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Harry Potter Question

What do you think of the pairing Snape/Hermione?

I think its kinda disgusting but some people like it i guess
What do you think of it?
delena91 posted over a year ago
daniellecervas posted over a year ago
I think it's disguasting, I don't really care about the difference between their ages. And they hate each other!
crazydiamond1 posted over a year ago
i hate it
meow_lps posted over a year ago
 Harrypotter148 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

lilith84 said:
It's my favourite non-canon HP pairing. You can say all you want, but I think they fit together. And before you start with the 'omg, it's sick, it's pedophilia, he's old' and whatever else you can come up with, think about this first. There's 19 years difference between Hermione and Snape, while it's a big age difference, it's not an extreme one (My boyfriend is 18 years older than me and we've been happy together for over 7 years now), besides age is just a number when people love each other. The phedophilia crap that I have seen in various places - it's not a phedophilia if they are BOTH the age of consent, which Hermione is by the end of Deathly Hallows (just reminding you that the age of consent in the wizarding world is 17, so she was of age in HBP already). What I also find extremely hot is the whole student/teacher situation, especially the mean, cruel, bastard of a teacher falling for the brightest witch of the age and best friend of his least liked student. I find this fascinating, plus it's my own little fantasy from the time when I was in school. Oh and Snape and Hermione are intellectual equals, she would definitely not be bored with him.
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posted over a year ago 
Woo! I 100% agree with you! :D
Silverdoe posted over a year ago
Not a fan of the pairing, but that is an excellent answer!
EllieMusica posted over a year ago
Andressa_Weld posted over a year ago
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MithrasPotter said:
I'm not gonna knock their beliefs, but, I personally find that really strange. I don't think Snape and Hermione have that much in common in terms of personality, and even if they did, I don't think they would ever fall in love. I just don't really understand where that ship comes from, or why anyone would want Hermione and Snape to end up together... they have their own loves... And that's not even taking into account the age factor.
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posted over a year ago 
SiriusSeverus said:
I have absolutely no problem with the age thing, I just don't see them two together.
At all.
Just, no.

I think Severus being on his own and harbouring a deep love for Lily is what made him who he his. I don't really see him with anyone else... I don't even see him with Lily. I'm a big believer in the the way things were written, I think people ended up with who they ended up with for a reason.

People are gonna jump down my throat now, but the only person I could maybe see Severus with is Sirius. This is purely due to a beautiful piece of fanfic that I came across a couple of months ago. A piece so well written it honestly could have come right out of one of the books, in which Sirius is forced to go to Sev for help, and they end up growing very close "behind the scenes", but Sev's personality is unchanged to the "outside world".

Sev and Hermione? No.

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posted over a year ago 
orange_twerd97 posted over a year ago
I agree completely.
lovemarauders posted over a year ago
Completely agreed.
QueenofthePika posted over a year ago
nene72 said:
I like this pairing a lot and mostly for the reasons already mentioned by lilith84. I find it interesting that so many people are opposed to it and use the whole age difference as an argument against it. I believe the real reason people don't like this pairing is because Snape is ugly and looks his age. There have been many popular pairings with a large age gap (many with one partner under 18 years of age) in books, tv and movies that are accepted and even seen a very romantic by the vast majority of the audience. eg

"Twilight" series- Bella (17) & Edward (104), Jacob (18) and Renesmee (toddler)
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"- Buffy (16) & Angel (241)
"Lord of the rings"- Aragorn (20) & Arwen (2680)
"Sense and sensibility"- Marianne (16) & Colonel Brandon (35)
"The Sound of Music"- Maria (20s) & Captain von Trapp (40s)
"The Phantom of the Opera"- Christine (ranges from 16 to 21) & Erik (from mid 30s to 60)
etc, etc

I'd wager that quite a few of the people who like Snape only do so because Alan Rickman himself plays him. Not all of them, but certainly a discernible number.

The only thing setting these character apart from Snape is that they're all good looking and/or look young. Apart from probably Erik, but he wears a mask most of the time.
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posted over a year ago 
I thought Aragorn and Awen were the sam age and he is tectonically 83 be he ages diffrently
Harrypotter148 posted over a year ago
Nope that was his age at the time of the movie. He first met and fell in love with Arwen when he came of age ie turned 20 in 2951 (LotR time), the movie was set around the year 3009. Arwen being an elf was alredy thousands of years older thant him.
nene72 posted over a year ago
Half of those examples have one partner immortal, and the two are physically around the same age. The other half are pairings set in historical times when such an age gap was actually normal and encouraged.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
Hinata-Snow said:
Where do these people live so I can give them a slow, painful death....
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posted over a year ago 
Harrypotter148 posted over a year ago
klilia posted over a year ago
Ok, yes. I went too far. I am much older and wiser now, and in fact leave this comment(and similar ones) up on this site to remind myself of my own stupidity.
Hinata-Snow posted over a year ago
Manana2 said:
WHO are the people that like that?
those people are sick!
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posted over a year ago 
and why is that?
lilith84 posted over a year ago
You do realize the age of adulthood is seventeen in the wizarding world, don't you? Legally, Hermione's an adult.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
The age gap is already a trivial thing after the age-of-consent or legal age in whatever country. And the older partner could wait when its really serious. Plus its not sick to support this pairing nor is it called pedophilia when I see it as meeting-of-the-minds pairing. And also Hermione is already a young-adult (aka legal) in fanfics before they throw her to Severus with impossible scenarios. :)
lazyreader posted over a year ago
CallinMeBlondie said:
Creepy. And let's not forget, if it's during the Harry Potter years...its illegal. We don't want to see Snape on "To Catch a Predator". =)
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posted over a year ago 
Ha! Yeah, that'd be akward!
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
Not in the wizaeding world. Hermione is of age in her 6th year. In fact she turns 17 at the begining of her school year.
nene72 posted over a year ago
I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to offend you, sometimes my foot enters mouth. I'm sorry I used words or comments that offended you. Last thing I want to do is hurt anybody or knock anyone's beliefs. I'm sorry for that So, Peace =)
CallinMeBlondie posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
Not the best not the worst
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posted over a year ago 
Best answer 100%. Sums it all up.
Darkshine posted over a year ago
:P Thanks
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Darkshine said:
I am neutral actually.
I don't think they could be a couple, but I don't hate them either.

I really don't think they could be together.
He's her teacher, she's his student.
He's Harry's nemesis, she is Harry's best friend.

In the series, we see him insulting Hermione and her friends a lot, without many special reasons, trying to humiliate them, take the scenes in the GoF book for an example, please. Hermione respects Snape a lot more then Ron and Harry do. It's called discipline and respect-for-your-teacher, which Harry nor Ron clearly don't have, especially for Snape.
Ok, enough of Harry and Ron, this is about Snape and Hermione, right?
I don't think the pairing is plausible, not because of their age difference, because of their complicated and full of despise and bitterness relationship in the series.
And we must not forget, Snape has always loved Lily and Hermione has always loved Ron.
Both are very good examples of deep affection and friendship turning into love. But Lily never loved Snape, so my opinion is that he, broken-hearted and bitter, never looked at another woman again, living in hope that Lily will one day come back, knowing that she never will, questioning his actions in the past and wishing that he had a chance to take it back and have Lily by his side again. By that I clearly state that there was no chance for Snape to love Hermione.
Hermione now, could have had a crush on him or something, it seems more realistic than we think, teacher crushes are very common, but I think that it would fade away in a while and Hermione would start to look at Ron in "that way".
We're on the beginning again, right?

My point is that in my own opinion only, that pairing would never be plausible.
If someone ships them, all right, I would never mind something plain like that, a fictional pairing is just a fictional pairing and it's every person for themselves with their own opinion.

Peace out and no more fights over opinions, ok? ^^
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I am neutral actually.
I don't think they could be a couple, but I don't hate them either.

I really don't think they could be together.
He's her teacher, she's his student.
He's Harry's nemesis, she is Harry's best friend.

In the series, we see him insulting Hermione and her friends a lot, without many special reasons, trying to humiliate them, take the scenes in the GoF book for an example, please. Hermione respects Snape a lot more then Ron and Harry do. It's called discipline and respect-for-your-teacher, which Harry nor Ron clearly don't have, especially for Snape. 
Ok, enough of Harry and Ron, this is about Snape and Hermione, right?
I don't think the pairing is plausible, not because of their age difference, because of their complicated and full of despise and bitterness relationship in the series.  
And we must not forget, Snape has always loved Lily and Hermione has always loved Ron.
Both are very good examples of deep affection and friendship turning into love. But Lily never loved Snape, so my opinion is that he, broken-hearted and bitter, never looked at another woman again, living in hope that Lily will one day come back, knowing that she never will, questioning his actions in the past and wishing that he had a chance to take it back and have Lily by his side again. By that I clearly state that there was no chance for Snape to love Hermione.
Hermione now, could have had a crush on him or something, it seems more realistic than we think, teacher crushes are very common, but I think that it would fade away in a while and Hermione would start to look at Ron in "that way".
We're on the beginning again, right?

My point is that in <b>my own opinion only</b>, that pairing would never be plausible.
If someone ships them, all right, I would never mind something plain like that, a fictional pairing is just a fictional pairing and it's every person for themselves with their own opinion.

Peace out and no more fights over opinions, ok? ^^
posted over a year ago 
boolander25 said:
For me, it's only good for smut purposes. Any other reason for the pairing is just not compatible.
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posted over a year ago 
thejokercard said:
It's a very unrealistic pairing in my eyes. I like pairings that actually seem to go together, but Snape & Hermione don't have any chemistry whatsoever. So I guess I don't like it :U
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posted over a year ago 
Wait until you've watched Cursed Child. :p
lazyreader posted over a year ago
Poseidon3 said:
EEW!!! I can't even BEGIN to tell u how gross that is. Snape and Lily I can understand, but Snape and Hermione?!
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posted over a year ago 
twifanpire said:
I do NOT ship it at all, but I understand where it comes from, I think. I know that Hermione and Snape have loads of things in common personality-wise, and that's part of the reason why people ship them.
But then again, just because two characters have certain traits in common it doesn't mean they're 'meant to be' as some Snape-Hermione shippers would say...
Basically what I'm trying to say here is that I really don't like this pairing and never have, but I'm not saying you have to be completely mental to support them either.
And, I'm more of a Dramione-type of person, anyways. :)
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posted over a year ago 
I don't think they are 'meantt to be' even if they are my favourite pairing :) I just think they would fit together :d Draco and Hermione too :) More so than her with Ron.
lilith84 posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I don't have a problem with it. Why would I? I'm an open minded individual - I could care less about their age difference - and Sev and Hermione are more compatible than people realize.

Is it my favorite pairing? No (I much prefer Sev/OFC), but it's not my least favorite either.
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posted over a year ago 
It's okay to be open-minded, and some lollicon is tolerable at times (in fiction anyways)
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
MasterOfFear said:
Maybe if Hermione were 20 years older, or if Snape were 20 years younger, I'd actually consider it plausible.
Even if there is personality-wise compatibility, the squicky age factor still remains.
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posted over a year ago 
Making Hermione 20 years older and Severus twenty years younger would keep the age gap the same. It would make Hermione between the ages of 31 and 37 and Severus between the ages of 12 and 18.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
Didn't you read it right? i said OR as in they could doeither one. I'd go with making Hermione older.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
Obviously I didn't read it right. But why does it matter their age to begin with? Hermione's legally and adult - and over the age of consent.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
JDxx said:
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posted over a year ago 
emilykuru said:
i dunno! i dont like it but i'm not going to go off banging them for that. everybody has different opinions! :D
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posted over a year ago 
zabby97 said:
ugh! no way!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I'm not a fan, not because I think it's disgusting, it's more that I don't like non-canon pairings all that much.
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posted over a year ago 
HaleyDewit said:
Yuck, that's what I think.
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
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posted over a year ago 
TheIncident said:
I don't think of it...ever.

When I read your question I honestly got a little creeped out, but who am I to judge? If anyone even cares about disagreeing over a PAIRING, they need a hobby. And fast!
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posted over a year ago 
abcd1122 said:
Absolutely vile and disgusting.
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
I don't like it personally, but I guess I can see why others would.

It's not about the age difference really. By the way, the age of consent in the UK is 16, maybe 17 in the wizarding world. Most who ship this pairing would have it happening when Hermione is over this age. It's not the age difference for me, it's a student/teacher relationship, which is seen by most as an abuse of authority.

Plus the fact that he's meant to have been in love with Lily his entire life, and the fact that they generally dislike each other.
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posted over a year ago 
aquagirl445 said:
I hate to offend anybody, but I truly hate this ship, but not just because of the age gap, but because it is impossible. For example, even if Hermione had feelings for Severus, his heart is with Lily, "Always".
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posted over a year ago 
QueenofthePika said:
No offense to anyone who does support it, but absolutely... absolutely... hold on a sec... *barfs on the floor* OK, where was I? Oh yes, no offense to anyone who does support it, but absolutely no. I just don't see it. Not at all. In fact I can't even imagine them saying "Hi" in a friendly way and shaking hands.
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posted over a year ago 
DW_girl said:
No way. For a start, he is a teacher and she is a student, which is completely against the rules, and the age difference is massive. Plus, them two are never on friendly terms in the books, so why would they end up in a relationship? The pairing is ridiculous, like most are that are suggested by the fandom. The only true pairings are the ones that actually exist in the books (eg. Hermione and Ron)
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posted over a year ago 
ArcticWolf said:
Some people like the pairing, and everyone else needs to stop whining and get over it.
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posted over a year ago 
Siren-Lamia said:
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posted over a year ago 
RelishRedshoes said:
I actually quite like the pairing although I can't see how it would work until post Deathly Hallows though.
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posted over a year ago 
emmaisobsessed said:
It's my guilty pleasure...
I feel horrible of liking it kinda had to grow on me like the harry/draco thing...
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It's my guilty pleasure...
I feel horrible of liking it kinda had to grow on me like the harry/draco thing...
posted over a year ago 
lazyreader said:
The age gap doesn't squeak me in a bit, I actually find their pairing fascinating. They are so similar yet differ only in experience and it works! If I wasn't already hooked by their pairing, I might declare Hermione to be Severus and Lily's brain child. No matter how I dislike that idea.

Now. Romantically speaking, its kind of impossible to see them in such light in the middle of the war or in canon. They could get along (in regards to their similar characteristics) but it would be very slow in the romance department. If only JK Rowling didn't kill Professor Snape in the last book.

Useless note: As much as possible, I remove the faces of the actor/s or actress/es from films in stories. So visualizing him as Severus the ugly git bastard falling for plain Hermione Jane is a big okay to me. With great fanfic writers keeping this ship afloat, I don't care if the shoe doesn't fit. Though now, I'm seriously struggling finding fanfic stories with realistic development and both personalities intact. :)
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posted over a year ago 
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