Grace Kelly A question about Howell Conant's Grace Photos

Jimmy_Stewart posted on Jun 04, 2012 at 02:44AM
Hey wide world! Not sure who (if anybody) is reading this, but this spot came up as one of the first results for "Grace Kelly forum" in Google, so here goes my question. There is a particular picture that Conant took of Kelly during the Jamaica photos that didn't make it into the Collier's article which the photo shoot was originally published in, and it's not in the photo book "Grace: an Intimate Portrait" by Conant. So my question is, does anyone know who owns Conant's collection of Grace photo's now that he's passed? I've trawled through Life's public photo's of Grace to no avail, and I can't find any clues as to who is in charge of the photos. My only other guess is they stayed in the family, or are held by some lucky collector/benefactor. It's a shame, because I would pay up for a high resolution print of the photo. Anyway, anyone who reads this with info, or just any Grace fan who's interested, thanks for reading of my woes. ; )

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