Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Harry Potter Battle Plans: For Those Who Hate Twilight

LilysLittleTwin posted on Dec 14, 2009 at 10:10PM
I don't want to mess up '1000 reasons why Harry Potter is better than Twilight', so here it is! Basically, Mrs-Grint, DracoLove777, dobbyssocks, me, and others have made a battle plan to knock the Twihards down a few pegs. All Harry Potter fans are welcome here, though.

This is the pledge to become a Phoenix Fighter:

'I solemly swear that I will do my best to protect others from the Twazi regime. I will never go over to the Disco Balls and betray my Order of the Potters heritige. Harry Potter is better than Twilight, not the other way around. I swear to protect what is left of the Vampire Fiction genre from Twilight and it's followers. I will remain loyal to Bram Stoker, Susan B. Anthony, and any other that worked tirelessly, only to have their work destroyed because of Twilight. Mischeif Managed.'
last edited on Jun 09, 2010 at 03:59AM

Harry Potter Vs. Twilight 4897 replies

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over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Here it is, peoples! Please help make this a success!
loopyeyes commented…
Um... guys, there's a troll called Harrypottersux and we need to lower her a bit... You know what I mean? over a year ago
over a year ago haropuff95 said…
I just order some broomsticks from Diagon Alley for the battle.Well,lets see,we have from Shooting Star until Firebolt. For those who doesn't enjoy Thestral or Hipogriff ride,may I have your name?
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over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Great! Let me take inventory here:
1 Thestral
3 dragons, one HH one CF and one WG
1 Hippogriff
6 brooms (no, I don't know how many, I guessed)
5 members
7 Blast-Ended Skrewts

Anything missing?
over a year ago snapeislove said…
cursed fires

and we want to be a bit friendly, we'll take the lot of skiving snack boxes.. (haha)

kreacher's army (hp: deathly hallows)
rebellious goblins

anything more??
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Mwahahaha! Our army is almost complete!
over a year ago snapeislove said…
how about invisibility cloaks,
THE ELDER WAND whahahahaha!
ditany (if we got bitten)

hmm.. what else..
over a year ago LoveDraco123 said…
You have one more member. xD With the merpeople. :D
over a year ago StarDrop said…
Use Imperio curse to make them fall off a cliff full of merpeople,
Bwa haha. Trap all wolfs in shrieking shack.

I like twilight but I like Harry Potter more.Don't kill me. *hinds*
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
We won't kill you if
1. You don't stab us in the back.
2. You start spelling hides like hides, not hinds ;) (kidding, kidding)

I have an idea! The twihards need to forget we were there, so someone needs to make the Forgetfulness Draught. It's not too advanced, but it works!
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over a year ago dobbyssocks said…
ill bring a pygmy puff, it can destroy bella for us. he can do the job, she will not be hard
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
OMG! Watch this! She's nine! And on youtube!
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Haropuff: true
watch this, I had to bash my head against a pillow four times to make it through. This is why we exist! Think of it as a training video.
sugarpalstar commented…
WOW. That's just sad. That girl wants to be Bella. I can see it. That girl , who is probably preteen or younger, wants to date a sexy hot sparkly vampire. <BELCH> over a year ago
over a year ago snapeislove said…
its almost complete, but, lets add the boggarts to freak them out..
and the battle plan.. the giants will take care of the dogs (werewolves)..
the dementors for edward.. stupid emo..
the boggarts for bella, the pathetic queen..
lets put imperio curse on the rest and stuck them in the vanishing cabinet or.. BEHIND THE VEIL.. bwahahahahahaah!!

and for communication, talking patronuses will take a whole lot of time.. i think we will have the "twilight sucks mark.." LOL..

what else??

omfg.. i smell success..
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over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Ah yes, this is all going vair well. I say we get some Mandrakes (Or Mandragoras) are lob them at the Cullens, maybe not that effective, but amusing to watch. Also, we could make Amortentia to make the twi-hards fall in love with Daniel Radcliffe, R-Pattz would pretend to be pleased....then kill himself. (Evil Laugh)

EDIT: GUYS!! I JUST REMEMBERED!! ARE WE BORROWING FLUFFY?! You know, Fluffy the three-headed dog...I didn't remember him being mentioned.
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over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
OF COURSE WE'RE GETTING FLUFFY! Can anyone here play music? I used to be able to play the piano, but 1) I suck now and 2) I don't think we'd be able to transport a piano.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Why music? But I can play the piano and the saxophone!! Why do we need this?!
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
AAAAH!! I just watched that freaking video that you posted LilysLittleTwin, I am scared. I must post it on the C.A.T spot, where you youtube did you find it?!
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
1) We need music so Fluffy won't go all OM NOM NOM on us.
2)link That's the bearable version. I don't know about the other one. AHH! I watched it again. D: You would think that the first few chapters not having Edward in them would make them better wouldn't you? We should start calling them Twazis too.
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over a year ago snapeislove said…
we'll use dis-illumination charms for giants and for us, we'll be on the go anytime, invisibility cloak are spares..

and yes, fluffy.. and the resurrected aragog and his pals..

haropuff95: his horcrux wont work, he doesnt have a soul (if your talking about edward..)

and we also need that thing (forgot what it was, my book was borrowed..).. on book 5, a stuff from fred and george, they used it to freak umbridge..


and yes MRS-GRINT, we could use the mandrakes.

and inferis..

and yeah, how stupid i was to forget it,
we need felix felicis (how's the spelling?)
we need it right? LIQUID LUCK..??
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over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
haropuff: Great! How about anyone who got chucked (wow, I've read to much british lit.) into Azkaban and lived with(out) his/her sanity is our hero?

snapeislove: Great! Spelling was perfect. Do you mean Skiving Snackboxes, or Weasleys' Wildfire Whizbangs? Although I disagree about the Horcruxes still working, wouldn't the Dementor just suck out the part of soul left in him and leave the Horcruxes alone?

How about we make little nick-names for ourselves? REAL vampire names. Or Harry Potter names. Carmilla, from Sheridan Le Fanu's "Carmilla"; Lilith; Saya, from the movie "Blood, the Last Vampire"; does anyone have anything else? I call Saya.
over a year ago snapeislove said…
lilyslittletwin: yeah, i remember, its the weasley's wildfire whizbangs,... so you mean, we'll call you 'saya' now?

i'll think of mine too.. hahah..

and what will be the name of our group? it'll be awesome..
over a year ago haropuff95 said…
according to lilyslittletwin,13 & below is Bellatrix's Army,14 & above is Order of the Potters,or do we want new group name?

great!one thing out of curiosity,why do we use vampires names as nicknames?I choose the name Zero Kiryuu from Vampire Knight[an anime],or should I use Diva from Blood+[anime also]?
BTW,Sirius is sane,though
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
Won't Aragog's pals nom nom us?


Hmmm....what should be our group name. I say we go for Order of the Potters. Though Bellatrix's army sounds cool, I prefer OOTP. ;)
over a year ago XDRoseLuvsHP said…
How about some centaurs? We could use Nagini, and we could get Voldy. He can read minds too, you know! And Dumbledore of course!
over a year ago jennyrules1504 said…
Can I become a member??
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
jennyrules1504: Sure. We need all the help we can get =)

haropuff: I know SOME Parsletongue. Hec sha sa/hec shahasa=Open; Saya hec syeth: get away from him; Shang sola hangd salitigd: Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four; Sya hithitis: get him!

That's it. You're right, he probably would write a peace letter. Maybe we shouldn't invite him.

Look at this quote from SS:
"The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible."
Fits the Twitards, doesn't it?
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over a year ago LunaIsLove said…
This is where I feel it is time to pull out the magical beasts and where to find them and turn it into a checklist
over a year ago snapeislove said…
what about "magic is might"as a name for the team? in short, mim..

it speaks about the both side,the darkside (meaning our bellatrix.) and us hating the disco balls..
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
snapeislove- How about "Magic is Might" for a moto and OotP for the name? I would turn one of their insults into a name, but all I've seen is 'hrry pottter ppls' or 'nrds wit stiks'. [NOTE: Not actual quotes.] Or 'b****', 'stupid ppls'.

AHH!!! IT'S A NEW MOON! AHH! At least it was a couple days ago.

ALRIGHT, WE'RE VOTING! B.A or OotP? Your pick:
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over a year ago snapeislove said…
'nrds wit stiks'..?

f*ck those people..

wait till they see..
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
AHH! I'm so angry at this person so I have to post my reply to them here for no apparent reason:

'-Twilight has sold about 100 million copies! How many has Harry sold? And Harry has more books!!! (Not true, HP has sold a lot more copies than Twitlight. And that makes HP better!)
-Twilight has symbolism! LOVE! Does Harry Potter have any of that? NO! Plus, Twilight has NO PLOT HOLES, and Harry Potter has, like, a lot. (1. Umm...do I have to answer this stupidity? 2. Name one.)
-Twilight appeals to a wider audience. (Have you been living under a rock or something? I'm really asking, no one can be this stupid.)
-Twilight has more details.(...huh?)
-Twilight has better characters, plus Edward whose hot! (THAT'S NOT TRUE, NOR IS IT A REASON.)
-Harry Potter is for little kids and nobody likes it. (I like it, I'm 13, and I count as someone, so there you go. FAIL.)

If you hate Twilight you are probably just an angry Harry Potter fan. HARRY POTTER ISN'T REAL!!!!!! Grow up.' (1. I am angry at you, and I am a HP fan, so that makes me an angry HP fan. 2. TWILIGHT ISN'T REAL!!!!!! Grow up.)
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over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
I vote for OOTP!!

THIS PERSON IS CRAZEH. Does she live in a cupboard or something?! Grr...oh yes, I'll check the Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, we've already got Centaurs, Nagini's a great idea.

The 'Magic is Might' is a great idea for a motto, what have Twilight got "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"?

What a sick lion. What a stupid lamb.
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
I have a slogan! 'Anti-Twilight: Because Edward sucks and Jacob bites.'

BATTLE PLAN: One of us will keep the Twihard busy with a yo-yo, and the rest will sneak in the back and take the Twilight books.

I have a confession to make...my cousin, Haley...she LIKES TWILIGHT! *goes off to cry and write emo poetry*
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over a year ago snapeislove said…
edward is hot?! dont make me laugh.. he is cold..

i'll vote OOTP for the name..(but dont you think its so cinematic?)

lets compile some slogans..

"anti-twilight: because we never dreamed of being disco balls.."
"anti-twilight: because butter beer sounds tastier.."
"anti-twilight: because dracula is cooler even without lipstick.."
"anti-twilight: because love could be magic.."
"magic is might.."

we have so many slogans.. how about a pledge?
over a year ago haropuff95 said…
snapeislove,thanks for the idea!I want to add a slogan:
~Anti-Twilight:For the Greater Good,Order of The Potters:for the better book

BTW,whats a pledge,isn't it an act of asking sympathy from someone?
over a year ago snapeislove said…
maybe i was wrong.. but, (based on what i know..) its some paragraph you say to justify your loyalty.. etc.. im asian.. my english is not that good.. (sorry.. heehee..)
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
'I solemly swear that I will do my best to protect others from the Twazi regime. I will never go over to the Disco Balls and betray my Order of the Potters heritige. Harry Potter is better than Twilight, not the other way around. I swear to protect what is left of the Vampire Fiction genre from Twilight and it's followers. I will remain loyal to Bram Stoker, Susan B. Anthony, and any other that worked tirelessly, only to have their work destroyed because of Twilight. Mischeif Managed.' That should stop any Twihard from breaking in and doing a Wormtail.
over a year ago haropuff95 said…
snapeislove-now you've mention that,I've heard the word before!I assume its some sort of vow?no worry I'm Asian too =]

*just edited*LilysLittleTwin-oh,was that a pledge,thank you!
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over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
This was a comment to a perfectly good article against Twilight that was published in a college newspaper. 'but you are probably just a womans rights person who can't see what is good right in front of her. so shut up and stop bassing [what?] twilight because you probaly like something that I could bash just the same'

But you are probably just an anti-feminist who can't see crap writing right in front of her. So shut up and stop bashing her/him because you probably like something that I could bash just the same, for instance, Twilight.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
'I solemly swear that I will do my best to protect others from the Twazi regime. I will never go over to the Disco Balls and betray my Order of the Potters heritige. Harry Potter is better than Twilight, not the other way around. I swear to protect what is left of the Vampire Fiction genre from Twilight and it's followers. I will remain loyal to Bram Stoker, Susan B. Anthony, and any other that worked tirelessly, only to have their work destroyed because of Twilight. Mischeif Managed.' That should stop any Twihard from breaking in and doing a Wormtail."

There, I think everyone should do that vow, or oath, in fact, VOW, UNBREAKABLE VOW.
Gah, I HATE anti-feminists, grrr.
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Me too, GRRRRR! WHERE DOES SHE LIVE?! I'LL TELL YOU, SHE WON'T BE BREATHING FOR LONG! Who here has seen 'A Very Potter Musical'?
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
Can I join? This sounds like so much fun!
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
And I think you need to bring Norberta (previously Norbert) to help!
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
Oh, and if you guys are looking for nicknames and stuff, one that I've come up with for Twilight fans are Logic Eaters.
Yeah, it's not too good, but I only came up with it just now...
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over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Sure, you can join!

Logic Eaters sounds cool, especially since we're the Order of the Potters by popular demand.
over a year ago snapeislove said…
haropuff95: you're asian too? that's great!
and yes. its some kind of vow.. haha..

lilyslittletwin: i guess that will be the pledge of our team? great.!

and guys, im sorry if im sounding very stupid with this.. but.. dont you think OOTP is very cinematic? i mean, the filthy disco balls will have a great time making fun of it..
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Snapeislove: Hmmm... very good point. Let's start brainstorming:
The Blacks
The Parslemouths/Parsletoungues (the band, don't sue me)
The Firebolts
The Vampire Slayers
Bellatrix's Army (I'm desperate here, people.)
Stoker's SOS
Literature Lovers
Any ideas?
over a year ago snapeislove said…
how about "the scar"

hp is famous because of the scar, the dark side gave it to him..

i mean.. we, our team fill up that scar.. what do you think?
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over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
Nice. It's better than something my feeble name generating brain could come up with.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
The Scar, hmm, sounds good. I just recieved a scar on my forehead (Greeeeeeat) just above my eyebrow.

I like Bellatrix's Army and Stoker's SOS, but I prefer Order of the Potters. ;)