i love about him . He hasn't changed just because hes famous. He has stayed the same and hes one of the most, if not the most, genuine celebrity out there.
posted over a year ago 
*best* beautiful comment <3
XxxFUMMxxX posted over a year ago
Thank you Hanna :)
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
Thank you^^ :')
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
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huntress79 said:
Matt Bomer <33333

He's not only a highly talented actor, singer and dancer, he also engages in a lot of social activities that aim to help special groups of society, such as the Annual Revlon Walk & Run for Women (Breast Cancer Awareness), the AIDS Walk in New York or the high-regarded theater play "8", which is about Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment that eliminated the rights of same-sex couples to marry in the state of California. And yet, he didn't make it official until February 2012 that he was in a gay relationship and has three kids.
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Matt Bomer <33333

He's not only a highly talented actor, singer and dancer, he also engages in a lot of social activities that aim to help special groups of society, such as the Annual Revlon Walk & Run for Women (Breast Cancer Awareness), the AIDS Walk in New York or the high-regarded theater play "8", which is about Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment that eliminated the rights of same-sex couples to marry in the state of California. And yet, he didn't make it official until February 2012 that he was in a gay relationship and has three kids.
posted over a year ago 
I love Matt Bomer! He's a gorgeous guy, incredibly talented, and sweet <333. I love what you wrote about him , that's very sweet. If I had two accounts I would've voted yours best as well :D
opaquemystique posted over a year ago
*blushes* thank you :D
huntress79 posted over a year ago
*best* :') I will best it for you opaquemystique and myself :D Matt is obviously a very geniuine man just like john :) Love what you wrote!!
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
XxxFUMMxxX said:
Wentworth Miller - his coming out was amazing
OR if Gabe is gay, then I'll post him xD
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Wentworth Miller - his coming out was amazing
OR if Gabe is gay, then I'll post him xD
posted over a year ago 
Wentworth miller is FUCKING HOT!!
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
very hot
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
Plus, as Capt.Jack would say - Hes Captain gay ;)
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
Beautiful Man!! :)
opaquemystique posted over a year ago
Darkangel6 said:
Matt Dallas
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Matt Dallas
posted over a year ago 
he's gay too?? didn't know that. he's super sexy
XxxFUMMxxX posted over a year ago
Hes so sexy :3
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
Me three! I think he's sexy, too, and I adore his eyes!
opaquemystique posted over a year ago
Monsterka said:
Neil Patrick Harris
Btw -I adore Ricky too *.*

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Neil Patrick Harris
Btw -I adore Ricky too *.*
posted over a year ago 
Hes awesome XD
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
Yeah, Ricky's the best! I love Neil as well, he's really cool ;)
opaquemystique posted over a year ago
rkebfan4ever said:
I know she's not a guy,but she is gay.I adore Ellen.She is an amazing person/entertainer.She makes everybody laugh and makes people's dreams come true.She is passionate about animals and donates money and time to charities.She is a beautiful person inside and out!!!!!
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I know she's not a guy,but she is gay.I adore Ellen.She is an amazing person/entertainer.She makes everybody laugh and makes people's dreams come true.She is passionate about animals and donates money and time to charities.She is a beautiful person inside and out!!!!!
posted over a year ago 
Ellen is AMAZING :3 I love her show!I think John should go on her show one day..They would be awesome to have on a show togethar<333
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
she is my fave talk show host.I love her show,and he would be an awesome guest on her show
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
i agree with you,with everything you said:)
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
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