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Hottest Actors Answers

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 Showing Hottest Actors questions (4901 - 5000 of 29716)
Answer: my baby tied up in chains<3
4 fans answered this question
Answer: RJ Mitte
3 fans answered this question
Answer: my baby with a disgusted look on his gorgeous face<...
Answer: he is ........... :P I'm speechless
Answer: Joey Lawrence drinking water. :)
Answer: John Barrowman with Burn Gorman's baby<3
Answer: John Barrowman and Anthony Head<3
5 fans answered this question
Answer: my gorgeous Robert whose eyes are normally blue,wit...
Answer: Matthew in The Comebacks. :)
3 fans answered this question
1 fan answered this question
4 fans answered this question
Answer: John Barrowman on Fifth Gear<3
Answer: Matthew in a truck. :)
Answer: My god... err Rob
4 fans answered this question
Answer: pirate style + magic
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Jared is angelic. In the background is his brother ...
6 fans answered this question
Answer: Tony has some brown spots in his left eye
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Jared
3 fans answered this question
Answer: my sexy baby with a sexy look on his face.How can y...
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Colton Haynes<3
3 fans answered this question
3 fans answered this question
Answer: my smart guy
2 fans answered this question
2 fans answered this question
3 fans answered this question
3 fans answered this question
Answer: Here you go :)
4 fans answered this question
Answer: John Barrowman<3
4 fans answered this question
5 fans answered this question
Answer: creep
Answer: *dead*
3 fans answered this question
2 fans answered this question
Answer: My poor Baby looking worried. <33
Answer: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE him with stubble
Answer: I more than like,I love my baby's beautiful eyebrow...
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Matthew wearing a baseball cap. :)
Answer: Billy jeans are my doom
Answer: Hugh Laurie as House MD
Answer: *cries*
Answer: Captain Jack shot..
Answer: how cool is that
Answer: my sexy baby wearing a jacket with the collar up<3
Answer: my sexy baby in a military uniform<3
Answer: Matthew's head slanted. :)
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
3 fans answered this question
Answer: my hottie
Answer: aww baby
2 fans answered this question
6 fans answered this question
Answer: my sexy,perfect Pattinson<3
7 fans answered this question
Answer: my sexy baby holding a black gun<3
7 fans answered this question
6 fans answered this question
5 fans answered this question
Answer: Jared
5 fans answered this question
6 fans answered this question
Answer: Henry Cavill wearing wihte.
Answer: The Doctor without his bow tie.
Answer: JB<3
Answer: Such a sexy smile <3
7 fans answered this question
Answer: John Barrowman<3
Answer: my handsome British babe with his name in writing<3...
6 fans answered this question
Answer: Henry Cavill sitting
2 fans answered this question
Answer: matt lanter! soo cute<3
Answer: James Marsden HoT & wearing... not a black tie. :D
Answer: Jared + tree
4 fans answered this question
4 fans answered this question
3 fans answered this question
3 fans answered this question
Answer: In a room... last man stANding, LOL.
Answer: John Barrowman<3
4 fans answered this question
Answer: Colton Haynes!
3 fans answered this question
5 fans answered this question