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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Anime Question

I have a question... Why many girls have a crush on Edward Elric? And also, many girls are watching Fullmetal Alchemist than the boys... Why do you think it's like that?

ed is he attracts gals Lol
r260897 posted over a year ago
 Pauline_15 posted over a year ago
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Anime Answers

Gigglepud said:
I can't really help with the first question, because I can't explain why, but as for your question, there may be many reasons for that.

One of them could purely be because most guys don't actually get so into a show that they go so much trouble as to visit blogs, download pictures and comment and discuss the show on the internet. So the fandom doesn't know that there are such boy fans.

Another is just purely on the fact that more boys than girls think that anime is for kids or for girly girls, so they won't try any anime. And of course, unless they actually try a shonen or seinen anime, they wouldn't know how awesome it is and wouldn't give it a go.

Thirdly, I must say that while Fullmetal Alchemist is a good show with plenty of action, if you compare it to Naruto, Bleach and Death Note, the front covers and first impressions of Fullmetal Alchemist isn't actually that action-filled.
-This is because while fullmetal alchemist is about alchemists (which give of the nerd impression), Naruto is about ninjas (which is much more well known for their badassness) Bleach implies more violence(the only of the said series that has a sword in their DVD cover) and Death Note's plot sounds pretty epic (a guy who can kill people by writing their names on a notebook)

Of course, there are also many more other ideas, but these are the main ones I can think of at the moment.
And just for your interests, I am a girl. and in my class, 2 boys have watched fullmetal alchemist, and 5 girls have watched/read the anime or manga including me.
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posted over a year ago 
BeastBoyCahill said:
My guess for the first question, although I'm not a girl, would be because Edward Elric is AWESOME! He is such a cool character, he's almost my role model (:P). And I guess he's pretty handsome, despite the whole short thing.
As for the second question, I don't know, really? Are you sure? Cause I don't know, that doesn't make much sense. Did you get that idea from people at Fanpop? Because I've noticed that for some reason, Fanpop seems to have much more girls than guy users all in all, I don't know why. One of the Random club fan picks confirms this, showing that about 90% of those who took the pick were female.
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posted over a year ago 
No, I didn't get that idea from Fanpop... It's my own idea. But, I didn't know that some people get that idea, though...
Pauline_15 posted over a year ago
Taiwan01 said:
I guess girls like Ed because his cuteness and i guess either we either like to watch it because boy shows r better than girl ones or for the hot guys
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posted over a year ago 
zimsfriend said:
i like edward elric because it's like that whole thing about girls liking the pouty i don't care kind of guys. but elric is an awsome lovable character you feel sorry for.

i'm a girl and i watch more guy anime's then girl anime's firstly cause i'm not into mushy love stories and second i love the intense stories for animes with intense a girl i'm attracted to masculine things.
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posted over a year ago 
fullmetala162 said:
because the boys are jealous of Edward's awesomeness
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posted over a year ago 
iluvwinry4ever said:
the first answer is i guess that because Ed is.. i mean great, cute , handsome,sexy , hot and all XD and the second question is because girls likes anime that contains hot guys than rather boy do. XD. that's my answer i guess :P
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posted over a year ago 
barbiecat said:
well just to say a girl made this hole show and manga so it should be related to us girls in someway i mean they don't always have great fighting anime for girls, so this is just an opritunited for us thats all

and just to say there are almost more boys then girls who like this anime, the one who showed me this anime was really a GUY and not a girl

sorry if my answer is rod at all :) :P :D :/ :3
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posted over a year ago 
Alchemistlover said:
1. Because he's hot and has a great personality.
2 I don't know FMA and FMAB are very tragic serious non shonen like series and that scares boys away from it.
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posted over a year ago 
rikkeraa said:
I have a crush on Edward, because I feel sorry for him... I easily fall in love with people irl because I create a bond with them very quickly... Because I understand people... Because I know what its like to be sad, and feel like nothing is gonna be fine again... I bond with Edward too... His goofiness and his seriousness... And I mainly watch shonen/boys anime because I like action more than what the typical girl anime will look like...
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posted over a year ago 
Goldenfur51 said:
I'd say it's the same concept as Stardew Valley, where in that, since a guy made the game, all the girls were hot and the boys kind of sucked. Since a girl made Fullmetal Alchemist, then it's only natural that the guys are hotter than the girls.
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posted over a year ago 
Also, Ed was my first crush. :3
Goldenfur51 posted over a year ago
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