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Harry Potter Question

does it bother u that harry was the cause of sirius death?

 emilykuru posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

bri-marie said:
I don't consider Harry to be the cause of Sirius' death. Not even in the slightest. I blame it on Dumbledore, Bellatrix, and Sirius himself.

Dumbledore knew that Voldemort was going to figure out the connection between himself and Harry and he knew that, once he did, he was going to try and use it to get to Harry. Instead of telling Harry this, warning him about this, he kept his distance and forced Harry to be taught Occlumancy. When Occlumancy failed, he stilldidn't give him any explanation as to why he was doing this. Perhaps, if he'd been honest and up-front, Harry would have been more prepared for that "vision" and would not have run to the Ministry so hastily (I actually think Dumbledore puts the blame on himself in the book for a reason similar to mine).
Also, Dumbledore locked him up in his parents house (a house he despised) with nothing to do but clean and bully Kreacher. He was filled with pent up energy and anger and leapt (just like with the train station) at the first chance to get out and do something useful.

Bellatrix is at fault because, well, she's the one that threw the curse at him.

Sirius himself is to blame because he made the conscious decision to leave. No one forced him to go, or manipulated him, or twisted his arm. He heard Harry was in trouble at the Ministry and he left to go help him (even though he wasn't supposed to leave the house).
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, and Voldemort for giving Harry the vision in the first place.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
Pretty much.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
*escaped and wanted
bri-marie posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 said:
I don't blame Harry. It wasn't his fault. He didn't know that Voldemort knew about their connection, and was feeding the vision to him as bait. That's why Dumbledore blames himself, which I agree with.

What does annoy me is that if Harry wasn't a stubborn little git, he'd of at least looked at that mirror that Sirius gave to him. If he knew how to use it, he would just contact Sirius with the mirror, not by breaking into Umbridge's office and using the fireplace. If he had used the mirror, Kreacher wouldn't have been able to tell Harry the lie that Sirius was not home. So it's also in part Kreacher's fault. The only reason it would be Harry's fault is that he didn't use the mirror, not because he believed the vision. That's completely understandable. So what if it might be fake? It might really be happening! He loved Sirius, there was no one that could convince Harry not to go (even if Dumbledore had told him Voldemort might be using it as bait, I still think that Harry would have gone).
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posted over a year ago 
I don't think Harry even remembered the mirror, so how can he be blamed for that? As for Kreacher, I think this is explained in HBP and DH. He was not to blame either.
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
When Harry got the mirror in the beginning, he told himself he would never look at it, then he forgot about it. I'm saying if he had opened it and looked to see what it was, he would have used it. And yes, whether is was explained or not, Kreacher is the one that told Harry that Sirius wasn't there. He IS partly to blame.
LifesGoodx3 posted over a year ago
I think Harry over-reacted. Dumbledore was afraid that Harry was going to hurt him or something because he was getting posessed, Snape barely taught him anything and attacked him, plus when he said "I have no idea what your talking about." Harry got a bit crazy. I just feel like it's not Harry's fault. He was scared and thought-fast. I blame it on Sirius (even if I cried A LOT) because Harry knew Sirius wanted to get out of the house. If Sirius didn't act so immature and actually made it look like he was happy, Harry wouldn't have suspected him to leave. Kreacher also was the cause. He didn't explain what he meant by, "He's not here." UGH!
DracoLuver posted over a year ago
NCISLuverjk93 said:
Um actually I blame Kreacher... he lied saying he was gone when he was really upstairs. But yeah I agree Harry should have used the damn mirror.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah, i agree 1000% with u !!
rheiicullen_78 posted over a year ago
Scarlett_19 said:
It bothers me very much! In fact, when I was rading the book for the first time, I was so angry that I closed it and then I was pretending that Harry has never had that dream/vision and that he has never gone to "save" Sirius.
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posted over a year ago 
KishuandIchigo said:
It doesn't really bother me, but I still don't think Sirius should have died. He was awesome, like a second father to Harry, and he had to be locked up in a house with a bad house elf.
But, on the other hand, one of my favorite scenes in the book happened because of his death. (I don't even know why I like it) It was when Harry was yelling at Dumbledore. "I DON'T CARE!" "You do care. You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it." But I think it was wrong to take out all of his anger on Dumbledore. If Sirius didn't die, then there is a slight chance Harry could have (and even when he did, there was still a slight chance.)
I find it kinda funny when someone tells you, "It's not your fault." Because then it makes you think it's your fault.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
It wasnt Harry's fault Sirius died, it was Rowling's, after all she wrote the books.
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posted over a year ago 
haha yeah lol dont blame the characters blame the author lol
jodarchy posted over a year ago
rheiicullen_78 posted over a year ago
cool answer! XD Maybe we all do stupid things just because we're characters in a book and the author wants us to! So it's absolutely not our fault! ;)
Aquamarina posted over a year ago
LinaHarrow said:
Oh yeah! Of course! Except that, you know... he wasn't...
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posted over a year ago 
Not to me, anyway.
LinaHarrow posted over a year ago
yermam said:
Sirius didn't have to go to the ministry. Most of the blame is his.
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posted over a year ago 
rheiicullen_78 said:
i don't think Harry was the cause of sirius death. No, absolutely not.
Harry has seen his godfather, the only family he has, is in great danger. if I were him, I would act the same.

I think Kreacher is responsible for the death of Sirius (please don't blame me). Kreacher was the one who lied to Harry. He didn't say the truth. If Kreacher telling the truth, Harry won't go into the ministry.
I don't think this is Sirius's fault too. Not because I love him! He's very fond of Harry. And Harry is really in danger! I think that's the good reason for the reckless acts committed by Sirius.

This is just based on what I read in OOTP. Sorry if I'm wrong about that. :D
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posted over a year ago 
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