Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Anime Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

LunaShay posted on Nov 22, 2010 at 08:10PM
Yup so i got bored and wanted to rp on fullmetal alchemist X3.

Rules:Nokilling off someones character without their permission.Also,no overpowering,that would make it boring and stuff......

This is the following of what you need for your character:






State alchemist nickname(if you are one)

Age became a state alchemist(if you are one)


Hair color

Hair style

Eye color




Crush(you dont have to post this one,only if you want to)

Alchemist ability


-thinks-You can add more if you want.

If you want to be a homunculus,there can be at least seven.They also have to be sins.I'll use my character as an example.



Gender:Well,none XD.Is supposed to be a girl when alive,though.

Oldest of the homunculi.


Hair color:Black...

Hair style:It's long,almost all the way across back

Eye Color:Purple


Weight:65 pounds


Shirt is grey

Shorts are black

shoes(shaped like tennis shoes kinda)are black.

Ability:She can make a horrible moment in someones life come back to their mind andthey cant stop thinking about it.It usually stopswhen not fighting anymore or if they dont have a fear of it anymore.

History:Unown.She has been away from the homunculi for awhile,but no one knows where she is.

I guess thats it X3.6 more homunculi are needed but besides that,i guess that's it XD.Oh and you can also be a mechanic if you want for anyones automail.....Now that's all X3.Enjoy.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Anime 284 replies

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over a year ago LunaShay said…
Oh and your clothes XD

Name:Yukora Kuroki(nickname people call her:Yuki)




Weight:65 pounds

State alchemist nickname-Swordsman Alchemist

Age becoming a state alchemist-14

Hair color:Black

Hair style:Long,almost all the way across her back

Eye color:Goldish Brown.

Clothes:She wears a white t-shirt and black jeans.She wears black shoes,also.Sometimes,she wears a black jacket when going to nagotiate,hiding,etc.

Personality:She is calm,sometimes quiet,sometimes talks alot,depending on her mood.She hates being called short and sometimes agrees with people who say it.She is strict,also,when she leads a team or something.


Dislikes:Homunculi,her dad,Roy,dead animals,fish,some tall people,etc.


Alchemist ability:Yuki has an alchemy circle in her right hand(shaped from her veins somehow)and when she does alchemy to a solid srface,she makes swords out of it.When the swords break,she can't summon any more,so she does regular alchemy.

History:Yuki was a nice,plesant girl to be around with when she was little.She was nice,loved everyone there,and loved her mom.Her mom loved her tons,too.Her father got jelaous of her love from everyone and no one paying attention to him,so one day,he took Yuki out to the woods to go hunting for anials to bring back home.Instead,he tried to kill her.She ran away just in time,but she didn't know where she was.She has then been traveling by herself,until she met a good friend of hers named Yosuke,and they have been close ever since.Now,she tries to figure out where her home was and was going to go back and kill her father.But for now,she is a dog of the military...

She also has a disease and she has to take some pills every day,if she doesn't,she usually gets a high fever and usually faints from it if it's too high.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Name:Yosuke Sasake





Hair Color:Brown

Hair style:Like a normal guys,kinda like the shapes of Roys except shorter

Eye Color:Green

Clothes:He usually wears a black shirt with blue jeans and brown shoes...

Personality:He is a nice guy to everyone,sometimes even to his enemies.But when someone tries to pick on or hurt Yuki,he is very aggresive.But besides that,he's very nice...


Dislikes:Evil,mischief,some state alchemist,Scar,etc.

Crush:It sometimes it looks like he likes Yuki,but he doesn't.

Ability:Yosuke doesn't have a true power but fights most of the time with his fist and other body parts.

History:There is't much known about him,even for what Yuki knows.He was raised in a farm town and found Yuki taveling and went with her.No one knows where his parents are,though.
over a year ago kvang said…
whats an rp?
over a year ago Pauline_15 said…
I don't see any rp...
over a year ago fullmetal_ninja said…
big smile
That's cool!
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
can we be some of the characters from brotherhood if we can i wanna be winry
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Name: Alyssa Cane
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 106 lbs
Alchemist name: Frozen Alchemist
Alchemist ability: Ice
Age became Alchemist: 13
Hair color: Redish blonde
Hair Style: Pulled into a bun
Eye color: Blue-green
Clothes: White full- length dress with snow-flake patterns on it. Black flats.
Personality: Heart is stone cold after being betrayed by her family, and her boyfriend. Never shows mercy.
Likes: Honesty, Cats, and visiting her brothers grave in the winter,
Dislikes: Betrayal, her parents, Chocolate, Death of friends, Roy Mustang, love, warmth, trust, invasion of Space, people prying into her person affairs, Sluts, Whores, Valentines day, the color yellow, Dogs, Hamsters, People calling her by her name, her old boyfriend, People begging for mercy, Girls who are prettier than her, Hair-dye, being sick, Homunculi, Tin foil, and trampolines, Ect.
Background: She was born as a skilled alchemist a true prodigy, her older brother was always kind and supported her always. He was not very good at Alchemy. Their parents always seemed to be proud of there two children but one day when she was 7 everything went wrong, she was performing alchemy for her brother but he got to close to the Sub-0 ice and he froze to death. She who didn't know what to do, ran inside crying. The parents looked upset at their daughter and beat her nearly to death when she woke up in the hospital a week later she found out her parents moved and left her for dead. She lived with her best friend till she was recruited to become a state alchemist. After Training and becoming an alchemist she fell in love and for the longest time she was deceived that he love her too after a year and a half her boyfriend took everything she owned except for the clothes on her back and left her for dead.She currently struggles a bit with Trust.
Family: Chris (Brother deceased), Yvette( Mother), Ivan (Father)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Name: Joanna Winmer
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 102
Alchemist Name: The Slicing Alchemist
Alchemy Ability: Slicing things up
Age becoming a State Alchemist: 15
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Style: Down
Clothes: Pink hoodie , blue jeans and black sneakers. Sometimes wears military outfit.
Likes: Winry,the Elric Brothers,Roy Mustang,Riza Hawkeye,Mustang's team, Ling Yao,Lan Fan,May Chang,The Hughes Family, Mom,Dad,Pink, Purple and The Armstrong Family
Dislikes: Homunculi,Kimblee,people who think they are better than anyone,King Bradley,the color green,killing innoncent people,losing a friend or family member and getting hurt by someone she loves
Personality: moderate hopeless romantic,fights for people she loves and works to protect the people of amestris
History: born an only child learned basic alchemy at age 10 started mastering the logic of slicing alchemy at age 12. Got certified day of 15th birthday gets along best with fellow alchmist Edward Elric,Roy Mustang and Alex Louis Armstrong. Is curentlly a first lieutenant working to become general one day and is curently looking for someone to spend her nights together with
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LunaShay said…
*Looks above*Ah,people are joining.-w- You guys can start if you like,I need to work on my RPing skills..xD*Has not RP'd FMA in forever*

@Taiwan I don't mind,but you need at least one character,which I see you have..so yes.-w-
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Its getting to that time of year. I will visit his grave again.
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
(woohoo i can be winry)
just another day at central
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Winry I have a request for you
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: ok wat do you need
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
I found this kitty but its leg is cut off, I feel sorry for it could you give it automail on its leg?
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: sure i'll help this poor kitty
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Thank you
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: Your welcome i love helping out people and animals
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Cats are one of the few things that I like
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: wen u say that u kind of sound like alphonse he loves cats
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
I hate most things. Cats are not included
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: oh that's sad but atleast u found some happiness right
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: did i say something to offend you
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Nothing Just hurry up
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: ok i'll probably be done in 2 or 3 days
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
*scowls again*
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: *starts working on cat's automail*
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
*Plays with left glove*
I hope that cat is okay.
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: this little guy will be fine all i need to do is connect the nerves now
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: ok little guy this might hurt a bit *connects automail to cat's nerves*
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
*looks away*
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: it's ok little guy once i'm done putting on your automail you'll be all done
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: ok i'm all done
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
*smiles* Kitty! Okay I am gonna call him survivor
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: you don't need to charge me it's on the house
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
*Thinks its some kind of Ploy but leaves anyway*
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: wait i have 2 ask you something y did u come here that day beside the cat
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Name: Grant Archer
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Alchemist Name: Sonic Boom Alchemist
Age becoming Alchemist: 14
Looks: Wears military outfit sometimes mostly just wears blue jeans with a black shirt and converse style red shoes
Hair Color: Red
Hair Style: Short kind of long
Eye Color: brown
Personality: serious at times but a good guy he's kind , sweet , a romantic , a good fighter and a good friend
Likes: Blue, Roy Mustang , Edward Elric , Alphonse Elric , Winry Rockbell, Ling Yao, Lan Fan , May Chang , Mustang's Team , Riza Hawkeye and Izumi Curtis
Dislikes: Being left behind, Homnuculi, King Bradley, Kimblee, killing the innoncent and losing the people he loves
Crush: Joanna Winmer
History: Born an orphan both mother and father died in an accident
studied alchemy in foster's dad house , became state alchemist while visting central is currenly a major and loves Joanna Winmer but she doesn't know yet.
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: oh ok i just wanted to be sure
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
*Cat plays with my glove and it starts to fall off I franticly try to pull it back on*
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: you wear gloves 2 my friend Edward Elric wears gloves but he wears automail I guess he likes to hide his automail from the enemy
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: anyways have a good day!
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
I only wear the one.
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Name: Luke Carriedo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Weight: 165

Looks: Stupid, Very tall and Handsome

Hair color: Dark blond

Hair style: kinda spiky

Eye color: Blues

Personality: Happy-go-lucky

Likes: almost everything

Dislikes: Evil

Crush: Alyssa

History: His whole life everything was given to him. He doesn''t know when to quit
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: now that i'm thinking of ed i wonder if she is as reckless as him
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Alyssa: .... *Looks sad*
Luke: HEY ALYSSA!*Hugs Tightly*
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Winry: ed better not come back with his automail in pieces!
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Luke: You just looked sad
Alyssa: I was! You wouldn't know what its like to lose your entire family! I want him back so badly but I can't