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Homestuck Question

Im my eyes fusihia(feferis blood colour and also the highest) looks alot like pink and pink has always been preety close to red

which in the hemospectrum the lowest form of red blood you can find in troll nature is aradias(which is rust red) but karat has mutated candy red blood and they treat him like the lowest of the low scince hes so close to a red blood colour but what if his sign is a highbloods mutated blood intsead of a lowbloods like karkat could just be the highest of bloods like feferi but his is gotten a lil darker or whatevs 0_0 srry im bad saying things but anyway maybe thats why the sufferer was so wise and karkat is sooooo(trying to find the right words) speachy and stuff cause their like highbloods in disguise 38DDD
I am rethinking my whole life...
OMGGirl33 posted over a year ago
 Meenah-Piexes posted over a year ago
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Homestuck Answers

PinkNinja10 said:
Well the candy red color of Karkat's blood, while completely normal for humans, is a rare oddity among trolls. Since it is so rare, he is regarded as an outcast. I think you might be onto something there though. Because the bright red color of Karkat's blood could be considered in between the highest and lowest blood colors. Where would such a rare exception fit? It should also be noted that Karkat was appointed as a team leader during the trolls' session. Wherever the troll hemospectrum originated, the rare mutated blood colors like Karkat could have been put at the bottom because they might have been afraid of one with such power, having qualities of the low bloods and high bloods at the same time. This is an interesting theory, I'll have to put some more thought into it and discuss it with my fellow Homestuck fans
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posted over a year ago 
LiptonGold said:
That's an extremely interesting theory.
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posted over a year ago 
wishey said:
Karkats blood is the same hue as Aradias, just brighter. Abd he's treated like an outcast because only one other troll in history (his ancestor) had that blood color.
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posted over a year ago 
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