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Hottest Actors Answers

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 Showing Hottest Actors questions (7201 - 7300 of 29716)
Answer: C'mon ;)
4 fans answered this question
Answer: my sexy silver fox <3
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Kellan in dark blue<3
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Matthew looking moody here. :)
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: no Rob why would you do that?
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: <3
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: for GQ magazine *-* adore it! :O
Answer: Jensen Ackles. <3
4 fans answered this question
Answer: my oh my,Matt what beautiful teeth you have<3
4 fans answered this question
Answer: the Duke
Answer: from 0:56 one of my fav songs right now
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: with a lovely fan
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: he is the whole world... he means everything to me ...
Answer: Alex Pschill
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Matt Felker.
Answer: Tony, the Vampire Slayer
Answer: Justin.
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Wilson Bethel.
Answer: my baby and his luxurious brown hair.I want to run ...
4 fans answered this question
Answer: love dat shooting
Answer: suits man
Answer: One of the best scenes of The Hot Chick. Rob is an ...
Answer: Bernardo Velasco!
Answer: Derek Theler <3
Answer: Richard in white<3
Answer: Robbiiiiii
Answer: like the pants XD
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: he looks kinda like a dinosaur xD
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Lucky
Answer: my gorgeous pissed off babe
Answer: Gorgeous JB *_*
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Sam :)
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Jagger <3
Answer: love raging Rob
Answer: Alain Delon
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Leto baby
Answer: Jensen wearing glasses
Answer: my sexy baby showing part of his sexy chest in this...
Answer: Brant Daughtery is 28!
Answer: Taylor Lautner
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Paul's bright blue eyes<3
Answer: sean o'donnell!
Answer: baby face
Answer: XD
4 fans answered this question
Answer: love em
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Bowie throughout the years
Answer: DT
4 fans answered this question
Answer: It's just a different style for him
Answer: his stunning golden hair <3
Answer: Matthew so sad in the sky. :(
4 fans answered this question
Answer: oh that sexy British tongue<3
Answer: Jamie with his FSOG co-star,Dakota Johnson<3
Answer: this <3
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question