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Harry Potter Question

I recently read a quote where Rowling says that Nagini (Voldemort's pet snake) is the same snake that Harry released from the zoo in book 1. Does anybody know if that's true, or is it a false quote?

I think I saw it on tumbler. It says that Rowling said it, but I dont know if that's true.
If the snake of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone was Nagini, don't you think Nagini would have killed Harry Potter in that moment?
TsumiTsukari posted over a year ago
It was proven false recently. It was just a rumour that people took as being true. I just discovered this today actually XD It's wasn't Nagini. Nagini is a viper
Animegirl6755 posted over a year ago
Unless nagini had a gender change. I don't think so
xox_kelly_xox posted over a year ago
 elstef posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

BlackHound said:

Not much is known about Nagini's early life or when she was acquired by Voldemort. It is unknown whether Voldemort owned Nagini before his fall in 1981, or if he found her during his exile in Albania. However, it is stated that in the woods of Albania, the phantom-like form that was the remnants of Voldemort befriended many animals, yet only snakes could bear having him inhabit them, thus leading to the notion that Voldemort and Nagini's relationship commenced in Albania.

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Albus Dumbledore stated that Nagini was made into a Horcrux through the murder of an "old muggle man", likely referring to Frank Bryce. However, J. K. Rowling said in an interview that the murder Voldemort used to make Nagini a Horcrux was Bertha Jorkins.

Bertha Jorkins was murdered while on vacation in Albania.

There was a rumour that Nagini was the snake Harry released from the zoo in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This was proven false, as Nagini is some type of viper while the snake in the zoo was a boa constrictor. Furthermore, the snake was given a male voice in the film, while Nagini is female.

In addition to that, in the book itself, it states that the snake Harry released is native to Brazil.
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posted over a year ago 
You're about everything except the fact that the snake was raised in captivity.
camib6 posted over a year ago
I know the snake was raised in captivity, I didn't say that it was born in the wild. I said that it is *native* to Brazil.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
In the books, the zoo snake was definitely a boa constrictor. That's what the sign in the zoo which Harry read said. They might have used the wrong snake species in the film though.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
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Helena-B-Carter said:
It's false, I am certain. It was a rumour that got spread around. One of my classmates told me about it and I checked. Nagini is female, the caged snake is male. The caged snake is a boa constrictor and Nagini is not. It has not yet been determined whether J.K Rowling did say, “Yes, it’s rather funny, really, that next to no one realized the snake that Harry set free in Philosopher’s Stone turned out to be Voldemort’s final Horcrux, Nagini", but if she did, she must have meant that the snake actors were the same one.
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posted over a year ago 
where did it say nagini was female and th zoo snake a male? just curious.
darkrai6543 posted over a year ago
That is actually the exact quote I was refering to. I also briefly thought that, if the quote is real, she might have been referring to the snake actors, but weren't the snakes cgi? That would mean there were no real snakes.
elstef posted over a year ago
no harry died before nagini was killed making her the last horcrux to be destroyed
jodarchy posted over a year ago
dragonsmemory said:
That is a very good question. I discuss this possibility in "Wild and Crazy Theories: Theory #2: The True Identity of Nagini." In it, I present substantial evidence that proves the two snakes are different. There is one bit of evidence I'm sure I didn't cover in the article: the Horcruxes. (If you have not seen Deathly Hallows Part 2, do not read this part. Also, you should read this along with the article mentioned before.) You see, Harry, while he was a Horcrux, could "hear" the others, proving there was some kind of connection. If the snake in the zoo was Nagini, and Nagini was a Horcrux at the time, wouldn't Harry hear it?
Also, one last note. It is known for certain that Harry is the last Horcrux Voldemort made in his first rise to power. My research has proven that Voldemort did not have Nagini at that time. It is also fairly certain that the pair met up sometime around the time Pettigrew returned. So, how could a Brazilian boa constrictor get to a remote forest in Albania when it really wants to go to Brazil?
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posted over a year ago 
My research has proven that Voldemort was in full possession of Nagini the first time he rose to power. Dumbledore said he wanted seven horcruxes, so he made six and intended to make the last one from Harry's death. That was when the curse rebounded. If he truly met Nagini afterwards, wouldn't that make eight horcruxes? Your theory doesn't seem quite right.
Helena-B-Carter posted over a year ago
Omg the ignorance of snakes in all of these answers is real the zoo snake was Burmese python Nagini is a Reticulated python.
derek689 posted over a year ago
^^The snake didn't lie. It didn't actually say it came from Brazil. It pointed its tail to a notice which said the species was native to Brazil but that this particular one had been bred in captivity.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
TsumiTsukari said:
Is false
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posted over a year ago 
LadyEmzy16 said:
I think it's true...but I regret it,if it was Nagini Rowling should have put something about Harry recognized it if it was the same snake!
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posted over a year ago 
yeah totally
Snowyowl1028 posted over a year ago
LadyEmzy16 posted over a year ago
FinnLover12 posted over a year ago
no, he wouldn't because he met nagini YEARS after the events of book 1. So, naturally, he wouldn't make the connection!
GabsSaw posted over a year ago
luv_muffin said:
Well I haven't heard of that particular rumor but:

1. If Harry released The snake in the zoo from captivity, don't you think the snake would've been somewhat grateful.

2. And I'm sure someone stated this but the snake in the zoo happened to be a male. You can hear the voice of the snake when it hisses Thanks. Nagini happens to be a female.

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posted over a year ago 
TsumiTsukari posted over a year ago
Harry did release the snake in the zoo…by accident if course. It hissed its thanks
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
FinnLover12 posted over a year ago
So true
JennaAdelaide posted over a year ago
BellaBlack94 said:
Yes. It's true. Rowling tends to give us surprises about the characters of her books, like when she said that Dumbledore was gay. Nagini was born in captivity. She would have met Voldemort afterwards.
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Yes. It's true. Rowling tends to give us surprises about the characters of her books, like when she said that Dumbledore was gay. Nagini was born in captivity. She would have met Voldemort afterwards.
posted over a year ago 
this isnt true because harry was the final horcrux, HELLO! NOT POSSIBLE THAT THIS IS TRUE
PellyPocket posted over a year ago
wut about the male voice
DaGreenPatronus posted over a year ago
This quote is fake.
SiriuslyDogg posted over a year ago
craigsnakehobbs said:
ok this has really bugged me the snake in the zoo is a Burmese python and from what I can tell its real with a little cgi in the face but Nagini is loosely based on a reticulated python I mean loosely for a start no pythons have fangs or venom they are constrictors they squeeze the breath out of there prey but then saying that I never know a snake to talk so I guess it all swings and roundabouts so just to clarify the story's suggest voldemort could have enhanced the snake but that wouldn't explain why u are looking at completely different species and colour of snake I have only kept snakes for 32 year I could be wrong
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posted over a year ago 
omg thanks Craig glad to see someone else who is not ignorant about snakes.
derek689 posted over a year ago
retrolove83 said:
i've never heard or read that anywhere.....doesn't mean it's false but....
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posted over a year ago 
lalalaz said:
I really don't think that's true, especially because Nagini was used to house one of Voldemorts horcruxs and i think he did that before he 'died' the first time.

however I may be wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
actually dumbledore said he made nagini a horcrux with that muggle man in goblet of fire, and he said he was origionally GOING to turn nagini into a horcrux when he killed harry, because he wanted to "save his making of the horcruxes for more significant deaths, and when he killed harry, he was making himself immortal"
darkrai6543 posted over a year ago
oo ya, I forogt that, thanks =]
lalalaz posted over a year ago
True. Nagini just disposed of the body, and Voldemort used the murder to make her his final Horcrux.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
ros59 said:
I'm not sure if its true or not. It sounds like something she would do though. Its a great idea,and hopefully its real.
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posted over a year ago 
alicia386 said:
Can someone brief me on this whole 'Harry went to the zoo in book one' cause i dont remember that. But it has been years since i read the books so.

Your question is false. Nagini was a house pet and he mainly followed Voldmert's orders so if that snake is the same it had to be sent by voldermort to make it true.
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posted over a year ago 
Incorrect. Nagini was not a "house pet." Dumbledore himself commented that Voldemort had a remarkable amount of control over Nagini, even for a Parselmouth.
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
And yet at that time Voldemort had control over nothing but the body of the head he stuck out of. He was weak at that time.
Helena-B-Carter posted over a year ago
Not technology i mean technically
alicia386 posted over a year ago
jerry123 said:
I think it is Voldemort's snake because when it was set free it talked to Harry and if you looked closely you would see that its the same kind.
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posted over a year ago 
Harry is a Parselmouth. He can talk to ANY snaake.
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
THANK YOU, dragonsmemory!
camib6 posted over a year ago
What? No. It's a completely different snake! That was a boa constrictor, and Nagini is a viper.
SiriuslyDogg posted over a year ago
CherryClit said:
Um, as tons of others have already answered, this is most certainly a NO. Don't trust random quotes, anybody can post something and then say Rowling said it.

Nagini is a giant venomous snake, most likely a fantastical made up one, for one thing; Harry released a boa constrictor, which are nonvenomous, and kill by constricting. There's also the issue of her being male, while the boa is male. She'd immediately recognize Harry, too, and why wouldn't' she take that opportune moment to kill him? It'd please her master, and there were no wizards around that could save him. So yeah, the reaction also confirms it's a separate snake altogether.

Not to mention, Voldemort had Nagini for quite some time. He had most of the Horcruxes BEFORE he tried to kill infant Harry, meaning he had Nagini present by his side, for years, including the time Harry was at the zoo. She might have not been a Horcrux yet (not until later), but they were still together.
(He was weak at this time, probably leeching off of Quirrel, but he still had some loyal Death Eaters and had places to hide, like the cemetery or Godric's Hollow, or the cave).

Do you think that a deadly, giant snake that was so important to the worlds' deadliest wizard would let itself get captured by Muggles? I don't.

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posted over a year ago 
Remember Voldemort always want to kill Harry, not a death eater. Besides, he'd have to follow the prophecy or it isn't likely they'd kill Harry, even if they were badass wizards.
BellaBlack94 posted over a year ago
Nagini isn't a Death Eater. Voldemort is completely okay with Nagini killing Harry.
SiriuslyDogg posted over a year ago
PsyrenDrifter39 said:
I'm not sure what to say on this... it would make sense, but something doesnt add up here..
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posted over a year ago 
Snowyowl1028 said:
its a true fact i read it on pottermore
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posted over a year ago 
It's fake.
SiriuslyDogg posted over a year ago
potterluv said:
I think it might be true, I'm not totally sure but there are reasons that could support it. First you might say Nagini would have killed Harry but, Nagini would not have found Voldermort yet so she wouldn't want to. She wouldn't have been a Horcrux yet because Voldermort made her a Horcrux after he returned.However there is no Hardcore evidence that proves the answer one way or another
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posted over a year ago 
Rizta said:
I dont know instead..
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posted over a year ago 
matthewknight57 said:
Yes, i read this two. voldamort afterwards put a spell on the snake. Since the snake new what harry looked like there was no work to be done

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posted over a year ago 
Wholockian said:
My friends and I have always wondered about this! I really don't know, but I think it would be interesting if it's true, and I wouldn't be very surprised. Jo is very clever with her characters- and the whole series, really.

If it is the case though, if Harry hadn't let him free, he wouldn't had been able to kill Voldemort.
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posted over a year ago 
zar_far11 said:
Thats a false quote. rowling actually said that that was WRONG.
besides, u can figure out that its false w/o finding out if rowling said it or not. cuz first of all that snake was born in a muggle zoo, which obviously nagini wasnt. second, that snake was not the same species of snake as nagini was. and third, if it was nagini, then the snake would have killed harry right then.
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posted over a year ago 
Um, hello! He hadn't actually met voldy yet, and he was grateful about his release. They might have gotten the species wrong in the zoo, and so what if it was from a muggle zoo? It doesn't make a difference!
addisongreen14 posted over a year ago
white_trace26 said:
In that case harry would have recognize it when see it for the second time.
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posted over a year ago 
rachfrog said:
i think it's true
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posted over a year ago 
LordOfShiny said:
It is definitely false. All the evidence points against it being true.
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posted over a year ago 
NKramer said:
It is true, the reason Nagini doesn't kill Harry right away was he saved her and she wasn't evil in the first book. Remember, Voldemort (The 'T' is silent!) was living off Quirrel's head?
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posted over a year ago 
lilylunapotter6 said:
That's very interesting, but i do not believe that it is the same snake although it is possible. For one, the snake from the zoo I believe was white-ish with brown spots and nagini is green and brown-ish..... Also, Nagini is female and the caged snake is totally male, so....
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posted over a year ago 
BoredWithLife said:
Its not true, the two snakes were of different species, even.. It was a rumor spread by someone and Rowling denied it
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posted over a year ago 
123987456 said:
okay so I also recently read this ... and found that the snake in the zoo was a boa and nagini was a python. also, even if it was nagini... she wouldn't have killed harry potter because of course we learn in the book that nagini doesn't come into voldemorts life until after or when Pettigrew does. also the reason that nagini has such a good relationship with nagini is because she is a horcrux
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posted over a year ago 
Sofaball said:
i bet it's false
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posted over a year ago 
Taken from Harry Potter Wikia:

"There was a rumour that Nagini was the snake Harry released from the zoo in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This was proven false, as Nagini is some type of viper while the snake in the zoo was a boa constrictor. Furthermore, the snake was given a male voice in the film, while Nagini is female. "
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posted over a year ago 
theres no vipers or boas in harry potter theres a burmese python(in the zoo in philosiphers stone)) a reticulated python(nagini) and a king cobra(the dule between potter and malfoy in chanber of secrets )
craigsnakehobbs posted over a year ago
AND That snake dragon thingy that Tom let loose in Chamber of secrets/
FinnLover12 posted over a year ago
the basilisk @FinnLover12
CoryDirectioner posted over a year ago
potterbert said:
No, it's not the same snake, but they used the same snake to act out the part in the movies.
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posted over a year ago 
TW_FAN21 said:
If it is true which come to actually think about it now is starting to mesh together and make sence it would be very ironic however in the first and 2nd movie he who must not be named as I recall never had the pet snake so maybe...

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posted over a year ago 
HPLOVER374 said:
In the movies, Nagini is played by the same snake as the one Harry released. I am not sure if in the books, they are same.
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posted over a year ago 
ajwinchester said:
Its false.
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posted over a year ago 
ellasparrow1 said:
Bookwise... no, Nagini wasn't the snake from the zoo. The 'snake actor' (does that even make sense?!) was the same... I mean the same snake was used in the films. Yep. Nothing to do with the book. The snake was playing two parts. x
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posted over a year ago 
AMBuchanan said:
That is not true. first Nagini is a female, the snake harry freed from the zoo was a male. it was voiced by a male actor. Sorry, you were given false information. Unless J.K.Rowling forgot and was trying to connect some loose ends but I doubt it.
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posted over a year ago 
It said in the wiki of Harry Potter that Nagini and voldemort most likely have met when Adnois or when voldemort was in exile. If its the same snake what a gender turner. but hey, i like to be niave and prefer that they arent the same snake. You may be right but im not all a hundred percent sure. i like to think it was a movie mistake and that they took the same design.
AMBuchanan posted over a year ago
ptaernblueshark said:
Ultimately, yes and no. Let me explain. Filmmakers confirmed that Nagini was played by a Burmese python. It is also known that the snake at the zoo was played by a Burmese python. Yet, in the books Nagini is specifically stated to be a viper of some sort, while the zoo snake was a boa constrictor. So, while a similar (or the same) snake was used to play the zoo snake and Nagini, they are different in the books. Then comes J.K. Rowling's statement. Whether she actually said it or not is a bit of controversy, but ultimately, Harry Potter is her universe. If she says something that contradicts the books, she can do that. The fans may not like it, but she can do it.
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posted over a year ago 
lemmy2003 said:
in the film the snake in the the film is a different colour to nanginie
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posted over a year ago 
GaiaBVGSR said:
I don't know if that's true or not, but I don't think so. At first, the snake in the zoo was a male and Nagini wasn't. And although I don't know what happened to Nagini after Voldemorts death, but I don't think muggle's can catch her and put her in a zoo. A piece of Voldemort's soul is into her.
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posted over a year ago 
Sindhwal said:
its 100% wrong
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posted over a year ago 
CoryDirectioner said:
i think it is true it would only fit with the rest of the story
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posted over a year ago 
GabsSaw said:
Its not true. Voldemort and Nagini met when Voldemort was AWOL.
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posted over a year ago 
rerivmil said:
I've heard this some other places too. I'm almost sure it's true.
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posted over a year ago 
02katy19 said:
knowing her, probably. she does add different things about people a lot, like Dumbledore being gay, or how Hermione and harry should have been together, which would have been good.
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posted over a year ago 
DaGreenPatronus said:
I think it was the same ACTOR/ACTRESS, but not the same CHARACTER.
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I think it was the same ACTOR/ACTRESS, but not the same CHARACTER.
posted over a year ago 
sakuraP6669 said:
That is false. The snake harry released from the zoo was a Brazilian boa constricter. And plus nagini is almost 3x as big as the snake harry released from the zoo. And I'm pretty sure if the snake harry released from the zoo was nagini that it wouldn't have said to harry "thanks amigo. Brazil here I come". She would have killed harry that exact same way she killed Severus Snape in the deathly hallows part 1.
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posted over a year ago 
Nagini killed Snape only because Voldemort had given her the order to do so.
Pensieve_Seeker posted over a year ago
The_JUGGLA said:
It could possibly be Nagini but the reason why she didn't attack him if it was her is because she doesn't know what he would look like at that age and also his hair was covering his scar the whole time.
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posted over a year ago 
witchpiper91 said:
I think that the snake is Nagini, but the reason why she didn't attack is because she didn't know that was Harry and Voldemort didn't even know who Nagini was. Nagini didn't even exist.
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posted over a year ago 
aprairiedog said:
Nagini is not the snake from the zoo. The snake in the zoo was a python which are not venomous snakes. We know Nagini had to have been a venomous snake because Voldemort made Wormtail milk her for her venom to use in the potions to regain strength.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with your statement!!
witchpiper91 posted over a year ago
SaumyaK said:
It says that Rowling said it. The snake that Harry set free was a Boa Constrictor from Brazil and I believe Voldemort's snake was some kind of a viper.
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posted over a year ago 
niacolleea said:
Thay are both 2 diffrent types of Nagini wouldn't have attacked Harry in his dream...or when Voldemort comanded Nagini to...
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posted over a year ago 
Lunaraigurl said:
Has anyone really looked at the fact nagini resembles an anaconda and the snake at the zoo is a boa or python. I also happen to think she is mixed with some sort of pit viper.
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posted over a year ago 
reticulatus said:
In the movie series, it is definitely NOT the same snake. The snake Harry releases at the zoo is a Burmese Python. It even says so on the cage tag. Voldemorte's snake, Nagini is a Reticulated Python. These are two very different species. I saw it as a case of typecasting, as the Burmese pythons are always portrayed as docile, and retics tend to be portrayed as maneaters. In reality, it is the Burmese pythons that are taking over the Florida Everglades. Captive bred Retics are often tractable pets, though not a good snake for beginners. But then, neither are Burms. I can't answer for the books, and don't know what Rowling may have said.
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posted over a year ago 
dramioneotp said:
Nagini is a female. does anyone have proof that the zoo snake was a man (apart from the voice in the movie)
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Nagini is a female. does anyone have proof that the zoo snake was a man (apart from the voice in the movie)
posted over a year ago 
lovefoxes123 said:
No because in the zoo its non-venomous and nagini is venomous
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posted over a year ago 
shaylen said:
It is incorrect, as the last horcrux voldy created was Harry, and nagini is also a horcrux, so she would be older than what the snake in the zoo would be (judging by its described size and length), and answer me this, would voldy REALLY let a horcrux be put in a zoo around the hated muggles?
Also, the boa constrictor was bred in captivity, and I believe nagini as a python of some sort of viper
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It is incorrect, as the last horcrux voldy created was Harry, and nagini is also a horcrux, so she would be older than what the snake in the zoo would be (judging by its described size and length), and answer me this, would voldy REALLY let a horcrux be put in a zoo around the hated muggles?
Also, the boa constrictor was bred in captivity, and I believe nagini as a python of some sort of viper
posted over a year ago 
Nagini was the last Horcrux - she was created from the murder of Frank Bryce at the start of Goblet of Fire.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
Whoops, sorry ☺️
shaylen posted over a year ago
It says that the rumour was false. The picture says 'This was proven false' and my writing describes the DIFFERENCES between the two snakes, implying that The. Rumour. Is. False
shaylen posted over a year ago
derek689 said:
this is false the snake in the zoo is a male Burmese python
and Nagini is a female Reticulated python
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posted over a year ago 
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