Grimm why the hell is next episode in March

datqueenbee posted on Dec 03, 2012 at 06:45AM
Can anyone tell me why the next episode is in March? Is this show not popular? I LOVE this show and is one of my favorites .
I haven't watched regular TV in awhile because the shows are so brain dead. This show gave me hope that there were still good writers out there. And I LOVE the cast. What the hell is going on in TV? Can we protest this somewhere? Who's with me?

Grimm 2 replies

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over a year ago Swanpride said…
Who knows what the executives have in mind...perhaps they want to use the february sweeps for promoting other, weaker shows. Or they want less interruptions in showing the show later on.
Concerning the popularity: I don't think that there is much to worry, the ratings are good, especially for a NBC-Show, and in all cancellation prediciton tables, it's firmly in the "most likely to be reneved" area.
There is no need to freak's only an additional month to wait.
over a year ago marlanido said…
same as what swanpride said & its most likely that they had an early season premier in august yet still want the show to finish around may but with no interuptions once the mid season premier starts because that pisses people off so its a longer hiatus..