Gunther and CeCe Updates

a photo was added: gece by IDreamYourFace over a year ago by IDreamYourFace
a reply was made to the forum post: Countdown to 100 fans!!! over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Do they like each other? over a year ago by PrincessinJesus
a comment was made to the fan art: Gunther and CeCe over a year ago by GeCeLove4Ever
fan art was added: Gunther and CeCe over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a poll was added: Do you really think gunther and cece secretly like each other? over a year ago by klandrum
a poll was added: Do you hope gunther and cece will go out in season 3? over a year ago by klandrum
an icon was added: GeCe over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a comment was made to the poll: What do you hope cece's secret is in season 3? over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a poll was added: What do you hope cece's secret is in season 3? over a year ago by klandrum
a comment was made to the poll: Should Gunther and CeCe first date be a lot like Channy first date in (Sonny with a chance)? over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the poll: Who would you want to ask the other first to a date. over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think it hurts Gunther when CeCe rejects him? over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the poll: Is CeCe in denial about her feelings for Gunther? over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the photo: CeCe laying on Gunther over a year ago by rachael5606
an answer was added to this question: When did you start liking them? over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: In which episode did a T.V. show say that they were together? over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did a T.V. show say that they were together? over a year ago by rachael5606
a comment was made to the fan art: Gece/ Hook it up over a year ago by rachael5606
a poll was added: Do you think it hurts Gunther when CeCe rejects him? over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a poll was added: Is CeCe in denial about her feelings for Gunther? over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a poll was added: Does Gunther really have a crush on CeCe? over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a poll was added: Should Gunther and CeCe first date be a lot like Channy first date in (Sonny with a chance)? over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a video was added: Gunther and CeCe-Take me or leave me/Never say never over a year ago by bonbonandkol18
a video was added: All to myself over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a video was added: You're not alone over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a video was added: Gunther & CeCe - When there was me and you over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a link was added: GeCe Tumblr over a year ago by Delena_Fan
an article was added: ce ces secret over a year ago by kat34
a video was added: Don't forget over a year ago by Ianrocks
a video was added: All or nothing over a year ago by Ianrocks
a video was added: I think I love you over a year ago by Ianrocks
a pop quiz question was added: What is CeCe's inner cat? over a year ago by Ianrocks
an answer was added to this question: When did you start liking them? over a year ago by hpfan8
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by invader-cece123
a video was added: Gunther & CeCe dance over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a video was added: Gunther & CeCe over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a video was added: My Dilemma over a year ago by Better_Unknow
a video was added: Bella thorne and Kenton Duty interview over a year ago by Ianrocks
a video was added: Gunther and CeCe over a year ago by Ianrocks
a reply was made to the forum post: Your take on how they will kiss for the first time. over a year ago by Ianrocks
a video was added: On my mind. over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a video was added: Gunther and CeCe over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a poll was added: Who would you want to ask the other first to a date. over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a poll was added: Do you want Gunther to lose his accent? over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a link was added: Gunther & CeCe fanfictions over a year ago by Delena_Fan
a poll was added: Do you wish that Gunther dressed like every boy or like him the way he is? over a year ago by Delena_Fan