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Harry Potter Question

No one is perfect, Hermione certainly isn't. She was being immature, wasn't she?

There was a huge discussion between my friend (who is a die-hard Hermione fan) and me.

Hermione didn't actually like the way Ron behaved when name of Victor's brought up. He acted jealous and Hermione didn't like one bit. Then why did she attack Ron with birds when he kissed Lavender? At least Ron never attacked her. They were friends and Ron had all right to kiss anyone he want (not anyone! One who wanted to kiss him too). Yes! she did ask him for coming to Slug's party, but she did clearify it was just like a friend. And they were not on the best terms too.

ii) Hermione casually commented on Ron's emotional range being of a teaspoon. It certainly was not a joke as it is shown in movie. But she got "teary-eyed" as Ron laughed when she did something wrong in a class ( HBP).

 RealBenTennyson posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

delamico said:
To be honest I can't quite follow your logic. Obviously Hermione didn't like Ron's jealousy just as Ron didn't like Hermione's jealousy after he got together with Lavender either. Jealousy is not immature, they were teens. How else were they supposed to act? And the reason why Ron did not attack Hermione with birds when it came to Krum is that Hermione never snogged Krum in public, so Ron could only guess what was happening between them. Now even Ron is not that hasty to attack Hermione with birds (not like he could perform magic like that) on the basis of mere guesses. I don't really understand your parallel of the teaspoon and the teary-eyed Hermione. Ron's emotional range was that of a teaspoon's there's no denying that. He couldn't see things from as many points of view as Hermione did - he was a guy, Hermione was a girl. That's natural like that. You know the story about men, women and the dragon that captured the princess. Men run off to save the princess right away, because the only thing they see is her being locked in a tower. Women want to know how the princess and the dragon got there in the first place, before they act. Same goes for Hermione and screwing up something during the class. She did so, because she was upset about Ron and Lavender and Harry and her studies and all. Ron didn't know that and didn't care that: he just wanted to laugh at her to annoy her more because she wasn't with him.
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posted over a year ago 
You really showed Hermione as a saint here. Yeah! Ron was jealous when Krum was brought and Hermione was jealous when Lavender was brought. What I mean to say is Hermione always kept "nagging" Ron to stop acting immature every time Victor's name was mentioned. And later she acted like same; okay not same but more vicious, violent, cruel *evil smirk*. For whole "immature" logic; Hermione quite casually insulted Ron and when he merely laughed at her one mistake, she got all emotional and started crying!!!
RealBenTennyson posted over a year ago
Hermione insulted ron to cheer harry up! Have you never heard? The basis of most relationships is insult based humour. We always nag each other with my friends. And anyway I kinda dislike Hermione, because her character took a twist too big for me. From the booknerd she became the favourite of boys and Miss Kickass. I really don't like that, so I don't know what gave you the impression I'm showing her as a saint. I was only trying to point out the faultyness of your logic claiming that Hermione is a devilous little prick.
delamico posted over a year ago
Hermione doesn't think she is the only one who can make fun of the others. She did that quite seldom. And when the boys made fun of her she usually just rolled her eyes and let it be. But it's different, when two friends who insult eachother out of fun fall for each other. That's what made Ron have the right to nug Hermione and Hermione have the right to cry about it. And that's R.I.P. English Grammar but never mind...
delamico posted over a year ago
Angel-Trix said:
Oh, I kind of agree, but for different reasons. Hermione was depicted as perfect to the reader in everything she did while no one liked Ron. One reason I hate Hermione.

I get where you're getting at though. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't think Hermione is so angelic.
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posted over a year ago 
Good to know you agree. Thanks :)
RealBenTennyson posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
Who said that an attack had to be physical in order for it to be "an attack"? Ron started the argument about Krum - he verbally attacked Hermione.

The difference between the fight about Viktor and the fight about Lavender was that it was implied that Hermione and Ron were going to the party as more than friends. It was exceptionally obvious that they liked each other. It was stated that Harry and Luna were going to go as friends. It wasn't stated that Ron and Hermione were going just as friends.

I'm not sure what you're talking about in your second point. Having the emotional range of a teaspoon means that the person doesn't have a lot of feelings. Which Ron doesn't. He didn't understand why Cho was so upset when everything was going wrong for her. "You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up." Not exactly the thought process of a person who feels empathy and sympathy.
I'm not sure what Hermione crying has to do with her being immature and saying Ron has the emotional range of a teaspoon. That actually just proves Hermione right, since Ron made her cry and didn't even feel bad about it.
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posted over a year ago 
Come on! Let me summarise your reply: Hermione can act all jealous when her secret crush (emphasis on secret) snogged other girl but Ron is not allowed to act like that when he comes to know that his secret crush snogged someone else. Hermione is allowed to insult anyone but no one should laugh at her! You were trying to say the same thing, weren't you?
RealBenTennyson posted over a year ago
The locket didn't bring Ron's fear, it made it worse. "It made me think
bri-marie posted over a year ago
*things, things I was already thinking anyway..." it also made him angry constantly, which led to the big fight which made him leave.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
rere14 said:
I don't think hermione immature, especially in that moment, she just being a 16 year old girl, when your 16 and have a crush on someone, even when you are the brightest girl, you sometimes made a wrong move to act your feeling,,,she's not immature, but I agree with you that she's not perfect, and I do think she overrated character

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posted over a year ago 
Thecharliejay said:
She isnt perfect but shes not a complete bitch. She's more secretive with how she feels
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posted over a year ago 
Agree! She's not a complete bitch. But sometimes, people tend to neglect her mistakes and that freaks me out.
RealBenTennyson posted over a year ago
get over it
ecpjll posted over a year ago
potterfanatic31 said:
hermiones heart was breaking!!! she would be angry! she just lost her temper! its not her fault. when ur heart breaks you dont care about anything else.
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posted over a year ago 
alisonfaith297 said:
i dun understand. this does not proff taht she is being immature. it call being irrational like all human emotions. it just part of human nature. so how does this relate to her being perfect and who said she ever way. your logic make no sense
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posted over a year ago 
Tamar20 said:
Shit,sorry didn't read it it's to long.
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posted over a year ago 
ecpjll said:
girls can get away with certain things males can't and vice versa. That's just the way the world works.
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posted over a year ago 
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