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Harry Potter Question

I believe you should all hail the Lord.

He is amazing and even better than Harry Potter, he will save you from evil!
You should delete this question from this club, as it is not Harry Potter-related.
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
No thank you, I don't need someone shoving their religeon down my throat. I have My own religeon.
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
I checked and this person like just joined fanpop so their probably just confused or something! join the christanity club so u can say this stuff without gettin yelled at or reported.
Crazy8s17 posted over a year ago
 PraiseTheLord posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

dragonsmemory said:
I really don't think you should be trying to convert people to your religion. Everyone has their own beliefs. Save the "Lord is great" crap for a religion club. Not here. Here is for Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One.
And I have to disagree with you. Harry is better. He's real. He isn't some omnipotent being up in the sky somewhere. He's a normal boy with normal problems down here on Earth. Everyone can relate to Harry. His story teaches some basic life lessons in a fun way.
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posted over a year ago 
turturkeykey posted over a year ago
Hear, hear!
MoonshoesPerry posted over a year ago
@Crazy8s17 Harry Potter is real for the Potterheads. Reality is merely what you believe in. Also, you should reread the Velveteen Rabbit. Harry became real by the Potterheads loving him. @HPCouples It's my belief
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
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BeastBoyCahill said:
You are by far, FAR, FAR the weirdest troll ever in the history of the Internet (as far as I know)...
But still, you are a troll. You're a religious troll, a troll with a righteous cause, the best and most worthy troll ever, I am NOT denying that...
But still. You posted an entirely irrelevant question spoiling the enjoyment of the topic for the fans, especially all the non-Christian fans (and you shouldn't try to convert them), you put down the topic at hand for it... Plus, this isn't a question...
I've thought this through very thoroughly before stating this, I am not being rash and foolish. But from my analysis, you are, ultimately, still a really, really, light (as in non-offensive), really, really righteous type of troll.
And you know, that would all be completely different... if you just posted this on the Random fan club instead. Although then, there would still be a few problems, such as the fact this isn't a question and it's not really right to try a lot to convert people... But it would be a lot better. Note that here, as I mentioned before, you put down Harry Potter, the topic of the club, to get your point through.
You know who you remind me of...? Crusaders.
Ah, well, I'm done. BUT, by the way, I do congratulate you on being so passionate about religion (few people in the world actually, really care about theirs', at least from my experience). Keep up the spirit!
P.S. I am also a Christian.
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posted over a year ago 
Perfect answer. You need to have the best answer. I'm Christian too.
HPCouples posted over a year ago
Well said. Not mean or rude but you got the point across.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
haha thats very well said and i sooo agree with the troll thing! bloody brilliant!haha ps Im also a christian!! :D
Crazy8s17 posted over a year ago
HPCouples said:
I'm Christian and I love Harry Potter. Do I think Harry Potter is better than the Lord? No, because I think the Lord is above all, but I'm not going to sit here and convert people into believing in my ways of life. However, I don't think it's right to report her/him seeing as they are new here and most likely doesn't understand how Fanpop works. Sure, it's not the place to make a comment on that, but reporting him/her is being overdramatic. PraiseTheLord, please keep comments like that on religious spots, ok? Never lose your faith though. I know your heart is in the right place.
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posted over a year ago 
Voting as best answer. (Although I think it may be a little too nice to say the person may not know how Fanpop works... since I'm pretty sure everybody should understand the problem in this case and it's nothing specifically Fanpop-society-related.)
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
TheLogicalwitch posted over a year ago
thetacoman said:
Little known fact- much of Harry Potter has allegories to Christian theology, despite the use of magic.
As in, Harry's mother sacrifices her life out of love to defend Harry. Remind you of anything?
Harry eventually has to fight Voldemort himself. We all do.
Just look a little deeper. You'll be suprised what you find.
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posted over a year ago 
Little known fact-Much of Christian theology borrows strongly from other belief systems, including the Pagan ones. What's the point? People tell the same basic story over and over.
jester616 posted over a year ago
Hmn? it is impossible to tell from which culture or religion the beleif diffused from. All that argument upolds is more anthropological evidence for theism, but my argument is that Harry Potter is good also.
thetacoman posted over a year ago
Oh, yeeeaaah... But still, this question is very unrelated.
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
KitKatLex said:
This has nothing to do with Harry Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
sparkles3 said:
I'll hail Lord Voldemort if that's what you mean.
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posted over a year ago 
lol! that's what i thought it meant at first.
OliveTheAbove21 posted over a year ago
u mean it's not what PraiseTheLord means??!! :( only kidding.
sparkles3 posted over a year ago
omg I seriously also thought thats what it meant too until i looked at the answers! haha wow!
Crazy8s17 posted over a year ago
thetscfan121 said:
Don't start a fight about religion and Harry. It's not cool for either of you, and it's embarrasing for any other matter. I like PraiseTheLord is following Jesus command, but this definetly isn't the way. And in my most sincere opinion, God is great and so is Harry!
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posted over a year ago 
Lord_Darling said:
If you have to worship a Lord, I'm always available....Can't promise to lead you AWAY from temptation though ;-)
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posted over a year ago 
jameswilson said:
Not the right platform to discuss this at all. Reported.
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posted over a year ago 
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
tetoforever posted over a year ago
GryffindorGirl2 said:
*headrail* Really? You really had to post this in the Harry Potter spot? I'll have you know I am a Christen,but that doesn't stop me from liking Harry Potter,or rock,or guns,or firts-person shooter games. The Lord doesn't control what I like,well,he does,but he layed out my life and knows what I like,he won't change it,because that's how he wants me to be.
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posted over a year ago 
simpleplan said:
This has nothing to do with HP. Also you should not force religion onto people.
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posted over a year ago 
ArcticWolf said:
Er.... I'm a Christian who happens to love Harry Potter. I already worship God, no need to convert me.
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posted over a year ago 
Same here :/
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
HPCouples posted over a year ago
Pensieve_Seeker said:
I believe you should learn that a question is a sentence in interrogative form intended to elicit a reply, not a declaration of belief.
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posted over a year ago 
Excellent point; I was thinking that myself.
MoonshoesPerry posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said:
YES, I quite agree with you. Lord Voldemort IS amazing and better than Harry Potter, though I disagree with you claim that he'll save one from evil.......

But seriously, this isn't okay to post here. You shouldn't be trying to convert people to your beliefs this way. Not only is this unrelated to Harry Potter, but can also be considered rude.

Also, this is your OPINION. Not a fact. And you shouldn't try and cram it down everyone's throat this way.
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posted over a year ago 
Good point.
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
I dont think this person was tryin to cram it down everyones throat...but that still was kinda random!
Crazy8s17 posted over a year ago
Hermione-Fan361 said:
For one, pleasedeletethisquestionithasnothingtodowithHarryPotter.


Sorry about all the run-together things, but you interrupted my Tomska and eddsworld marathon on YouTube and my HP Roleplay. >:(
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
I am a cristian aNd believe in God but I don't think HP is evil. :/
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posted over a year ago 
POINT! Valid POINT detected!
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
BlackHound said:
Which "Lord"?

I hail Lord Aragorn. He saved me from Evil.

Faith is a "hot-button topic", one I believe is best left off spots like this. We already have enough people flaming each other and spouting stupidity just over Harry Potter. We don't need something like this to stir the pot further.
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posted over a year ago 
Well, judging from the fact he/she said "He will save us from evil," I'm guessing he/she is either talking about God or is seriously confused about the HP storyline.
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
@BeastBoyCahil: I was being facetious, and it was aimed at the original poster.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
MissAngelosonic said:
I am getting instantly tired of hearing this.
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posted over a year ago 
MissAngelosonic posted over a year ago
TheLogicalwitch said:
Well,this was really a weird question u know.
Like the others said, we Potterfans have faith in God too and we do believe that He is above all. Why you compared TheLord with Harry Potter,I really don't know,but I assure u that being a Potterfan does NOT mean betraying God in any way.

Harry Potter might be fictional,but its the most amazing thing we have received to enjoy in our is epic and it is instructive as well. And by no means does it contradict with the "Lord" belief.

I agree with HPcouples that as u are new in fanpop, you are not to be blamed but as I hope u have got your answers well enough,I believe you will not ask such questions again(not here in this club atleast).
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posted over a year ago 
Incantus said:
"I believe you should all hail the Lord.
He is amazing and even better than Harry Potter, he will save you from evil!"


Is this the same "Lord" in whose name thousands of innocent people through the ages have been murdered, wrongly condemned as "witches"? I'm thoroughly disgusted that this is here, on the Harry Potter fan spot, especially since the theme of the epic is about acceptance of other people and the triumph of GOOD over EVIL.

Clearly, you have never read the books.
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posted over a year ago 
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