fry from futurama Updates

a photo was added: Fry from Futurama over a year ago by australia-101
a question was added: What do you like most about Fry? over a year ago by australia-101
a comment was made to the article: life of fry over a year ago by ecology
a link was added: over a year ago by spunkybean
an icon was added: futurama over a year ago by mrmacaw
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you prefer Fry or Bender? over a year ago by lano500
a comment was made to the answer: Ah yeah, he's so cute, and loyal, he waited his whole life for Fry to get out of the future. So sad when they found the body. :( over a year ago by Raledio
a comment was made to the answer: Ah yeah, he's so cute, and loyal, he waited his whole life for Fry to get out of the future. So sad when they found the body. :( over a year ago by anubis210
a comment was made to the poll: fry or leela over a year ago by Raledio
a comment was made to the poll: wich was better over a year ago by Raledio
an answer was added to this question: who likes frys little dog over a year ago by Raledio
a question was added: who likes frys little dog over a year ago by anubis210