H2O Just Add Water Story Time

mimialliwell posted on Mar 03, 2010 at 07:37AM
ohk so i saw this on the charmed spot and it looks like fun

all you have to do is continue the story with a sentence or two.

ohk for this story we'll say that they have been mermaids for two years and it is emma not bella.

ok i'll start:
beep beep, beep beep the alarm went off at 6:30. Cleo Sitori roled over and hit the snooze button "five more minutes" she mumbled
"its too cold to get out of bed" Rikki Chadwick - one of cleo's best friends - groaned
"come on sleepy heads get up!" Emma Gilbert - the third in their trio - said turning on the light. after about five more minutes the girls were all up and crmoving the card board from the window in cleo's room. they had all been at her house last night as it had been a full moon.
"hey can you hear that?" rikki asked as they started on the cardboard
"hear what?" the other two replied
"it sounds like rain" she said as they removed the last of the cardboard and she was right when they looked out the window they found it was pouring with rain outside.

ohk that is a fairly long beginning so hopefully someone can add to it
last edited on Mar 03, 2010 at 07:39AM

H2O Just Add Water 28 replies

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over a year ago mimialliwell said…
oh come on guys plz add more even if it is just a sentence
over a year ago Okay72 said…
Do we continue it with the original story, or can we add some of our stuff? :]
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
you and some of your own stuff so anything that you want to happen and we will see where it ends
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
plz guys add more its not that hard to add a sentence or 2
over a year ago h2o-clewis said…
Cleo goes to the bath room thinking how could they get out of this trouble
Rikki:Cleo could u stop the rain of falling at us while we r moving?
Cleo:i think so
Rikki:let`s go then
but when they had to go out side Cleo said it could b a risk
Emma:u r right Cleo lets call lewis to help
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dan_07 said…
thats cool h20-clewis. :)
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
finally thanks for continuing the story h20-clewis

lewis is already on his way to school when his phone rings
"hey lewis its me"cleo said
"hey where are you?"
"still at my place we cant leave cause of the rain. What do we do?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago h2o-clewis said…
Lewis:i`ll come in a few minutes
(after a while)
Cleo:my dad is so mad it was a school night and now we r late for school
Emma:lewis is gonna b here so we have to think of somthing
Rikki:we have to prtend to b sick like the last time
Cleo:i dont think my dad will fall for that cuz we were just fine last night
Emma:wait a minute i remmeberd that one of u too was afeccted by the full moon lat night what happend?
Rikki:yeah i think Cleo right?and then i dont remmeber any thing Lewis wasnt here so none of us knows
(sorry for the bad english)
(Cleo`s dad comes and talk to the girls)Cleo`s dad: why arent u going to school
Cleo sais umm and twist her hand accedently and stop the time (only the girls can move when she stopped the time)
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
"oh my god what just happened" Cleo asked waving her hand in front of her now motionless father
"um i think you stopped time" Emma suggested
"cant have stopped time. how did i stop time? oh my god i stopped time."
"Cleo, Cleo stop your rambling just breath in... and out." Rikki said trying to help Cleo calm down
"don't worry I'm sure it will start up again in a minute" Emma said
"but while it is stopped lets use it to our advantage what are we going to tell your dad?" Rikki asked
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago h2o-clewis said…
Rikki:we have to know what happend last night
Emma:so weird with these powers
Cleo:we have to think of something
Rikki is doing hand guesture
Emma:what r u doing Rikki?
Rikki:i dont know
Cleo:maybe we went to the moon pool while we were afected and gained this power
over a year ago _h20_mold_cleo said…
Emma: there is a possibility..
Cleo: emma, try yur power
Emma trys power
emma: what the heck?
cleo: why did the water just disapper?
emma: i dont know, im just very confused
cleo: same here
rikki: wait a minute
cleo and emma say: what is it rikki?
rikki: umm.. lets make sure were still mermaids
cleo, rikki, and emma touch water from sink
10 seconds late.. they grow tails.
emma: my tails green
cleo: mines blue
rikkI: and my tails pink
emma: this is offly strange!
cleo: im calling lewis
rikki heats tails off. and cleo calls lewis
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
"girls im on my way what do you want now??" lewis asked as he answered the phone
"well my dad is frozen in the fron door and not like ice frozen like frozen time frozen, our tails have changed colour and our powers are all out of wack" cleo said
"ummm ohk did anything happen last night??"
"we dont know!!!" rikki cried out in frustration
"what?" emma asked
"of you cant remember last nioght it means you were affected"
"by why has it lasted?" cleo asked
"im not sure ill see of there was anything special about last nights full moon when i get to your place." lewis replied then hung up
over a year ago h2o-clewis said…
Cleo:my power to stop the time is just in this house that means Emma when we will go to school u can make the rain dispear and i`ll try to make the time normal her
Cleo waved her hand and twist it and the time is back to normal
Cleo`s dad ask:why u girls r not going to school
Rikki: we`ll go now
over a year ago _h20_mold_cleo said…
Rikki: Wait a minute..?
Cleo: What is it?
RikkI: theres charlotte
charlotte walks up to front dore
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
knock knock knock
"come in" cleo's dad said and Charlotte walked in
"what are you doing here" emma asked
"um why do you care isnt this cleos house" charlotte snaped back
"yes it is my house now answer emmas question. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" cleo said impatiently
over a year ago _h20_mold_cleo said…
Charlotte: "Well, I need to tell Rikki A little something"
Rikki: "What do you want from me, I mean, your hopeless!"
Charlotte: "well i know you'll be willing to hear i'm going out with Zane. Nothing Personal."
Rikki, Cleo, Emma: "WHAT!!???"
Charlotte: "Yeah, thats right!"
Rikki: "Why? Zane ♥loves♥ me!!"
Charlotte: "Umm, He never had intrest in you Rikki" (she happily says)
Rikki: (Runs up in the bathroom :'( crying :'()
Cleo: (Fisty Look) and says "Leave Right Now!"
Emma: "Yeaah go away."
Charlotte: "Also..I got my powers back"
(Cleo & Emma ANGRY!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
"this cant be happening i thought zane loved me" rikki said throught tears
"aww sweetie he does im sure charlotte had tricked him into this" cleo said
"as a matter of fact i think we should call and ask him about this right now" emma said. so they found rikkis phone and called him
"hello" came that all to familiar voice, charlotte had gotten hold of his phone just like she had done with lewis's last year. the girls hung up imediatley
"what do we do now?" rikki asked
"we get back at her she may have gotten her powers back but they are only the basics we have new and improved powers" cleo said
"but we cant control them and i dont even know what mine is... again. why am i always the last to find mine." rikki complained
"im not srue but you always learn fastest anyway so dont worry. and we will learn to control them fast"
over a year ago _h20_mold_cleo said…
Rikki: "Ok"
Emma: "Im gonna try my power one more time.."
Rikki and Cleo: "o'rkay"
*Emma try's power*
Emma: "Wow! Its back to normal"
Cleo: "Really?"
Cleo and Rikki try they're powers
CleO: "I have my power back"
Rikki: "Wait..I Dont!"
EMma: "Utt Ohh...."
Rikki: "What??"
Emma: "I think Charotte has ya powers =/"
Rikki: "I'm so mad"
Cleo slips in water
10 Seconds later**A TAIL**
Cleo attracts water to Rikki, To make sure shes a mermaid
Rikk: "Few, I have a tail"
Emma: "And is Orange, Yay!"
Cleo: "I'll Be right back"
Emma: "Where ya going..?"
Cleo: "TO DO THIS!!"
Emma and Rikki CONFUSED
Cleo turns into Charlotte!
Rikki: "What the heck!?!?!?!"
Emma: "I have a bad feeling about this!"

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
"Cleo what did you do" Rikki asked
"what do you mean?"
"well you disappeared then reappeared looking like Charlotte" Emma said
"WHAT!?!?" Cleo exclaimed and ran to the mirror "OMG im hideous i look like some red headed whale"
then Lewis entered
"Charlotte what are you doing here? and wheres Cleo"
"Lewis its me something happened"
"Emma Rikki did you see what happened?"
"not really" they replied and filled him in on the events of the morning
"ohk that's interesting and odd" he commented after hearing everything
"great now what are we doing to do about this??"
over a year ago h2o-clewis said…
Lewis:"somthing really strange is happning"
Cleo:u think
Emma:it`s like a dream
Rikki:well it`s sure like a dream
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
"hey maybe thats it maybe this is some illusion" cleo said
"but how can some one do that and who would do that" emma asked
"i dont know why but im thinking that some one we know is a witch"
"interesting but who?" lewis asked
"well who keeps turning up randomly - and isnt welcome too?"
"charlotte!" rikki exclaimed

over a year ago _h20_mold_cleo said…
Cleo: "Well i'm..just so confused!!"
Cleo: *Yawns*
Cleo's alarm clock goes off and Cleo hears her dad yell:
Don: "Cleo, Get up, you have to go to school."
Cleo: "Oh My God!"
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
"rikki emma are you awake" cleo asked
"no go away" rikki groaned and rolled over
"of couse i am" emma said walking out of the bath room
"ok well i just had the weirdest dream ever" cleo said and explained it all to them
"your right that is weird what do you think it means" rikki asked
"well it might not mean anything and its not goign to come true cause last night wasnt a full moon" emma said smartly
"oh emma always thinking logically why cant you just embrace the magic"
"its not magic rikki it was a dream and its not gonna come true"
"are you sure about that?" cleo asked now looking out her window
"what do you mean?"
"i mean parts of it may come true"
"and why wouldyou think a silly thing like that?"
"because its raining"
over a year ago _h20_mold_cleo said…
Rikki: "Of course, Just what we want!" (said sarcatsticly)
Cleo: "You guys? This is bad!"
Emma: "We know!"
Cleo: "Ok, i think this dream is comming true!!!!"
Cleo: "Because they're is Charlotte.. "
Cleo: "Rikki..? Emma?...Where are you guys..?"
CLeo: "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"
*Next thing you know, Cleo can't find Emma or Rikki!

Season 2, To be continued With a new girl, named Bella, Emma moves out of town with her parents.
over a year ago Dan_07 said…
Season 2:

Cleo: Wanna get a juice, Rikki?

Rikki: Nah, I'm good.

Cleo: Why?

Rikki: I'm not in the mood, thats all.

Cleo: Look, I know you miss emma, I do to!

Rikki: I know, It's just why did she have to leave?

Cleo: She just ... went to explore with her parents around the world.

Rikki: I know, It's sad.

Cleo: Yeah, hopefully she doesn't get ex...

*Cleo hears her phone ring*

Cleo: Hello?

916-310: Hi It's Emma.

Cleo: Did you get a new number or something?

Emma: Yeah, new phone to.

Cleo: Awesome. So why did you ca...


Rikki: Hiii EMMA! I miss youu.

*Cleo adds in, mee to!*

Emma: Haha, I miss you guys too.

Rikki: so why did you call?

Emma: well... I am not a mermaid anymore...

Rikki: WAIT!?! How'd this happen? Did... You didn't get exposed did you...

Emma: I just went to the moonpool the night before I left and jumped in and lost the powers.

Rikki: Why did you go there/?

Emma: I don't know, since I'm not with you guys... I might as well give up.. I mean the best things come in three's. Haha.

*Cleo takes phone back*

Cleo: So... You aren't a mer...

*A girl named Bella walks up to them and ask's "Where's the juice bar/*

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago h2o-clewis said…
Bella: Where's the juice bar

Cleo: yeah it`s right over ther


Rikki:She seems nice

Cleo:Yeah (Cleo said in her self there is something wrong with this girl)

Cleo:Rikki come on we have to follow this girl


Cleo:I don`t know i feel that there is something like we are connected like me and you and Emma

Rikki:Yes i think you are right

*Cleo and Rikki went after the new girl
they arrived at the juice bar and sat far from her so they don`t look suspicious*
*After a while of Cleo and Rikki staring at Bella they gave up and go*
Rikki:Come on let`s go ,this is usless.

Cleo:Yeah i`m bored too,maybe i was wrong.

*Bella was looking at them when they left and folowed them *

*Cleo walks with Rikki*
Cleo:Do you think we are gonna give this up?

Rikki:I don`t knoow but i don`t believe that Emma lost her powers

Cleo:you`re totally right ,besides it`s impossible !

*the sun set was nearly done and the dark fell,while Bella was walking before them*
*Cleo and Rikki looked at the sky and saw a full moon *
Cleo:could this happen?


Cleo:There`s a full moon today!

Rikki:Oh my god you`re right ,how could we forgot this?

Cleo:It`s ok did`nt we get over that anyway!

Rikki:Yeah but not every time!i still don`t believe that we could control our self!

Cleo:Yeah we should get going ,i don`t know why are we talking so loud
*Cleo looks around and say:phew there`s no one around
Rikki:Ok let`s go!

*Bella was hiding around the buches and was surrounded by confidence,she look very confident and folowed them*
over a year ago h2o-clewis said…
Cleo:Over there


Rikki:She seems nice.

Cleo:Yeah *Cleo said to her self there something wrong with that girl*

Cleo:Rikki come on let`s go.


Cleo:I`ll explain while we are going.

Rikki:Ok,now tell me.

Cleo: we`re going to folow that girl ,i felt like a conetion between us like with you and Emma.

*Bella arrives at the juice bar,Cleo and Rikki too*
*they sat far from her so they don`t look suspicion*
*Cleo and Rikki looked at Bella*
Cleo: Wow i can`t believe that Emma lost her powers
,it`s very confusing!
Rikki:well that is definatley not the truth!

Cleo:I thought it was just me ,yeah you`re right she`s lieing.

Rikki:Besides it`s impossible
Cleo:Why is she doing this?

*aAfter a while Bella was waiting like for something and she was looking at the girls while they were not*

Rikki:Cleo this is boring!

Cleo:Yeah i`m bored!!

Rikki:Ok let`s go, we were wrong about that girl,we have are own problems now with Emma!

Cleo said sadly :Yes.
*Cleo and Rikki went out while Bella was looking at them then she followed them*
*The sun set was done and the dark fell ,while Rikki and Cleo were walking Cleo looked at the sky*
Cleo:Oh no it`s a full moon today!
Rikki:Oh ,how could we forget?!it`s alright we did get over it right?
Cleo:Lewis said that,but not every time!
Rikki:Let`s go,i have alots of questions about Emma!
Cleo:I`m very worried about her,this is very not good.
i can`t believe that we are talking that loud *Cleo looks around and say
phew there is no one around.
Rikki:then why are we here?! *they ran, while Bella was hiding around the bushes surrounded by thoughts but she was confident and followed them*
over a year ago LexieMergirl said…
*Rikki and Cleo run into Cleo's house*

Rikki: Good we made it back in time. I don't think we will be able to set up, its too late.
Cleo: I agree. You can stay here for the night. You can sleep in the guest room upstairs.
*Rikki starts to walk upstairs*
Cleo: Rikki....
Rikki: Yes?
Cleo: Didn't you feel like someone was following us?
Rikki: No.. Why?
Cleo: Nevermind.
*Rikki continues up stairs*
*Then a loud knock hits the door repeatedly shaking it."
*She then opens the door*
Cleo: Bella?....
*Then there was a loud horrifying scream*....