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Harry Potter Question

What do you think of the Harry/Ginny tandem?

I want your opinions on the Gin/Harry pairing. what do you like about them? what do you not like about them?
What do you think of the Harry/Ginny tandem?
 moonlightgirl posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

Lunaste said:
I think their relationship is gross and one of the worst in the books. I easily ship Harry with nearly everyone in the books EXCEPT Ginny.
He and Ginbot bring the worst out in each other. Harry becomes superficial and cruel, and Ginny becomes not much more than a snogdoll who's there for her looks (that's why she's called Ginbot :D).
It has kind of a squicky rock star/groupie vibe (she has heard stories about the great Harry Potter growing up and has pined after him for years), and besides, it gives that message that if you're a girl and you just wait long enough for your true love to finally notice you and change enough for him he WILL love you (and treat you like dirt).
Their relationship is based on nothing more than the Harry/Cho relationship was based on (purely on looks) and yet it's presented as OMG TRUE LOVE THEY ARE SO EQUALS. No they're not. Harry still sees Ginny as a little girl that can't defend herself and has to be kept out of harm's way, and besides, he hates it when she displays any kind of emotion. Harry loves her because she's not "weepy", and turns away from her when she's crying over Fred in the Great Hall.
Ginny, meanwhile, has suffered a personality transplant every other book to randomly transform her into whichever character is needed for that book (and no, these are not normal character developments, it's too sudden, we didn't see it happen, and there's no reason).
In book one and two she's a shy, sweet girl who is NOT popular at Hogwarts and doesn't open her mouth around Harry.
In book three and four, she's slightly more normal, but she's still one of the least popular girls at Hogwarts (going to the ball with Neville?) and has minimum screen time.
I like her best in book five, I think. Her role is more prominent, but suddenly she's got a much more generic personality, yet not a really offensive one.
Then suddenly, in book six, she's THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN SCHOOL OMG and OMG SO PRETTY HER HAIR IS LIKE FLAMES and EVERY SINGLE BOY LIKES HER AND WANTS TO DATE HER, aka the Ginny Sue. This is even more illustrated by behavior that would be seen as reprehensible if any other character did it, yet Ginny Sue's actions have noooo consequences and everyone still loves her even though she displays a massive cruel streak.
And in book seven, nothing remains of her except a premature housewife. She's just there for her looks (remember, every time Harry thinks of her it's not about her humor, about how he misses her presence or her comfort, no, he misses her 'flame red hair' and he misses snogging her) and displays jealousy towards eleven-year-olds, offers to practically sleep with him to get him back, is jealous of Cho Chang at a COMPLETELY inappropriate moment, and is basically a bit useless and never respected by Harry. Notice how they don't talk to each other during the Epilogue?

No, I think it's terribly written and a very bad pairing. Give me Harry/anyone else over them.
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posted over a year ago 
I just totally agree with you!
KathyHalliwell posted over a year ago
You just read me mind seriously. whenever people jump on me about hating ginny, and her relationship with harry, i actually have a seved word document with a page of my explanation of my hatred and reasoning, which is very similar to yours. Great minds think alike, i guess(: and thank you for not being so deluded to believe that they're the 'perfect couple' and 'meant together', cause theyre just not.
TheBlackRibbon posted over a year ago
i think Harry should have married Hermione and i think Ron should have married Lavender
Gawgas posted over a year ago
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EdwardCohen said:
I like them becuase they are both very sweet a ginny has loved Harry since the first day they met and Harry is procive of Ginny like in the chamber of secrets
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posted over a year ago 
Irina92 said:
yep i like it too! it's so sweet that ginny's first love and expectations came true... as for harry, i like him being with jinny (much better than cho!) and in the end he, ron and hermione are in the same family! what i don't like is jinny in the movie! bonnie wright is so NOT good for the film! jinny supposed to be really really beautifil, dynamic, decisive but also attractive and cute in some way!
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posted over a year ago 
smoore23 said:
I don't like them. My friend link wrote a great link that sums up my feelings.
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posted over a year ago 
maja3322 said:
I didn't really like that they had so little time together. I didn't really get the time to imagine them as a couple. And in the movie my problem is that Bonnie looks to young. She looks really young. But other than that I think they are a geat couple, they go good together, both in temper and in looks.
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posted over a year ago 
volleybalchick said:
You are just mad that you dont get to go out wit harry potter
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posted over a year ago 
EYBanuelos posted over a year ago
TheBlackRibbon said:
I absolute hate the pairing, and her in general..

Why, you say? well, here ya go(:

Growing up she's told story of this fantastic hero, Harry Potter. Thus, she grows up with the idealistic image of this fantstic, yet sweet, conqueror.

Okay now, let's skip ahead to when she first starts seeing him on a regular basis (not dating, just seeing in person)

Whenever she sees Harry, she goes all blushy, girly on him. The perfect little shy girl who is always nervous near her hero. Then in her 1st year, what happens? Harry rides in on a [figurative] white horse and saves her from certain death, only increasing her hero worship of him. Note she's crushing on the ideal of the hero Harry Potter. You can't possibly say 'oh no, she wanted Harry as he was. She didn't care about him being a hero!' But NOTE, that this was after the whole parseltongue incident, where she kept IGNORING him. Mhmm, yeah.

Bullshit, in my opinion.

She didn't have any time at all to get to know the real Harry. She's had no one-on-one, heart-to-heart's with him, or really talked to him in depth at all.

Then, jump forward to her 5th year. She happens to win a game while filling in for Harry, and then bam! She spontaneously kisses him, and he happens to kiss back! EFFING FANTASTIC! Not to mention coincidental. HHMMMMM.

And then Harry breaks up with her. Boo-effing-hoo. But of course, she acts all tough girl on him, being apathetic while acting like she knew it was going to happen. Yeah, right.

Then she goes, while they're BROKEN UP, and kisses him on her birthday. Hmm, WOW, that's not slutty at all! (And I have a feeling that if it hadn't have been broken up by Ron, it might've gone a bit further.)

Then blah-de-blah-de-blah, Harry defeats Voldie *throws confetti*, and they get back together. Now who saw that one coming? CERTAINLY not me! -_-

Then they go on to live a fairytale life, her popping out a few kids, whose names are COMPLETELY unoriginal - since, of course, they couldn't be ANY other way to remember their dead loved ones. What's the name of their next kid? Colin Dobby? Tonks Hedwig? Mhmm, that's what I thought.

She barely had to work for anything to get the fairytale life with Harry. Sure, she flirts a bit. Acts loyal by going to the DoM with the gang...and then what? They MAGICALLY* fall in 'love'. Yeah, sure.

It just seems all to fake to me, and she's getting all she ever dreamed of by having it dumped in her lap.

Now, don't go off on me if you happen to LOVE this pairing. Fine by me, your opinion is your own, but this is MY opinion. Please don't try to convince me otherwise.
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posted over a year ago 
Jenna4093 said:
I personally think Harry&Ginny are a good couple. It was probably a bit rushed, but I can understand that. J.K. Rowling wanted Harry to have at least a bit of experience with dating before she put him together with Ginny. He started having a crush on Cho in his third year, but she didn't really add detail about that. In his fourth year, Cho was with Cedric, and he didn't have time for her. Fifth year, they started dating, but that didn't work out because Cho still like Cedric. Now, I'm guessing J.K. Rowling had to make Ginny his ideal girl, since it's the sixth book, and time is running out :P So they end up together a bit rushed, but I still like them together as a couple. Ginny/Harry fan over here! :3
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posted over a year ago 
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